"Ahh So that's what happened.

"Eat until you are old, learn to be old, you can watch carefully, as a foodie, I can also learn some knowledge invisibly."

"When it comes to information, you are the first, and no one dares to say that you are the second.


, brothers, hurry up and eat it while it's hot, don't you want to eat the food my dad cooked as soon as possible?"

"Mm-hmm, that makes sense, I'm going to learn with Coco.

"Come, eat. In

such a scene, Liu Dan had already picked up his mobile phone to take photos, and his days here were precious.

As a media person, Liu Dan is not willing to easily miss every beautiful moment.

"I still like this grilled fish, I never get tired of eating it.

"I like it too. "

Chen Jing's craftsmanship, they have completely surrendered.

is worthy of being a father, almighty.

Eating with them, Chen Jing himself was very happy, mainly because Chen Jing's mood at this time was rare and relaxed.

Being able to spend dinner time with his fans is also very precious to him.

This time, the meal lasted until eight o'clock in the evening, and the group also felt tired, so they left Chen Jing's house, and after they had just walked for ten minutes, the village chief knocked on Chen Jing's door.

"Uncle, please sit down and have some tea.

Chen Jing brought wolfberry tea and poured a cup for the village chief: "Just finished eating?"

"Yes." "

I met them on the way here, these young people, they were very energetic, and they mentioned that they were very satisfied and happy here, and it was a good start to have such a change in our village. The

village chief didn't expect this to be the result, in a small remote mountain village like theirs, there were still people from the city who were willing to travel all the way to travel.

Before, he couldn't have imagined it.

"Uncle, our village will get better and better in the future, everything is just the beginning, and there are more and more unexpected things to come, my village I want to take this opportunity to plan well.

"That's what I mean, the leaders above have always been very concerned about our development here, Chen Jing, I think this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, we can't miss it." "

As the village chief, he was prescient.

Although he is an elder and not as advanced as some young people in terms of thinking, the village chief is a person who thinks about the overall situation.

When something happens, he cares a lot.

What's more, it brings benefits to the villagers and the entire hometown.

Chen Jing showed a sincere smile: "Uncle, I am relieved to have your words, what I am thinking about now is about accommodation, our village might as well solve the accommodation problem first,"

although the village committee can also be the master, but after all, there are not a few people.

"You're asking a good question, let's also build a hotel in the village?"

"Uncle, it's too late to build a hotel now, and many procedures have to be handled. "

Obviously, the village chief's suggestion is unrealistic.

If there is a hotel or hostel in the village, it is indeed convenient, but that kind of project is not small, and it will also lose the rural atmosphere.

The village chief sighed with a sad expression: "What can I do?"

Seeing that there are more and more tourists, the things encountered will become more and more troublesome.

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