When he mentioned this, Liu Dan's eyes deepened, which was different from what had happened in the past.

Some people dared to hurt the people around Chen Jing, but they didn't hurt Chen Jing directly, in order to warn Chen Jing.

This is a wake-up call.

The car moved forward slowly, of course Chen Jing knew what this meant, and it was because he knew, because he knew, that Chen Jing did not show too strong feelings in vain.

Those who are familiar with him know that Chen Jing was already angry at this time, and the angry fireworks were burning violently in his heart.

Zhang Wei, who was sitting next to him, wanted to speak, but didn't dare to speak.

"Brother Chen... This thing... Who do you think did it?"

Zhang Wei's inquiry was answered by Chen Jing.

His eyes were aimlessly looking at the scenery outside, his voice was faint, and his eyes were sharp.

"Who else could it be, except for the Fang family. "

I can't find a second person who contradicts him, just because he understands it clearly.

Chen Jingke didn't think of anyone else.

When mentioning the Fang family, Zhang Wei slammed his hands on his thighs fiercely, and his lips were tightly pursed.

"That's... The people of the Fang family are deceiving people too much, Brother Chen, let's go sue him. "

These people think they have a few stinky money

, is it amazing? Zhang Wei's meaning, in fact, Chen Jing understands it very well, but in

fact, Chen Jing, who is leaning on the backrest, smiled slightly, and said: "How can it be as simple as you think, although the Fang family is nothing, of course, this is nothing in our eyes, in fact, it is not."

Liu Dan, who was driving, echoed Chen Jing and said: "Brother Chen is right, the Fang family is the Fang family after all, he is well-known in the whole city, offending the Fang family... It's better to think long-term.

"What's the point of thinking in the long run, what's the point? If you want me to say, sue them directly! Why bother with so much nonsense!" Zhang

Wei, who has always been short-tempered, didn't want to watch Chen Jing being bullied by the people of the Fang family.

It's obvious that you can't get along with people.

"You, you're just impulsive!" Liu

Dan smiled faintly.

On the contrary, Chen Jing sat there without any special reaction.

Chen Yu's incident seemed to be an accident, but it was actually not an accident.

"Go see the people of the Fang family.

Chen Jing said suddenly.

Liu Dan and Zhang Weiqi looked at Chen Jing in disbelief.

"Brother Chen..."

"Zhang Wei, I know you have a way to meet the people of the Fang family.

Zhang Wei scratched his head and nodded: "Yes, I can, I do!"

"In that case, let's go."

Liu Dan turned the car around again and drove them to their destination, but halfway through, Chen Jing received a strange phone call.

He frowned and stared at the number on his

phone, and the familiar voice came from the phone, and the man's tone was smug.

"A gift for you, do you like it?"

"The grievances between you and me involve innocent people, it is not a trivial matter. "

Oh, I'm giving you a little lesson this time, Chen Jing, it's you who toasts and doesn't eat and drink, and it's your biggest mistake to go against my family." "

Heh... Then I also have a sentence to explain to Mr. Fang, if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself, and I also have a gift for Mr. Fang, I hope you are happy.

After finishing speaking, Chen Jing hung up the phone with a snap.

The corners of his lips slightly hooked up a sneer.

This was a silent challenge

to them! Liu Dan and Zhang Wei could tell from his conversation that Chen Jing was going to declare war on them.

Although, Zhang Wei also wanted the Fang family to learn a lesson, but Brother Chen might be their opponent.

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