"I like roasted sugar cane, Aunt Peach Blossom, let's get started, I've seen a lot of little money flying towards us.

Coco hugged the sugar cane and cheered.

Yesterday, she and Aunt Peach Blossom earned a lot of small money, but Coco was happy, and Xu Xuanhua was also happy.

"Coco, let's hurry up and prepare, and we'll be out of the stall in a while. "


Coco nodded happily.

A big girl and a little girl prepared the materials, and Chen Jing was on the side to help.

Vegetables are to be picked today and packaged and sent to buyers tomorrow.

"Peach Blossom, I'll go out, everything is ready, just go out of the stall after it's ready." "

With Xu Taohua here, Chen Jing is not worried.


After Chen Jing went out, he went straight to the vegetable greenhouse, and after the employees received the cucumbers, they were packing.

When the migrant workers saw Chen Jing, their faces were happy.

The aunt smiled: "Chen Jing, come and see how our packaging is." I look at it so exquisite.

"It's proper, it's proper, hahaha... This is the best packaging I've ever seen. "

Long haul packed and kept intact.


"Our business is just good. A

few people got together and chatted while packing.

After Chen Jing checked the packaging, he also followed with the cucumbers.

"Ladies and aunts have worked hard, with you here, our delivery speed and delivery volume have increased a lot. "

These are speeds that are visible to the naked eye.

"Hahaha... You kid just can talk, we're all croppers, and we've always been realistic.

"Folks, let's not engage in hypocrisy. Laughter

and laughter.

Chen Jing followed with a smile, sometimes it is quite interesting to be with these elders, everyone is simple and kind, Chen Jing recruits them to work, and he also has his own considerations.

After all, they are all trustworthy people.

"Okay, you guys get busy first, I'll look elsewhere.

"Okay. After

coming out, Chen Jing walked around a few greenhouses, and everything was very good.

Chen Jing, who was standing under the tree, poked away, and his mobile phone rang suddenly.

A text message jumped into view.

[Things are already in order. A

stone in Chen Jing's heart was placed on the ground.

[Thank you.] After sending a short two-word speed, Chen Jing put away his phone with satisfaction.

On the way back, when Chen Jing passed by Chen Kang's house, he did not go in, and since he and the uncle's family resolved the conflict back then, he and the uncle tacitly did not mention it again.

In fact, Chen Jing's heart is somewhat embarrassing.

"Brother Chen Jing..." Chen

Kang rushed out of it, pushing a small cart with oranges on it.

"Are you going to sell?"

"I saw that so many people finally came, why do you want to do some small business, yesterday I went to the city to get some goods, today to try the effect."

When he said it, Chen Kang was a little embarrassed.

Seeing that Chen Jing's career is booming, Chen Kang, as a younger brother, is very envious.

It is much better for the family to have such an awareness than those who eat and wait for the waste to die.

Chen Jing was very pleased: "Do it well, others can, and you are not bad." "

Hey, thank you, brother.

Chen Kang, who was excited, pushed the cart to the direction of the village entrance, but Chen Kang still mentioned it during the period.

"My eldest brother will be home tomorrow. "

Jian Chen is coming back?"

"In the past, Jian Chen would come back when the Chinese New Year was approaching, but now there are still more than two months before the Chinese New Year.

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