"Traffickers who have lost their conscience, damn it, let you lie to our children and kill you.

Although Guo Lizhen is a woman, she is not light, and the two traffickers, who are already very miserable, are crying out in pain at this time.


, I was wrong...""Now I know that I was wrong, why didn't the children who abducted and trafficked people think that they were wrong, and they didn't know the pain and didn't repent, and beat you to death." Guo

Lizhi was ruthless.

"Don't beat them to death, they must have other children in their hands, hand them over to the police.


"Calm down, be calm. "

Auntie, I'm fine, throw them to the police uncle.

Coco pointed at them angrily.

Stopped by everyone, Guo Lizhen stepped aside, and they took the two traffickers to the police station.

Chen Jing and Keke were the parties, and they went together.

Xu Taohua followed behind, and she was also an eyewitness to this incident.

The group drove to the police station, and when the police officers at the police station saw Chen Jing, they smiled with familiar eyes: "Isn't this Chen Jing, a big celebrity in Qingxi Village, how are you..."

At the mention of human traffickers, the policemen's faces immediately became serious and turned in the direction of the traffickers.

When they saw their blue noses and swollen faces and dying, their expressions were a little weird.

This cup is not lightly beaten.

"Okay, let's talk about the situation. "

They followed the police inside.

This time, the news of Coco's abduction has quickly appeared on the Internet.

Someone even hit Coco's idea.

Chen Jing and Coco's fans were furious and wanted to kill the traffickers.

Of course, there are also people who have gone too far and started doxing the traffickers.

On the Internet, there is a lot of discussion.

When this incident was in full swing, it snowed heavily in Qingxi Village.

Although it is southern, it is also close to the north.

At the confluence of the north and south, Cheonggye Village has several heavy snowfalls every winter, and it is not easy to melt.

In the blink of an eye, it was already deep winter.

Heavy snow covers the mountains, and many foreign tourists are gradually becoming scarce.

It is close to the end of the year, there is no holiday, many people go to work and go to school, and the next is the holiday, but most of them go back for the New Year.

The whole small mountain village is a lot quieter.

The villagers are back to their old lives!

Coco, who came out of the house, hugged the hot water bottle and sighed hotly: "Dabi, it's snowing again." "

Yes, it's snowing again, hurry up and get warm in the house, don't catch a cold."

Chen Jing in the house came out and picked up the broom on the side, intending to clear the snow.

Coco was wearing a cute bear hat, she shook her head, and said stubbornly, "Coco wants to watch Daddy work." "

Yo, is Keke supervising his father's work?"

Chen Jing said with a smile.

Coco snorted, "That's right." "

Stinky girl. "


When Chen Jing was clearing the snow, a person hurriedly came in outside, it was Chen Kang who was carrying a basket.

"Uncle Chen Kang, what is this?"

Coco came over curiously, and when she saw that it was a live fish inside, Coco happily stretched out her hand and touched the big koi.

"I broke the ice in the river and caught it, one by one. "

Uncle Chen Kang is amazing.

Coco clapped her hands happily.

"You're not a child anymore, you even went to the river, Chen Kang, you owe a lesson. "

Hey, hey... I'm an adult, I'm measured, Brother Chen Jing, don't worry. This happens to be given to Coco, seeing that Coco has lost a lot of weight recently, it must have been frightened last time, and I was kind enough to give Coco to eat. "

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