Guo Lizhen now recalls the scene when she saw Chen Yu in the hospital, and her heart is very flustered.

Chen Yu, who was lying on the bed, was motionless, unable to open his eyes, lying there quietly as if something terrible had happened, which was extremely frightening and worrying for Guo Lizhen.

At the end of the day, she's just a weak woman.


feeling the fear of his wife, Chen Yu limped forward and hugged Guo Lizhen.

He gently patted Guo Lizhi's back gently, and tried his best to speak in a gentle voice: "Wife, marrying you is my greatest blessing, and I will definitely cherish our family and our hard-won happiness."

After having Chen Yu's assurance, Guo Lizhi nodded again and again: "Then you can't break your word."

"Of course not, I still want to grow old with you and take care of my grandson together."

"I hate it, our children are still young, what do you want to do now?"

Guo Li burst into tears and laughed, pretending to be angry and hammered Chen Yu.

The relationship between the couple is close again.

Chen Yu walked around in the yard, and the snow outside stopped again.

He knew he had to load the food on the bus today.

Chen Yu, who had been lying at home for a few months, decided to go out to help.

Along with Chen Yu is Guo Lizhen.

The husband and wife stepped on the thick snow and walked in the direction of the greenhouse.

At this time, the direction of the greenhouse is unusually lively, and there are quite a lot of people who come to collect vegetables.

Everyone was very orderly and busy.

"Brother Chen, all the dishes here have been loaded, let's go first, and Brother Zhang will contact you for other things later.

"Okay, brothers, have worked hard, I will invite you to dinner another day, and everyone will have a good rest along the way." "

Brother Chen, goodbye!" Chen

Jing waved goodbye to them.

As for other channel providers, they are also loading, and the speed of the workers is very fast, everyone is a diligent person, and they are very good at their work.

Chen Jing is very relieved of them, and everyone's state at work is presented in the eyes of everyone.

One of the bosses, dressed in a large padded jacket, rubbed his hands together and had a cigarette in his mouth.

This is the first batch of channel providers contacted by Chen Jing.

He smiled: "Brother, you are doing a good business, you are the most different talent I have ever seen, and now your deeds are publicized everywhere on the Internet, including our town, and the city, not only Internet celebrities, but also role models for many people." That's


The people above deliberately promoted Chen Jing's propaganda, which has brought a lot of income to the local economy.

Half of the credit for these goes to Chen Jing.

"It's not my credit alone, everyone is reciprocal. "

Hahahaha... You're really talkative, my big brother.

After the two chatted for a while, the man went to check the loading.

Since the villagers here have not yet popularized online payment, Chen Jing and the channel merchants discussed using cash as much as possible, and then using other settlement methods when the time is ripe.

Fortunately, the partners were quite understanding, didn't say anything, and responded directly.

So, Chen Jing got a lot of cash.

This can arouse the envy and eye fever of many people, He Jingjing originally came to take a look at it casually, but unexpectedly happened to bump into the settlement scene.

That bag of cash is quite a lot! At

least hundreds of thousands, and the peasants are now able to make so much money?

It's a little unbelievable to say.

He Jingjing stood outside, and inside was a red banknote.

"Jingjing... Jingjing.

Chen Jian's voice came from afar, He Jingjing pouted unhappily, why bother her at this time, disappointing the fun.

He Jingjing was unwilling to go back from the back of the crowd, and Chen Jian, who was running towards him, almost fell, he smiled: "Jingjing, don't worry, I didn't fall."

He Jingjing scolded the quintessence of the country in her heart.

She wouldn't worry about Jian Chen's stupidity at all, she wanted to have no figure, she had to look average, but compared to Chen Jing, it was just a heaven and a place.

Chen Jing is so able to make money, if he can get in touch with Chen Jing, he will find a suitable opportunity to kick Chen Jian at that time.

According to her observation, Chen Jing is not easy to hook up with.

"What are you doing here? Are you here to help your cousin?"

When Chen Jing was mentioned, Jian Chen's expression was very ugly: "Thinking of beauty, it is impossible for me and him." He

Jingjing's expression softened: "Your cousin earns a lot of money, his current job is really profitable, I just saw..."

After hearing He Jingjing's words, Jian Chen hesitated: "Is it really that profitable?" "

A big bag of cash, at least hundreds of thousands. Jian Chen, your cousin is really rich.

He Jingjing pointed to something, and said: "If we have so much money, we can also buy a house in the city, why bother living in such a cold place in the countryside."

As she spoke, she noticed the change in Jian Chen's expression, and He Jingjing immediately spoke: "Jian Chen, don't think too much, the money belongs to someone else, not ours, and I don't want to see a conflict between you and your cousin." She

said all the good and bad things, and Jian Chen felt that his girlfriend was so cute.

Obviously very kind, especially for their own sake, why don't the family just like Jingjing, they must be jealous of Jingjing.

Excellent Jingjing does not belong to them, this is naked jealousy.

"Baby, don't worry, with me, I will definitely be able to make you live a good life.

Jian Chen hugged He Jingjing for sure, and his reaction was completely as He Jingjing expected.

The other side.

When everyone finished loading and unloading all the vegetables and sent away the channel business bosses, Chen Jing began to pay salaries, and they paid wages on the spot.

The big guys are happily lining up.

"I see, this is the year of Ruixue Zhaofeng. "

Haha... The first time I waited for my salary in the snow, the experience was different.

"I can finally get the money, and I can go to the city to buy some new clothes for my children to wear for the New Year."

"You're really dead-eyed, you don't pay your salary and buy whatever you want. The money you earn is not distressing to spend. "


everyone laughed.

All the employees lined up, waiting to receive their wages, and Chen Jing paid wages on the spot, and conducted a live broadcast, and he did nothing to cheat.

The salary is real, and so is the career.

Everyone is lucky through the income of their labor.

[It was found at the scene that Dad was domineering.

[I just heard my dad say that there is a year-end bonus, my God, our spicy chicken company, not to mention the year-end bonus, and there is no quarterly bonus. [

Boom, all of a sudden, I really want to go to work at Kedda's. 】

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