What the hell is the mountain baby?

Chen Jing got out of bed, he wore a cotton drag, and walked outside, looking at Qingxi Mountain in the distance, which was covered with snow.

In the winter, what treasures can there be?

Could the system be deceiving him, Chen Jing walked to Coco's room, the child was taking a nap inside, and Chen Kang didn't know where to go.

Chen Jing, who had changed his clothes, got up and went to Qingxi Mountain, where the snow kept falling.

There was no one else on the way, and Chen Jing stepped on the thick snow to go up the mountain.

"System, where's my mountain baby?"

[Please ask the host to find it on its own.]


system is not very intimate, so Chen Jing continued to walk forward.

The more he went inside, the quieter it became, Qingxi Mountain was very large, and he had never visited the whole mountain.

The outside of this mountain is OK, and the deepest part of the mountain is not recommended to go, which belongs to the deep mountains and old forests.

Accidents are inevitable, and generations of people have only gone there in search of food in the poorest of times.

According to the elders, there is danger inside, and no one knows what danger it is, only that the more you go inside, the more dangerous it is, and this Cheonggyeshan Mountain is very big.

Chen Jing looked at the time, shuttled through the mountains and forests, and about an hour later, he walked through the dense woods, and what caught his eye was patches of persimmon trees.

Hanging on it is fruitful.

"Lots of persimmon trees.

Chen Jing said in surprise.

If the fruit on it is plucked, he can make persimmons.

A grand blueprint flashed in Chen Jing's mind, and he suddenly felt a little interesting.

The system is quite good at finding something to do for him!

These projects of picking persimmons require the work of the villagers, and Chen Jing immediately took a photo.

But Chen Jing suddenly stopped!

The sound of squirming, Chen Jing turned around, and he saw a little monkey standing on a branch.

The monkey has large nostrils, thick lips, no cheek pouches, golden hair, and a body length of about six or seven hundred millimeters.

It is not unusual to encounter any animals in this mountain, and there must be many animals in the deep mountains and old forests.

Chen Jing turned around to leave, but there was another sound behind him, and Chen Jing stopped.

He looked back and saw that the golden monkey had jumped down and was following him.

"Little one, don't follow me, I'm going home.

Chen Jing made a gesture of waving his hand, but unexpectedly, the monkey screamed, and after jumping twice in front of Chen Jing, it walked forward, and did not forget to look back at Chen Jing.

The monkey was clearly motioning for him to follow.

Chen Jing followed the monkey, shuttling through the mountains and forests, and after arriving at an unknown place, Chen Jing finally understood why the monkey called him.

These are rare herbs!

Unlike the cold snow outside, the temperature here is warm, and most importantly, the weeds that grow in this area for many years.

Absolutely, amazing!

"Brother Monkey, you are so powerful.

Chen Jing gave a thumbs up, his eyes full of excitement.

The little monkey screamed twice, as if he was proud of virtue.

After being complimented, you want to be praised by others.

Chen Jing's eyes were slightly different, the monkey was too spiritual, and he suddenly remembered the words of the system, and signed in to the whole mountain of treasures.

Could it be that

the monkey is also one of the treasures?

It must be like this!

On this mountain, what kind of treasure is hidden in the background, Chen Jing is eager to know.

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