"All the villagers in Qingxi Village have paid attention, and all the adults who are idle at home have gathered in the small square and taken the urea bags at home..."

When many villagers heard the sound, they came out of their homes one after another, and everyone put their hands together and asked, "Eh, what the hell is going on, the village chief didn't make it clear."

"On such a cold day, I don't want to go out at all. "

I'm cold, let my family go out, I don't want to go out and get cold." "

What the hell is going on

?" "What are you talking about?" We'll find out if we take something with us.

"Yes, hurry, let's hurry over. The

big guys were curious, and deliberately sent the idlers out of the house.


"Chen Yu, you hurry up and pack up, I watched the people in the village go to the small square, and I looked at the stones at home.

Guo Lizhi dusted the snow off her hair.

Chen Yu in the room shouted: "Coming, coming, let's not be in a hurry, it will take a while to gather, I just don't know what the village chief is doing on such a cold day?" At this point, Chen Yu

couldn't guess.

"I think it's a good thing, okay, you hurry over. "

Eh, wife, you've always been anxious. "

Hmph, I know that I am urgent, you hurry, don't grind, I look tired, it is better for you to stay at home and take care of the stone, I will go."

Chen Yu quickly rushed out of the house.

"Don't, the little cub cries endlessly, you take care of the little cub at home, I'll go first. "

When it comes to children, Chen Yu runs faster than rabbits.

After arriving at the small square, the village chief had already arrived, and after seeing that the big guy was almost here, the village chief said: "Chen Jing found a persimmon forest in the mountain, and he decided to confiscate all this persimmon forest to the village, which was discovered by Chen Jing, so... Now you follow the golden mountain to pick persimmons. The

village chief chattered endlessly, and after explaining the ins and outs of the matter, he led the villagers to the mountains, led by Chen Jing.

I thought it might be Chen Jingyu who deceived everyone, but I didn't think it was necessary, but some people have lived in the village for decades and don't know that there is a persimmon forest in the mountain.

In fact, when they got there, the big guy was so shocked that he was speechless for a while.

"That's a lot... That's a lot of persimmons.

"Oh my God, I thought Chen Jing was dreaming, and now I want to know if I'm dreaming. "

Someone subconsciously pinched themselves.

When I felt the pain, I felt a deep sense of joy on my face.

"These persimmons, my god ... That's a lot!" The

reaction of the villagers was the same as that of the fans in Chen Jing's live broadcast room.

[I really want to eat persimmons.]

[I want to eat persimmons, and the persimmons made from such persimmons must be very delicious. [

Wow, wow, envy

!] [What you think of is eating, is it only me who thinks of the pattern of the anchor?] The pattern of the anchor is bigger!] [

The anchor did not swallow privately, but gave all the credit to everything, to be honest, I am not as generous as the anchor.

[It's just a trick to please people.] [

Buying people's hearts.

[You can't see anyone, okay, no matter what the anchor thinks, at least people do it, what are you qualified to say?]

The excitement of the live broadcast room has always been like this.

After beckoning the villagers to start moving, the village chief happily watched everyone work.

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