He Jingjing didn't wait for Jian Chen's response, and was extremely unhappy in her heart.

"I'm talking to you, you're deaf.

Chen Jian, who quietly came back to his senses, said in a small voice: "From the village."

He Jingjing, who was standing on the side, was smiling, and there were indeed other emotions in her eyes.

The words are spoken, with a sour taste.

"There is such a good-looking girl in your village, why haven't I heard of you, she won't be the village flower of your village, many young men in your village like to look at her. "

A lot of people look at her?"

Chen Jian's heart moved, and he couldn't help but look around quietly, there were indeed young men looking at Su Lanzhi.

"Work and work.

Jian Chen was a little impatient, He Jingjing noticed that something was wrong, she went up and grabbed Jian Chen's ear, and asked: "Say, what do you mean, Jian Chen, I find you very strange now, seeing that woman is talking to me differently now, let's say, do you like her too."

"Jingjing, I have a lot to learn from you, how can I like others, I only have you in my heart... Jingjing... Eh, it hurts, Jingjing is watched by so many people..."

There is no shortage of gossip people in the village.

Some villagers laughed happily: "Jian Chen, I made your daughter-in-law angry."

"Girl, this man also wants to save face outside, and if there is anything to do, go home and close the door. The

villagers laughed.

Jian Chen's face was slightly red, and he was embarrassed by himself.

It's a lot of commotion here.

As Chen Jian's father and mother, they were laughed at by the villagers.

It's hard to get over face.

"Your good son.

Chen Zhengang complained to Xu Lan, threw all the things in his hand to Xu Lan, and he went to the side to smoke alone.

In the whole village, no one knew that Jian Chen was afraid of his wife and had no ability.

Knowing this, he shouldn't have agreed to Jian Chen coming back with his girlfriend in the first place.

Look around, find an ignorant girlfriend, and create evil.

Chen Zhengang, who was squatting under the tree, sighed while smoking.

As her own mother, Xu Lan didn't want to get together with these old women at all, and He Jingjing's matter did smear their family.

Originally, the old man was reluctant to borrow money from Chen Jing, but now he is making such a fuss.


most difficult thing now is the marriage between Chen Jian and He Jingjing, the bride price of 200,000 yuan, plus other miscellaneous things, this is a sky-high bride price for their family.

And -

there is also a young son at home, which costs a lot.


Chen Jing's voice came, Chen Zhengang glanced at him, and hummed lightly.

Regarding the affairs of their family, Chen Jing knew very clearly.

"This time you did a good job, the people in the village will remember your goodness, Chen Jing, do a good job, but also revitalize our family. As

for other words, Chen Zhengang is reluctant to say more, at his age, many times face and family glory are the most important.

Even if there is a conflict, in front of outsiders, you must preserve your dignity.

"Uncle has won awards. "

Chen Jing... Come here, here... The water here is warm, so come and see. Someone

shouted excitedly.

When Chen Jing heard this, he immediately ran in their direction,

warm water? How could there be warm water on such a cold day?

Could it be—

a guess flashed in Chen Jing's mind.

After hearing the sound, the big guys rushed to it.

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