The villagers who saw it were pointing behind their backs.

"Look at him... It's good that my son isn't like that.

"A daughter-in-law can still control a man, if I have such a daughter-in-law, I will go back to my parents' house directly."

"Lan, you have to be stronger, we can't let our daughter-in-law suppress our mother-in-law, otherwise this family will be chaotic in the future." The

villagers seem to be caring, but they are actually watching jokes, Xu Lanpi is not smiling, embarrassed and angry, such a thing at home is very bad for anyone.

Along the way, Xu Lan lived like a year, hurriedly catching up with Chen Zhengang's footsteps.

Even if he walked farther, he still seemed to be able to hear their chatter.

This time, the big guy is fully loaded.


Jinghe, the village chief, and others returned to the village committee, and they wanted to discuss the next step.

The development of hot springs is a big project, and the first thing you need to do is to talk to the people above, and only after you have obtained the qualifications can you prepare to exploit the hot springs.

The stakes are very high, and the group continued to discuss in the village committee.

Those who can enter the village committee for discussion are all powerful, and they have quite a status in the village.

After many people saw Chen Jing inside, they were more envious.


Lan, who has been secretly competing, felt a little uncomfortable, and on the way back, she happened to meet Chen Kang.

"Chen Kang, go home.

"No, I don't reply.

Chen Kang said stubbornly.

"You are all mother's children, your brothers have conflicts, the hardest thing to do is me and your father, Chen Kang, don't be so ignorant. "

Outsiders will only laugh when they know about it.

There have been some rumors in the village for a long time, Xu Lan tugged at Chen Kang's sleeve, ready to take him home.

"When will that woman get out, when will I go home, my current home is not mine, Mom... You don't have to call me home, I'll only quarrel with that woman when I go back.

Thinking about it like this, her mother didn't want to live in a quarrel every day, but after Xu Lan stopped talking, she was thinking about other things.

He never urged Chen Kang to go back.

Xu Lan glanced back at the direction of the village committee, said seriously, and said: "Your brother Chen Jing is not ordinary now, you also study hard with him, the best way to mention entering the village committee work, Chen Kang, this is a good opportunity."

At his mother's words, Chen Kang's eyes were slightly stunned, and then his brows furrowed deeply.

"I know my own affairs, and I will do this by myself. "


Chen Kang's attitude was completely indifferent, and Xu Lan watched Chen Kang leave.

Xu Lan in the back was unwilling.

"If you don't go, your brother should always be obedient, they are all from the same village, I don't believe that the village chief will favor one over the other. "

The young man in Qingxi Village, his son has also made a difference, but he has been mixed up in the big city.

It's also easy to find a job in the village.

Today's Qingxi Village is unusually lively.

After discovering the hot spring water, the big guy was eagerly discussing, and many people were thinking about it in their hearts.

The only idea is that they're going to get rich.

First it was a persimmon forest, and now it is a hot spring.

It's really going to be sent!

" Daddy...

Coco's voice came from outside, the little girl was dressed roundly, and the village chief came out and helped Coco in time.

"Baby, looking for your father. "

Mmmm, village chief grandfather, I have something to do with my father, and there is a guest at home. "

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