The two chatted because of this matter, and Chen Jing never expected it.

Li Chuncao in the past seems to have changed!

Probably this is the change of a woman after she gets married, no matter what happens to the person she marries, some married women will accept their fate, which Chen Jing disagrees with.

"Chen Jing, can't you agree? I'm begging you!" Li

Chuncao knelt down in front of Chen Jing with a pout, and Chen Jing, who was startled, immediately sat up.

"What are you doing here?"

"Chen Jing, please help me!" Li

Chuncao looked at Chen Jing with tears in his eyes, whether Li Chuncao volunteered today, his friendship with Li Chuncao's classmates should end here.

"I promise.

Chen Jing said.

Hearing this, Li Chuncao excitedly said thank you: "Thank you, thank you very much."

"There is only one time, if the Fang family continues to deal with me, then don't blame me for being ruthless.

Chen Jing put down the cruel words, Li Chuncao's face changed slightly, and she nodded stiffly.

For the rest, the two of them didn't say much, in fact, when it came to this point today, Li Chuncao had already expected a certain possibility.

She seemed to be unwilling, and after hesitating for a moment, she asked, "Chen Jing, we... Will we still be able to get in touch in the future?"

But Li Chuncao still wanted to know.

"It's normal for classmates to be in contact with each other. A

sentence smashed on Li Chuncao's heart, a little sour, and there was a trace of sadness in Li Chuncao's eyes at this time.

"Can we only be classmates?"

"Teacher Li, you are married, and I am also married and have children, I hope you can understand."

Chen Jing didn't smile, his face was a little different when he talked about this, and it could be seen that Chen Jing was a little angry, and Li Chuncao expected it.

I was unwilling to do so, so I had to open my mouth at this time, saying, "I know! Thank you for this, I'll go first." "


Seeing his indifferent attitude, Li Chuncao sadly covered his heart and ran out.

Coco in the courtyard saw her figure speeding away, a little curious and worried.

"Dabi, Mr. Li seems to be crying.

"Don't worry about the affairs of adults and children.

Chen Jing said.


Coco nodded.

I hope this is the last time, and he himself doesn't want to have anything else to do with Li Chuncao.

Fang Wenjiang's matter ends here.

From then on, the water of the well did not interfere with the water of the river.

Snowflakes are falling in the sky.

Qingxi Village is white, and the village chief has gone to the town to report the hot springs found on the mountain, and the leaders attach great importance to it once the development is successful.

The GDP of the whole town and even the city is rising, which is definitely a good thing for the development of the hometown.

However, some people are more concerned about hot springs.

For example, Chen Zhengang's family, as well as

——、 Chen Miaomiao and Su Lanzhi's family, their minds have begun to be restless.

So, together with the other villagers, they went to the village chief's house.

When the village chief returned from the town, he heard some noise in the house from afar.

It's not so lively on weekdays.

"The village chief is back. Someone


After the village chief came in, he saw many people standing in the courtyard of his house, the village chief's eyes narrowed slightly, looked at them, and asked lightly: "What is the matter with you getting together, it is difficult for you to go out on weekdays, and it is really not easy to come out on a snowy day now." "

The yin and yang weirdness makes other people a little unnatural.

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