"After Chen Jing came back, he made a lot of contributions to the village, and he was a big celebrity in the heart of the village chief, we are different from Chen Jing, people have capital!" Su

Lanzhi's tone was melancholy when Chen Jing was mentioned.

After Chen Miaomiao noticed Su Lanzhi's mood change, she secretly regretted it: "I'm sorry, Sister Lanzhi, I shouldn't have Chen Jing in front of you. "

It's okay, after all, I'm not worthy of Chen Jing, don't mention it in the future." "

What was past, what is gone.

But onlookers can see that Su Lanzhi can't let go of immersion.

Chen Miaomiao, who has always been a loyal fan of Su Lanzhi, in her heart, Su Lanzhi is more than enough with Chen Jing.

Chen Jing now has a few stinky money and looks down on them.

"Sister Lanzhi, you are just too kind.

"Alright, let's go back! and... Let's not mention the matter of hot springs in the future, the village chief has the arrangement of the village chief, and we are not as capable as Chen Jing after all. It

seems to be a forgiving word, but in fact, the listener has a heart, Chen Miaomiao pouted, and her mood was particularly unhappy.

Su Lanzhi, who secretly looked at Chen Miaomiao, flashed a trace of pride in her eyes.

The two went home one after another.

Chen Miaomiao, a girl, sat on the chair with an unhappy face after returning home.

A woman came out with a broom in her hand.

"Dead girl, you're lazy again.

Liu Fenghua shouted at the top of her voice.

Chen Miaomiao rolled her eyes, feeling very uncomfortable.

Liu Fenghua, who returned to the house, hugged a pile of clothes and threw them to Chen Miaomiao: "Dead girl, what are you doing in a daze... Hurry up and wash

your brother's clothes, dead girl, your brother is waiting to wear it!" Liu Fenghua poked Chen Miaomiao's forehead fiercely, the aching Chen Miaomiao pushed Liu Fenghua away, she yelled dissatisfiedly: "He likes to wear it or not, he runs naked with his bare ass when he has no clothes to wear, he is eighteen years old, he is too lazy to die all day, just die."

"Dead girl, what are you talking about, your brother is the only seedling in the family, if you die, he can't die, and there are no good words in his mouth every day." "


Chen Miaomiao ran out, ignoring Liu Fenghua, who was scolding and scolding behind her.

None of the things are going well now.

This is definitely a top priority and a happy event for the entire Qingxi Village!

Since the village chief returned from the town, the village committee has held a meeting again, and Chen actually wants to attend.

"Very good, just do as Chen Jing said.

"The next thing we're going to do is to meet the leaders. "

Hehe, village chief, I haven't seen the big leaders in the city yet.

"Look at your appearance, the leader is here, and it would be great if the big leader above came again.

"Everything is possible!"

Chen Jing smiled: "Those who should come will always come, what we have to do is to wait for them to come." "


The speed of the people above was very fast, and the next day, the people above arrived, and they took the surveyors to Qingxi Village together, and the villagers all knew.

Coco, who was standing at the door of the house, looked into the distance with a broom, and there were a lot of people gathered.

"Coco, Coco..."

The person sent from the distance was none other than Huzi, who was dressed round like a little fat pig.

"Brother Huzi, what kind of hat are you?" Coco

stared curiously at the hat on Huzi's head.

"It's like a little tiger.

Huzi raised his head proudly: "My grandmother sewed a hat for me, this is a tiger, today is the Year of the Tiger, so grandma got me a tiger head hat." "

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