How good can Yang Yizhi's nephew be, he is an enlightened parent, and he will never do anything like a baby with others.

In case of poor character and ugly appearance in the future.

Isn't it a trick for his own children!

Chen Jing doesn't like this set.

"You, wash the dishes and eat hot pot at noon.

Chen Jing picked up the basket and handed it to Zhang Wei, and in the corner of the yard, there were a lot of fresh vegetables.

You can still eat fresh vegetables in winter, Zhang Weimei grinned.

"I promise to wash it clean.

Chen Jing picked up the knife and sharpened it, Chen Kang bought more mutton a few days ago, just under the hot pot, the lamb chops can also be put in.

I like to eat hot pot in winter, so Chen Jing prepared a lot of hot pot ingredients, and bought a lot of hairy belly.

Chen Jing, who was cutting meat in the kitchen, shouted, "Coco, go call your Uncle Chen Kang and ask him to come back for hot pot."

"Okay, I'll go!"

Coco ran back to the hall, picked up the phone and dialed Chen Kang's phone: "Uncle Chen Kang, come back for dinner, my dad made a hot pot, uh-huh... Okay! Uncle Chen Kang is waiting for you!"

After hanging up the phone, Coco came out: "Uncle Chen Kang will come over in a moment."

Zhang Wei, who was by the pool, asked, "Where

is Chen Kang?" "Uncle Chen Kang is carrying persimmons in the village committee, come over immediately."

When it comes to persimmons, Zhang Wei asked: "Brother Chen, have you chosen the location of the factory?"

"I have already discussed with the village chief that the factory will be built in this village, and as for the land, the villagers will be settled at the normal price! After the success of the persimmon farm, it will begin to recruit workers, and many machinery and equipment and other things will follow up in the future, and now what we want to do is pure handmade products."

Chen Jing had already thought of many things in advance, and after listening to the arrangement of the whole thing, Zhang Wei's admiration for Chen Jing went to a higher level.

It's amazing!

"Hahahaha... Terrible. Chen

Jing didn't feel that there was anything to be proud of, his responsibility was getting bigger and bigger, and the pressure was definitely there.

If something happens, he's responsible.

Chen Jing is very meticulous in this matter, and now he is cooperating with others, and their investment has ended up with a problem of funds.

"I'm back, yo, Brother Zhang is also here!"

Chen Kang came back with two bottles of wine.

"Yes, you're here just in time, let's eat hot pot.

"Eating hot pot on a snowy day is delicious, it's all good. Chen Kang is in a good mood, and it can be seen that Chen Kang is in a good mood now.

The group gathered around the table.

Meals are all on the table.

They sat happily on the chairs, the mutton bottom pot was fragrant, the hot hair was rich, and the vegetables they liked to eat were put in it, which was so delicious.

"Have a drink, brother... I wish you all the best in your work and make a lot of money in the coming year.

Chen Kang raised his glass with a smile.

Zhang Wei followed closely: "

And me..." "And me!" Coco was not to be outdone, raised the small teacup, and looked at Chen Jing and the three with a smile.

The laughter of the three of them rang out.

In the small courtyard of the countryside in winter, it is warm and quiet.

After it is over.

Zhang Wei drove away from Qingxi Village, Chen Kang still had to live in Chen Jing's house, every time he went home and saw He Jingjing and Chen Jian, his head hurt, and it was good to stay here.

Chen Jingzi won't say much, Chen Kang likes to live as long as he wants.

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