"It's none of your business.

Lu Hanbing shook off Lu Hanfeng, and his whole heart was beating uneasily.

She doesn't want to hear it, she doesn't want to hear

it for a moment!" "I'm your brother, it's a matter of course for you, Lu Hanbing, see who you are, you are the daughter of the Lu family, don't lose your pride for someone who is not worthy, and don't let me look down on you."

Lu Hanfeng's tone was serious.

The brother and sister parted unhappily, and Lu Hanfeng behind looked at Lu Hanbing's back, and a thick helplessness flashed in his eyes.

He looked back outside, and there was no longer Chen Jing's back.

All of this is a good thing that Chen Jing did!

flirting with his sister, and now he doesn't want to be responsible, scumbag.

Lu Hanfeng, who was already looking at him unpleasantly, had a fierce flame accumulated in his chest.

After Chen Jing and Chen Kang on the other side returned to the hotel, the two of them carried their luggage to a high-end hotel, one room per person, and Chen Kang rolled around comfortably on the big bed.

"It's good to be rich.

"It's really good to be rich!" Chen

Jing responded with a smile, feeling very moist and comfortable now.


Jing, who was standing at the door, admonished: "You rest now, we are going to a dinner party in the evening." "

At that time, some will be busy.

It's also a hectic thing to deal with others.

"Okay, brother, you should also go and rest. "


Chen Jinghe walked to the next room, and he took the opportunity to make a video call to Coco.

"Dabi, I miss you so much, does Dabi think about Cocoa? "

The little girl in the camera, her hair is combed very well, it should be the handwriting of the third aunt.

"Of course I want to, but Coco is not well-behaved at home.

"Very well-behaved, Daddy has to take good care of himself, but Coco is waiting for Daddy to come back at home."

The little girl was soft and glutinous, and her smile was very cute, Chen Jing smiled and praised again and again: "My baby is good, he is really a good boy of his father, and he must listen to the words of the third grandmother at home." "

Well, Dad won't tell you, the third grandmother asked me to watch TV with her." "

Okay, let's go!"

"Daddy bye-bye, love you."

After Coco was over, he hung up the video with a snap and took the opportunity to scratch his hair. The whole person lay on the bed with peace of mind.

I don't know how long it has been, Chen Jing opened his eyes in a daze, and suddenly there was a scream, Chen Jing punched the person who came in the face, and Chen Jing was quite frightened after getting up.

He stood up, speechless.

Lu Hanfeng, who was covering his nose, pointed at Chen Jing and roared angrily: "You are looking for death." "

It's you who is looking for death, Lu Hanfeng, are you sick, you came here secretly from sleeping, what do you want to do!"

Made, as soon as he opened his eyes and saw a big face in front of him, he was really frightened.

My heart is still pounding.

"Phew, put away your disgusting eyes, I'm

a straight man on a horse!" "Lao Tzu is a pure straight man! Lu Hanfeng, you are really a psychopath.

Chen Jing jumped out of bed in disgust, glaring at Lu Hanfeng with displeasure in his eyes, and his heart was very unhappy.

This person has been against him everywhere since a long time ago, and he is not pleasing to the eye, Chen Jing knows why.

A land cold ice is the source.

"Young Master Lu, say it again, I don't have any bad intentions for your sister, I hope you can understand. "


Chen Jing nodded solemnly: "Yes, my thoughts about your sister are very pure, no..."

Lu Hanfeng's words directly hit Chen Jing.

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