Chen Jing drove Chen Zhenfa and Coco, and before leaving, Wang Guixiang deliberately took a mat and put it in the car body.

Coco is tired, but she can lie down.

Wang Guixiang was careful, took an umbrella and handed it to them, which was used to shade Cocoa.

The trees along the roadside are lush and green, the leaves rustle in the breeze, and the cicadas chirp incessantly.

The wildflowers on the roadside are blooming vigorously, and the mountains on the roadside are also very tall and mysterious.

The camera follows them all the way.

Fans enjoy the scenery on the side of the road.

[Xanadu, when I come, I also want to come here to retire, and I can be neighbors with Coco's father, it's very beautiful to think about. [

Sand sculpture, make money first when you dream.]

[Anyway, I've decided, when I'm on vacation, I'm going to travel here, and I must see Coco with my own eyes. [

I hope the anchor is getting better and better, and we can travel together in the future.] [

The anchor is on the goods, I want it. ]

[Don't worry, haven't you seen the anchor's latest video, the anchor said, it will be shipped recently.

[I'll go and see.] [

I've always thought that summer in the south is the most beautiful, and I really like the south.]

[I also like it, the south is green all year round.

[Earlier, I think what you said was a bit weird.

Cocoa sitting in the car enjoyed the scenery along the way, and there were many cyclists, but there were very few people riding electric bikes.

Also noticing this are the fans in the live broadcast room.

[They are really poor there.

[Yes, you can see from what they are wearing, as if they are stuck in the early nineties, and the man is still riding a parallel bar old-fashioned bicycle.

[I remember when I was a child, my grandfather rode to the market.

[What about being poor, being poor has such a good scenery, if it were me, I would be very satisfied.

[The rich do not know the suffering of the poor.

After arriving in the town, the car stopped outside the bank, and he entered the bank hall with Chen Zhenfa Coco.

The hall manager smiled and said, "What kind of business do you want to handle?"

"Apply for a card!"

Chen Jing said.

"Okay, please go to the area code over there first.

Chen Jing, who understood the process, took them together, Chen Zhenfa looked around cautiously, and then glanced at the machine, when a small note spit out from it, Chen Zhenfa was surprised: "This... Why do you spit out a piece of paper?"

"Third uncle, here is the pickup code, look at the counter, when it's our turn, they will shout."

Chen Jing carefully explained that he still hoped that the elderly could understand these basic skills.

After all, people have to keep up with the development of the times, and when other people around them are not around, they can do a good job themselves.

Chen Zhenfa nodded: "It's amazing, I've always used a passbook, speaking of which, I haven't been to the bank for many years, and your third aunt used to go." "

Times are changing so fast, and technology is so advanced now.

Chen Zhenfa said with a smile: "You are still smart, if I am alone, I will definitely not, it seems that I am still suitable for our small mountain village."

"Third uncle, don't be nervous, even if you encounter something, ask passers-by and they will help, there are still a lot of warm-hearted good people."

Chen Zhenfa nodded in agreement: "Of course, I have always felt that there are many good people, but the old lady I met last time touched porcelain, this is the first time I have met a scoundrel in decades."

When mentioned it, Chen Zhenfa was still very angry.

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