Chapter 132

The original intention of this wine tasting was to hold an appreciation of art, and at the same time to promote the exchanges between the big guys.

This time I also invited the director of the Xiangcheng Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and it is said that two very special “artworks” will come over.

Most of the people who come here to participate in the conference are big guys, and they all have a certain experience and knowledge, so they naturally look forward to this kind of “elegant” artwork.

It didn’t take long for the director of the Xiangcheng Federation of Literary and Art Circles to arrive, along with him, a deputy director, and a director holding a box of items.

Naturally, the organizer of the cocktail party went to greet the experts from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles who rushed over, and after bringing them in, they also greeted them one by one.

Obviously, it is not the first time that everyone has met at a gathering. Everyone greeted them very actively and called them “Director One and Seventy Chen”.

Ye Yi naturally greeted him very politely.

Although from the administrative level, this Director Chen can be regarded as the leader here, no matter if it is the owner or the people who come from the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the way of getting along is like “equal generation”, and no one has a particularly big frame.

It is worth mentioning that when Ma Sijiang introduced that Ye Yi was the owner of the villa, Director Chen looked at Ye Yi more flexibly than others, and said hello again very politely.

After a few lively greetings from everyone, Ma Sijiang was the first to open up the conversation: “Since Director Chen has also taken the time to come over, let’s start to look at it. This time Director Chen brought over which of your works, let We rise up insights?”

Director Chen: “I can’t talk about it, I can’t talk about it! Xiao Wang, take out that painting first!”

As Director Chen finished speaking, the director who came with the box before put the box down, and then started searching from the inside.

When the director was looking for something, Ye Yi saw that some people “sensible” walked aside and pushed an empty table over.

There was no communication during the whole process, just waiting for the director to turn things out.

It took about a minute before the director took out a scroll or picture scroll and handed it to Director Chen.

And Director Chen took it at the right time and smiled softly: “The folk circulated works of the famous Chinese painter in the last century, Master Xiao Qian, please taste it!”

As Director Chen’s words fell, he slowly unfolded the scroll in his hand, and a landscape painting was also displayed on the desk.

When the picture scroll was fully unfolded, the director Chen did not speak any more, and even took a step back behind him.

If the change is normal, everyone has come forward for tasting, but today the owners have not taken any action. On the contrary, their eyes are more or less, looking at Ye Yi.

Ye Yi himself noticed these gazes, but he didn’t say anything, nor did he give any indication.(Read more @

Because he really didn’t know how to taste this landscape painting by Master “Xiao Qian”, and he was not the owner of this cocktail party or tasting party, and there was really no need to show the limelight.

In addition to this tasting, Ye Yi is indeed not professional. What can be learned from the tasting?

But for this master Xiaoqian, I have heard about it, because I have heard before that a painting of the master Xiaoqian has sold for several million.

Ye Yi didn’t understand the specifics, and there was no need to pretend to understand, so he just accepted everyone’s gaze frankly.

However, Ma Sijiang spoke at this moment: “Mr. Ye Yi! How about…you go tasting and tasting first?”

After hearing Ma Sijiang’s words, Ye Yi did not hesitate to open his mouth and declined: “You don’t need to be so polite, Mr. Ma is the host, you should taste it first, and you guys, don’t be modest. I don’t know much about this kind of artwork. , You can taste it first!”

“Mr. Ye Yi is polite!”

“Mr. Ye is polite!”

“You’re welcome!”

“You are polite, you are polite!”

After Ye Yi declined, the other owners immediately responded with a polite speech.

And Ma Sijiang was also slightly stunned and then smiled: “Since Mr. Ye Yi has spoken, then Ma, please come to enjoy it with everyone who is interested!”

So about a dozen “owners” began to scrutinize the picture carefully. Everywhere seemed to be taken very seriously, but no one reached out to touch it.

It was also when everyone was reviewing the paintings, Director Chen on one side also spoke at the right time.

“Master Xiaoqian’s landscape paintings have a characteristic, that is, the master pays attention to exploring the history of ink and Danqing. Even in many cases, the paintings of Master Xiaoqian are more like trying to capture the historical background and the source of this background. . ………”

“In the details of the paintings, you can see the beautiful lines, whether it is the green marks of the mountains or the rippling water. The characteristics of Master Xiaoqian’s brush or line are all known for his beauty and strength! And it is precisely this point that has been handed down in traditional Chinese paintings throughout the ages. It’s very special.”

“Master Xiaoqian’s paintings, most of the painters are eager to be like, falling off the mundane. The curved arc is very sharp, the pillar is structured, and the ruler is not false. The beard and the cloud are flying several feet, and the roots of the hair are fleshy and powerful. Good health. Regarding this… everyone, please look at the flat boat on the river.”

“Sure enough!”

“It seems that this painting… is the real work of Master Xiaoqian!”

“Director Chen has bothered this time, and he made this kind of hard goods as soon as he came up!”

“Feast your eyes! Feast your eyes!”

As the owners agreed, Director Chen slowly approached the painting, and then pointed to the corner of the landscape painting.

“The last is the glamorous beauty of colors. Good at color matching… it is the true color of Master Xiaoqian’s paintings. Even if Master Xiaoqian uses big red or big green, he can handle it very elegantly and clearly.”

After saying this, the owners also clapped their hands in a mixed manner, and then took a closer look.

About five minutes later…

Ma Sijiang saw that all the owners had almost reviewed it, and then looked at Director Chen at the right time. The latter nodded slightly, and said: “Everyone! I want to come, everyone has tasted almost, I don’t know if I want to. Collected this painting by Master Xiao Qian?”


As soon as Ma Sijiang’s voice fell, Ye Yi’s spirit came. It was not that he wanted to treasure or buy, but that he had actually been watching before, and always thought that this was a really simple tasting meeting.

As a result, I didn’t expect that after all the owners had seen it, there would still be a collection link?

Rather than waiting for Ye Yi to think further, Ma Sijiang said something that surprised Ye Yi.

“Then it is still the old rules. This exquisite and highly imitation painting starts at 1.5 million China dollars. Which one of you needs it?”

(Please ask for flowers, comments, and rewards!).

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