Chapter 151

[You… Does anyone understand? 】

[I am a little confused? What’s going on here? 】

[No… why? Why did this old woman cry suddenly! 】

[Ahhhhhhhh! What happened just now? You… Does anyone really understand? I’m almost going to be stupid, why is this old grandma crying like this! 】

[It’s not the anchor, what’s wrong! Why not go up and comfort me! Isn’t the anchor gentleman gentleman? What are you doing standing there and pestering! 】

【That’s right! Apart from other things, this old woman is already 79 years old! Anchor, go up and comfort you, even if you hand over a tissue! Don’t stand there anymore! It’s like a piece of wood! 】

【what! I was going crazy by the anchor! Such a good anchor usually loses the chain at such a critical moment! 】

[And those wild subtitles? Where is the wild translator? How come all of them are killed suddenly? 】

【That’s right! How come the translation stopped halfway through, what happened next! Don’t lose your appetite! 】

[I really want to know what happened! Don’t lose your appetite! 】

[Translation, brothers and sisters, what’s the matter? Please inform! 】

Many viewers in the live broadcast room are immediately anxious, or the one who is very anxious.

For one thing, women cannot be seen crying, and for the second time, the old people are not crying, not to mention that an old woman is still crying.

Although I don’t know the reason, it is false to say that it is not distressed.

For those who don’t understand Fusang, at this time, they are more worried. They don’t understand but they are very worried.

But for those who understand or are learning Fusang, now more of them feel distressed!

It’s not the kind of distress that makes you feel distressed when you see others crying, but the kind of distress that really comes from the heart!

Because they just understood the meaning of the old grandma’s words and understood the whole conversation between her and Ye Yi, they naturally understood why the old grandma would suddenly cry.

A 79-year-old man is alone guarding a homestay in a tourist attraction. Every place in the house is very clean and tidy, and the facilities in the room are arranged in an orderly manner.

The overall number of rooms is not too much, and the whole house is not too much, but this old woman is always alone!

Not even a cat to accompany her!

Especially the old lady just now smiled and said that her lover was still when things happened many years ago.

These viewers who understand Fusang really couldn’t help it, and they were very touched and distressed.

With all my pity, there is no free time to go to the live broadcast room for translation, and I can’t even touch my words anymore.

But at the time of this old woman, these wild translators were even more shocked by Ye Yi’s behavior and words.

What kind of person is this anchor to have such a character and attitude? !

Gentle and elegant gentleman!

Anyone who understands the Fusang language or has a little understanding of the Fusang culture should have just understood what Ye Yi’s words and deeds mean!

In addition to making them feel shocked, they have no other words to describe it!

But at the right time, these “wild translators” understood that at the end of everything that happened just now, I saw that Ye Yi was playing in the live broadcast room, or that Ye Yi was wrong. For a while, I couldn’t help it. .

[No! You don’t know what’s going on, don’t get into the rhythm! 】

[I really took it! Don’t do this! Wow! I’m really in a hurry! You don’t understand, really don’t take the rhythm! Please! 】

[Uuuuu…I cried with this old grandma anyway, I really can’t stand it anymore! And you don’t even know what happened, and the anchor is too gentle! Really, the anchor is the gentlest and most humble boy I have ever seen! 】

[The same cried plus one. After listening to the conversation between this old grandmother and the anchor, I really couldn’t hold back tears! 】

[I really can’t type anymore! So touched! 】

[Really, this anchor you can’t black out! It’s really dark! 】

[So what happened just now, please explain me to the translators, brothers and sisters! 】

【what? what’s going on? All wild translators are killed? Oh my God! So what happened just now! It’s so serious! 】

【Oh my God! I have watched the live broadcast for so many years, and it is the first time I have encountered the death of the subtitle translation collective! 】

When the interpreter collectively sent out the barrage, after seeing the barrage, other audiences couldn’t sit still for a while, and they started to be dumbfounded.

In particular, these translators and subtitles said that when they just cried, other viewers who didn’t understand Fusang also showed a stronger curiosity deep in their hearts for the first time!

What happened just now? !

But before these audiences went to ask questions in detail on the barrage, they only heard Ye Yi coming from the screen at the right time, with a faint and stern voice.

“Excuse me! Where is the bathroom here? I want to wash it up~!”

And the old grandmother, who was with tears in her eyes, was slightly stunned after hearing Ye Yi’s voice, as if she recovered for a while, then bowed slightly to Ye Yi again, and said at the same time: “I’m very sorry to make you bother! May I help you wear this bathrobe?”

And Ye Yi thought about it this time, looked at the old woman again, and finally shook her head, and said softly: “Sorry, I can do this is the limit. Thank you for your omelet rice, this is The best omelet rice I have ever eaten! It’s really delicious! And I feel your care!”

After Ye Yi said these words, he nodded gently to the grandmother.

The old grandmother was not at all lost or depressed, and at this time she was already smiling, and then she took Ye Yi to the bathroom.

At this time, Ye Yi suddenly changed into Chinese and said to the live broadcast room: “Everyone, I may need to take a bath and then change into a hibiscus bathrobe. As for the reason, I can explain it more. Complicated. Anyway, the live broadcast may be interrupted for a while.”(Read more @

Wearing a yukata made of hibiscus usually requires a white bottoming shirt, and then put on the yukata. As the grandmother just said, this yukata is brand new, so Ye Yi thought it over after taking a bath and then wearing it.

Moreover, in Fusang hot springs, people usually don’t wear swimsuits. In this case, people who need to go to hot springs need to wash their bodies before going to the hot spring pools.

Considering that the time is relatively long, and for the audience, the language will be a little different, so Ye Yi gave the audience a little explanation, and then walked towards the bathroom.

There was also a slight interruption in the live broadcast room at the right time.

Said it is an interruption, in fact, the screen has been stuck in an interface and has not been moved.

The system also pays great attention to the fact that there will be no dangerous live broadcasts in Ye Yi’s live broadcast room.

Because Ye Yi was going to wash up, but the screen didn’t go black directly, and the online audience of more than one million was a bit sudden at a time.

After all, the sudden appearance of the bathrobe and Ye Yi’s going to wash, at least ten minutes or more in the middle, maintain a picture, if it is changed to other people’s live broadcast room, it may cause a lot of audience loss in the first time.

But for Ye Yi’s live broadcast room at this time, the audience’s attention soon has a place-wild translators!

After all, everyone was stuck at that point. Due to the language barrier and no one’s response, they didn’t understand what happened before. At first, they were a little curious.

And now it happens that Ye Yi has gone to wash, the live broadcast room is equivalent to temporarily idle, so in this idle period, those who don’t understand the whole story accounted for about 95% of the audience!

So the live broadcast room began to ask these wild subtitles!

At this moment, a viewer named [Want to go to Fusang to see the cherry blossoms] was rewarded with a rocket in the live broadcast room, and at the same time, he also topped the Ye Yi live broadcast room’s level 21 fan brand.

Then suddenly a long string of text floated throughout the live broadcast room.

[I want to go to Fusang to see the cherry blossoms]: I personally just passed the Fusang n1 level qualification certificate. How do you say… It is equivalent to the eighth level of the English major. There may be no way to translate it clearly in some places. After all, I am undergraduate. The science is the Fuso language major, not the more counterpart translation major.

Roughly speaking, this grandmother’s lover has passed away for many years, and then she has been guarding the house by herself. It was even possible that this homestay was run by the grandmother and her lover together. But in the end, or what we have seen so far, this old grandma is only one person, not even children, or a pet.

Then there was the yukata, which was originally a new dress that the old lady bought for her lover, but before she fell in love with it, she was left alone.

And just now… everyone, remember that the anchor called this grandma “madam”? This is what the old grandma’s lover would call her.

After many years, the anchor called this title again after her lover…

Maybe I saw the anchor and thought of my lover who had passed away. Maybe the old lady just cried so sad.

At the same time, the old lady also wanted the anchor to wear the yukata that was originally bought for her lover, but after all, her lover has passed away. In fact, in this case, some people would be more mindful to let others wear this kind of clothes, and the old lady Realizing the abruptness, he quickly apologized to the anchor.

But in such a situation, the anchor did not directly reject the old woman, but gave the old woman two choices.

The first is to accept 20,000 hibiscus currency, which is the accommodation and food expenses provided by the anchor. Just now everyone saw the anchor pay. This means that the anchor is only a guest, and the guest will not wear this yukata.

The second choice given by the anchor is that not only will he not pay a penny for accommodation and meals, but he will also take away the bathrobe directly after he wears it. I personally don’t understand here, but I think the anchor means that he is half the owner. Will the owner pay for meals and accommodation when he goes home? I definitely won’t give money.

In the end, this old grandma chose the second one!

So I said that the anchor is really too gentle, he really didn’t deliberately act or do anything, but he is very heartwarming!

Instead of me, I would rather spend money than trouble! Maybe even at the beginning, I would go directly to the hot spring on the top of the mountain and experience the luxury hotel on the top of the mountain instead of here.

Have you actually seen it? Although the old grandmother was crying a lot, when she saw Ye Yi put away the 20,000 hibiscus currency, she smiled for the first time!

I don’t know why, I also saw this old grandma’s smile at the time, and then inexplicably shed tears.

Obviously this is a heartwarming and happy thing…


This viewer [want to go to Fusang to see the cherry blossoms] sent a long list of barrage texts. If it was changed to other people or other viewers, even if it was a live broadcast time, no one would really watch it carefully.

But just when almost everyone was interested in the ins and outs of this matter, and the anchor was just going to wash up, this string of text was so shocking!

This kind of shock is not so amazing, and the language does not seem to be too confusing, and it can even be said that there is still a little bit of utterance.

But it is this very plain sentence. As the reading progresses, it seems that every word is gradually engraved deep in the heart, there is no way to get away!

It is like a shallow stream flowing into the hearts of every viewer who is watching this text.

The words are not gorgeous, but they impress every audience.

So that at the end of this barrage text, every audience seemed to immediately think of the moment when the old woman burst into laughter.

A smile does not mean happiness, or something worthy of being happy, but when I recalled the smile just now, the old woman smiled from the bottom of her heart, just like the night breeze in the town of Arima Hot Springs.

Gentle and cool!

The ordinary life is just like the days when her lover was still there and accompanied her many years ago.

So when these audiences finished reading the text of the barrage, the entire live broadcast room suddenly fell silent at this moment.

The barrage is also a straightforward and tacit “¨”clearing!

Only this colorful barrage text stayed on the screen of the live broadcast room for a long, long time…

Even the super pipes in the backstage of the live broadcast room, as well as Director Dou Yu and Li Changheng, fell into a short silence at this moment, watching this text without speaking for a long time.

So the whole of this can be said to be another unprecedented live broadcast situation in the history of live broadcast, when Ye Yi’s live broadcast room appeared.

The live broadcast image seems to be paused, and more than one million real online viewers also seem to be paused.

But everything is good, whether it is the network bandwidth behind the funny fish platform or the network signal of the viewers, all are excellent!

But this is a situation that makes everyone in the live broadcast room seem like the network is interrupted. Every time they want to do or say something, they will take the text back.

This state persisted for about ten minutes, and it was only broken after a few new viewers who entered the live broadcast room watched some unclear barrage.

[Pure passersby pass by, what’s going on in this live broadcast room? More than one million online popularity? Or Caton Live? Is this data refreshed? 】

【That’s right! This data looks like a brush, and the style of the entire live broadcast room… I’m sorry this is still a card screen live broadcast room, there is no style! 】

Such pure passerby barrage floated across the empty screen that was watched by nearly one million viewers, and in just a moment, everyone broke their work!

So immediately, some grumpy audience members jumped out, their heads stunned.

[Hemp! Where does zz come from! Get out of labor and management! 】

[I’m just stubborn! I was still brewing just now, trying to think about the mood and state of the anchor at the time, and the result was destroyed by these barrage! Die to the Lord! 】

[Super tube! Please help (get Qian Zhao) and they are sealed! This is really unbearable! 】

[It is rare for labor and management to calm down, and the result is destroyed like this! I really can’t bear it, please beg management to seal these up! 】

Almost for an instant, countless viewers in the live broadcast room were requesting back-end management to block the barrage that had just destroyed the atmosphere in the live broadcast room.

At the same time, several super-managers were also stunned, and then asked the supervisor for instructions. These barrages should not be blocked.

Because in principle, they don’t have any dangerous remarks!

It completely does not meet the various conditions of the ban.

But before the director of teasing could speak, Li Changheng, who has always been concerned, interjected very seriously: “These users are forever sealing in this live broadcast room!”


Unless it is a very excessive remark, otherwise it will generally not be sealed forever, let alone these few people are still passers-by…

However, after hearing Li Changheng’s instructions, both the supervisor and these super-managers recognized and implemented it as soon as possible.

Because in fact, they are also very annoying, those few destroy the atmosphere of this live broadcast room just now.

Obviously, the atmosphere can last for a while, and even some viewers with a little more emotion have already started various ideas.

But it happened to be such a situation, but it was actually destroyed by passers-by.

Maybe it might be unblocked later, but now everyone is really angry, and it can only be said that the few passers-by lie down with their guns, and the time is indeed not the right time to come.

All of the audience members began to vent them on the barrage for a while, and all of them had credit for reporting the emotions that disrupted the atmosphere of the barrage.

However, this only lasted for less than a minute and then passed, because the number of barrage was too much at a time, so it directly covered all the previous information.

It’s not a manager, and I can’t turn over those barrage at all.

Because of this, the attention of the audience gradually closed.

But at this moment, the live broadcast room, which had been “stuck” for nearly ten minutes, suddenly moved. For a while, the mood and attention of all the audiences became tense, because the screen on the live broadcast room finally changed… …

(Please ask for flowers, comments, and rewards!).

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