Chapter 159

“Actually, everyone has seen the manuscript by Da Vinci before! Remember that Shangshuo Bookstore? I took two old books at the time…”

After Ye Yi walked through the hot spring town of Arima under the leadership of the grandmother, he returned to the “homestay” where he first came here.

Hut with falling snow.

After Ye Yi came back to the cabin, he was almost ready to end today’s live broadcast. After all, it was almost late, and it was time to go to bed at night.

Fortunately, the time difference between Fusang and China is no more than one hour, so the audience in China is about the same as Ye Yi at this time.

And after Ye Yi returned to this homestay, he did not forget his previous “agreement” with the audience. When he said that he wanted to tell them one thing, he would tell them.

However, Ye Yi just talked about the key points, but there was a gentle greeting from the old grandma: “おやすみなさい” (good night)

Due to the good night greetings of the old grandma, the words that were originally communicating with the audience in the live broadcast room were interrupted. Ye Yi also took the time to reply to the old grandma with a good night.

After the latter heard Ye Yi’s goodnight greeting, he smiled and turned to leave.

Ye Yi paused on the spot, and also took a look at the live broadcast room at the right time.

[Fuck! Wait a minute, what does the anchor mean? 】

[Something is wrong, something is wrong! Oh my god, why didn’t I understand the anchor’s meaning for a while? 】

[Fuck! impossible! This is absolutely impossible! 】

[It’s impossible! This is definitely not true! 】

【? ? ? I go! what’s up! 】

【nonsense! This is absolutely impossible! One Nine Zero][What is the anchor talking about! Oh my God! 】

【! ! ! 】

! ! !

Originally, Ye Yi planned to tell the audience in advance that there was something about the original work by Da Vinci, but he was interrupted by the grandmother.

However, it was precisely through these few seconds of “interruption” that Ye Yi’s live broadcast room was bursting for a while.

At this moment, the audience of the barrage seemed to be crazy.

Either leave a question mark directly on the barrage, or reply directly to Ye Yi and they don’t believe it!

I don’t believe what Ye Yi said before!

And this “trend” of disbelief began to ferment in just a few tens of seconds.

More and more viewers have participated in the comment responses to this barrage.

At this moment, the number of real online viewers in Ye Yi’s live broadcast room was about 1.28 million, while the number of barrage commenters directly exceeded more than 3 million at this moment!

On average, each person has sent two bullet screens and there is still more than that. This situation continues, and the “barrage wave” is changing one wave at a time!

[Pianist] Give out ten super rockets!

[Pianist] Give out ten super rockets!


[Pianist]: The anchor…No, you guys! Is the boss serious? What the big guy just said was saying that when he was in the Sheung Shui secondhand bookstore that day, the one beside the “Wednesday Essay” was the original manuscript of Da Vinci? Is it the lousy picture book that looks ordinary and simple to the extreme?


Just as the barrage of Ye Yi’s live broadcast was about to become the era of “screening”, the audience who had spent money to buy the “Wednesday Essay” discovered by Ye Yi suddenly appeared in the live broadcast again. .

And this time, just like the last time, when you met and raised your hand, you directly gave a gift of millions of Chinese coins as a reward!

However, unlike last time, this [piano player] did not propose anything to buy. Instead, he just spent one million Chinese coins. He wanted to ask Ye Yi if what he just said was Has a certain degree of authenticity and reliability.

Or simply want to know if what Ye Yi just said was serious!

And when this [pianist] spent a lot of money in the live broadcast room, the screen sharing of the Ye Yi live broadcast room appeared again on the main page of the funny fish platform!

1.3 million!

1.4 million!

1.8 million!

This time, the gift worth one million China coins was rewarded, which directly brought the number of Ye Yi live broadcast rooms back to his original highest real number online.

And almost every viewer, after entering this live broadcast room, directly starts the barrage!

Connected to see is the colorful barrage left by the [Pianist] on the screen of the live room!

At this moment, both the newly joined audiences and the audiences who have been staying in the Ye Yi live broadcast room were directly shocked at this moment.(Read more @

It is true that the whole person, including the soul, is seeing the colorful barrage left by [Pianist] and the general understanding of the cause and effect. All the audience is astonished for a few seconds like Shihua.

Then after Petrochemical was surprised, they suddenly realized something, and started to do it on the screen of the live broadcast room one after another, and a new round of barrage was screened!

[Anchor! What do you mean? 】

[Don’t just say half of it! Hurry up and give me an explanation! 】

[Where’s the anchor? Don’t pretend! Hurry up and tell me what did you just mean? 】

【impossible! This is absolutely impossible! I was in the live broadcast room of the anchor that day, and I had the impression of another brochure, which was an ordinary but bad picture album. How could it be that thing? ! 】

[Fuck! Was it the day at the Sheung Shui Bookstore? I seem to remember it too, I was actually there that day! And there are a few shots, and I got the ordinary but bad picture album! 】

[One thing I said, I even started to wonder if the anchor wanted to catch a wave of enthusiasm? Force a wave of traffic? Can this be pulled together abruptly? 】

[No! I actually read the album. When the anchor looked through it, it seemed that the popularity of the live broadcast room was about 500,000. There should be 500,000 brothers and sisters who had seen the album! 】

[I don’t believe it anyway! This is ridiculous! The anchor originally said that I can understand and support everything, but only for this matter, I really can’t support and understand it! 】

[Anchor! I beg you to be serious about live broadcast travel, don’t mess around with traffic that does not belong to you, this will only make the audience feel disgusted, anyway, I am disgusted! 】

[Anchor…Is the Chinese person mentioned by the Italian government as you? impossible! This is ridiculous! 】

With the increasing popularity of Ye Yi’s live broadcast and the increasing number of people online, more viewers have joined this “team”.

They all think that Ye Yi is hard-installing, hardly this wave of heat and traffic!

The Italian official has an authentic manuscript about Master Da Vinci, how could it be from Ye Yi? !

What’s more, among the audiences who have joined in, they are those who have watched Ye Yi’s live broadcast before, and they are those who have watched Ye Yi, who was the host at Sheung Shui Bookstore.

At the same time, they also stood up and pointed out that they had an impression of the album that Ye Yi just mentioned, but in their eyes, it was just an ordinary album.

It has absolutely nothing to do with the original works of Da Vinci!

For a time, Ye Yi’s live broadcast room was crazy and frying, even at the peak, the number of barrage directly put Ye Yi’s live broadcast room on top of it.

Fortunately, Douyu’s background temporarily increased the bandwidth, which increased the maximum number of barrage sent.

And Ye Yi looked at these increasingly frequent barrage, Ye Yi was stunned for a moment, and then a trace of helplessness flashed in his heart.

Originally Ye Yi was also thinking, if you want to stop telling the audience for the time being, after the official notice on the Italian official website, or the museum officially opened, he wrote his name in the remarks above, and then come again. Talk about it.

But considering that anyway, at the end, his identity must be made public.

Thinking about what to say sooner or later, Ye Yi thought about it as a small benefit for the audience in the live broadcast room, letting them know in advance that this is the case.

And as mentioned in the barrage of the live broadcast, many people saw the album at the Sheung Shui Bookstore that day and followed him through the contents.

After the Italian official released some videos or photos, Ye Yi couldn’t hide it even if he wanted to conceal it.

So in the end Ye Yi planned to say it, but what he didn’t expect was that the emotional state of the audience seemed to be different from what he had planned.

But Ye Yi didn’t feel the slightest irritation or inappropriateness. He just paused slightly, and then spoke.

“Thank you for the gift of the pianist. As for what I said before, there is no need for everyone to be so excited. The original works of Master Da Vinci are world treasures, yes, but they are indeed full of coincidences.”

“About this matter, I hope everyone can look at it rationally, and you can wait for a while… I remember that the Italian official told me that only one day after the official announcement of the news, there will be an orderly appointment system to open San Marco. The museum inside the church. In other words, there should be official news from the museum tomorrow, and everyone will know by then. By the way, there are also 30 appointments given by the Italian government, and they will be drawn tomorrow. Right!”

“Today is indeed a little tired, so I will start the broadcast tomorrow, and everyone will rest earlier!”

“おやすみなさい!” (Good night!)

After Ye Yi said these words, he interrupted the live broadcast, but before interrupting the live broadcast, he thanked him for the gift just now and also said that there is a real story about Master Da Vinci. The manuscript thing…

Ye Yi speaks very lightly here, and it can even be said to be a little freehand. Even when the live broadcast was interrupted at the end, it was still a little cool.

But the audience at the other end of the live broadcast room is already collectively dumbfounded!

This wave… they couldn’t understand it at all.

Then I carefully thought about what I wanted to say, and the comment area of ​​Ye Yi’s live broadcast became the second battlefield one after another!

After all, Ye Yi has been broadcasted, so there is no way to enter the barrage area. You can only speak in the comment area.

And those audiences who originally believed that Ye Yi just wanted to match the flow and popularity, they decided that Ye Yi was really quibble just now.

Still insisting, how could it be possible that the album Ye Yi found in the Sheung Shui Secondhand Bookstore before would be the original manuscript of Da Vinci? !

This time even some viewers or fans who liked Ye Yi, under the pressure of “Master Da Vinci” this time, began to deflect their camp.

In their view, although Ye Yi is a rich and rich man, and the live broadcast is also a gentleman and kind, but after all, Master Da Vinci is a world-class figure!

Under such a halo, they also have reason to doubt or think that Ye Yi might want to match this wave of heat and traffic.

So this part of the fans was shaken.

However, some fans, after listening to what Ye Yi said before interrupting the live broadcast, felt that Ye Yi’s words really made sense, and they started to try to “maintain Ye Yi” in the comment area.

[It feels like the anchor makes sense! There is a beginning and an end, and the logic is very clear, it does not seem to be pretending! 】

[That’s it! As we all know, there is no way to make an appointment to visit the Basilica of San Marco in Venice, and even that webpage has crashed several times. The anchor just said that he has 30 places in his hand, and I feel confident, the anchor does not seem to be lying! 】

[I also think it might be true. After all, at this point in time, dare you say that you can get 30 places, or you can draw it casually. Who in China dares to guarantee this? 】

【and many more! Brothers and sisters, I seem to think of something. Everyone remembers that the night before in Venice, the anchor told us… He was going to witness history. Do you remember this incident? 】

[Fuck! As soon as the brother upstairs reminded me, it seemed to me that this happened…]

【No way! Is it really discovered by the anchor? 】

【I go! It seems to be connected…Will it be true that what the live broadcast says is true? 】

【and many more! You believe it! I also said that I have fifty or hundreds of places in my hand! This anchor may have forgotten about it tomorrow, so don’t take it seriously! 】

Although Ye Yi has been downloaded, the comment area of ​​room 77777 on the live broadcast platform of funny fish has started a “weird phenomenon”-the popularity is extremely active under the black screen state!

This situation has happened once before, and the atmosphere is so lively. There is a “movie” event that was mistaken for before.

However, the influence and activity level of this time can be seen from the fact that Ye Yi’s live broadcast room is still increasing the number of real online people-things are big!

With Ye Yi’s live broadcast room as the core, it spreads to the surrounding media!

At the same time, some people recorded and broadcast Ye Yi’s live broadcast and forwarded it to major We-media platforms, and all kinds of essays were available.

“Shock! He was the discoverer of the real master Da Vinci? 》

“The Real Chinese Wenwan Master!” 》

“It turns out that he is the Chinese tycoon who discovered the master’s real work!” 》

“anger! The current live broadcast internet celebrities don’t want their faces for traffic! 》

“Please punish the rumors from the relevant departments! 》

Waiting for the essay, the recording and broadcasting of Ye Yi’s live studio instantly became popular on the entire network, at the time when Master Da Vinci became the hottest!

Then there was an earth-shattering “earthquake” directly on China’s major online platforms!

And the owner who caused this shocking shock was thinking about where to travel tomorrow, while gradually and quietly falling asleep, looking forward to the arrival of tomorrow…

(Please ask for flowers, comments, and rewards!).

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