Chapter 170

【what! Don’t sell the anchor! Don’t deliberately divert the subject at this time! 】

[Anchor really don’t take the topic off-track at this time! Would you please answer the question directly? 】

[Really ask the anchor to be a man! Don’t worry about other things! 】

[Climbing? What does the anchor want to do? Don’t be so scary all of a sudden! 】

[Hey! The anchor wants to take us to climb the mountain together? What did I think of? 】

[Does the anchor sing when climbing a mountain? I can’t sing, I won’t go! Hehe! 】

[Your thoughts are really dangerous! Please let go of the anchor! Hahaha! 】

[But I don’t want to talk about the other things, the anchor is really too dog! Why not make things clear first, and have to deliberately sell it. 】

[I want to take a good look. The mountain climbing mentioned by the anchor is different from my previous trip to Kobe Rokko! 】

[Really there is a night view of Mount Rokko? I haven’t heard of it before, it’s really a commercial tourist attraction there! 】

The term mountain climbing has become a stalk because of a certain film and television drama in China. At this time, after Ye Yi said that after climbing the mountain, he naturally failed to escape this “destiny”, and was also caught by the audience on the barrage. “operating”.

With the continuous bursts, the audience seemed to have completely forgotten that Ye Yi was still live, and the bursts never stopped.

Ye Yi just replied with a faint smile, and then planned to go to the local Mount Rokko in Kobe to take a look.

And Ye Yi himself really wanted to go hiking. As he literally meant, he wanted to see the pasture on Mount Rokko, because the most authentic beef can be eaten in the pasture.

At the same time, the night view on Mount Rokko is not to be missed. In the information received from the system, there is a little bit of information included.

To get to Mount Rokko from Kitano Ijinkan Street in downtown Kobe, you have to take a train.

It is worth mentioning that the tram in Fusang is actually similar to the subway in China, but most of the time in Fusang trams are “outdoors”, that is, on the ground.

The light rail tram is nothing more than the same.

If you insist on understanding, a short-distance abbreviated version of high-speed rail can also be used.

29   There are no too many rules when taking a tram in Fusang. Keep it quiet as much as possible and don’t use the shooting function of your mobile phone.

However, before taking the tram, Ye Yi took the audience in the live room to stroll around the streets of Beiye Yirenguan.

After all, they are here, and if they go directly like this, there will be less sense of ritual.

In fact, the Kitano Ijinkan in Fuso Kobe is very worthy of a souvenir view. When Ye Yi walks on the street, he flips the camera from time to time for everyone. Many viewers in the live broadcast room leave a barrage on the screen at a time, indicating that the Kitano is different. The Renguan street is very nice, why is the interest shown by the anchor a little unhappy?

In this regard, some viewers who were slightly more impatient did not hold back and asked Ye Yi directly on the screen.

[Anchor! May I ask why you don’t seem to be very interested! Obviously this Kitano Ijinkan street looks very good! 】

【indeed! The street decoration style also has some European styles. The overall effect is very harmonious at first glance. I have already taken screenshots several times just now! 】

[Anchor, don’t you really think about experiencing tourism in this place? Actually you just walked down this circle, it feels really good]

There were already audiences asking questions on the barrage, but they didn’t wait for Ye Yi to reply quickly, and then a barrage gave the answer.

【why? I’m afraid these questions weren’t just asked, they are almost all newcomers, right? Are you afraid that you have forgotten where the anchor went for the first stop, right? 】

【indeed! There is one point, my personal feeling is actually similar to that of the anchor, and I even understand the anchor’s current thinking a little bit. Because this so-called Kitano Irenkan street looks a bit nice at first glance, and the architectural style is also good, but it is still a bit far behind to catch up with Venice! 】

【That’s it? That’s it… You started taking screenshots? I’m afraid you haven’t seen the anchor before. When you were in Venice, the moments when you took the screenshots directly exploded this place hundreds of times! 】

[To be honest, maybe for people who have never been to Europe or even those who have not seen buildings of similar style, this place is indeed pretty good! But after the anchor took us to see Venice before…it really looks pretty ordinary here. 】

[Really, if the style is this level, it is really not worth taking screenshots! 】

[I suggest that viewers who have just asked questions, go to see the previous recordings and broadcasts of the anchor. I remember it seems that there are recordings on the bullet screen website! 】

[Long live the recording party! Hahaha! I’m recording and broadcasting the white female ticket party! 】

Ye Yi also looked at the barrage floating on the live broadcast room at the right time, and then flipped the camera out for the first time, and then answered.(Read more @

“As some friends in the live broadcast room said, after seeing the Venetian Baroque art architecture, and then looking at the streets of Beiye Irenkan, I always feel that something is missing. And I also mentioned it to you in the live broadcast room before. However, Fusang is a country that is good at learning from. Some of the original architectural styles of Beiye Irenkan Street refer to Venice…

Speaking of this, Ye Yi paused, and then turned the buildings around at 13 o’clock to the audience in the live broadcast room.

He also added: “For example, this building uses a very classic Baroque style, and it can be said to be very cleverly borrowed. But…In my opinion, this street is also because of this. The relationship between the buildings has caused me to have no more thoughts on this.”

Ye Yi just said this, the audience in the live broadcast room immediately began to interact, leaving a barrage.

[Hmm? What happened to the anchor? 】

【Yup! What’s wrong with this building, I remember that the anchor likes Baroque art style? Why did you suddenly dislike it after seeing this style today? 】

[That’s true! Why does the anchor suddenly dislike this style? 】

【correct! I also remember that when the anchor first arrived in Venice, he also took pictures of many buildings in Venice. 】

Ye Yi paused here deliberately, and then noticed the barrage, then shook his head slightly, and then replied: “I don’t actually dislike this baroque style, but you guys take a closer look. The whole street, and then focus on this very unique and eye-catching Baroque building!”

Just replying to the audience here, Ye Yi did not say anything to answer, but turned the camera out, enough for every audience in the live broadcast room to see clearly.

At this time, the Beiye Yirenguan street under the live broadcast of Ye Yi, moving with the camera, you can see that there are various exotic buildings here.

Although Ye Yi himself did not walk at this time, the lens moved back and forth, and the focal length that was sometimes distracted and focused, immediately gave this street a sense of obscurity and history.

Under the intertwining of these two feelings, no audience was complaining about Ye Yi’s focus problem, but seemed to be silent in it.

This kind of lens gives the feeling that every audience is walking here at this time, as if the audience themselves are in Europe.

From the buildings in the lens, the audience can see that the stories of many years stay in every corner of these buildings.

The styles of these buildings are sometimes unified and sometimes mixed, as if waiting for them to taste the historical charm.

At this time, the streets of Beiye Yirenguan did not appear noisy or noisy. There were souvenirs selling stalls, and there was no so-called shouting and selling. For a time, it highlighted a comfortable slow-paced life.

In Fusang, a fast-paced country, if the whole wants to slow down, then perhaps it is going to be a pastime in itself.

And in this Beiye Yirenguan street, this kind of pastime seems even more reasonable.

Just following the camera to watch, there is a kind of city life that has walked through here, and has forgotten the fast-paced city life.

Even for some newcomers, everything they have seen here seems to allow them to let go of the fatigue of traveling and enjoy the tranquility wholeheartedly.

And because of the different architectural styles, the historical charm used and contained in them is also different, which makes even people from different countries gather and live together, and the multiculturalism is also mixed together. Will not be repelled, thus forming a unique culture unique to Kitano Ikujikan Street!

Even though most of the audience watching Ye Yi’s live broadcast are Chinese, this kind of “harmonious and unique culture” formed in silence can still be experienced by them in the first place.

I don’t dare to say the same feeling, but following the camera movement in the live broadcast room, there is a feeling that they are also in the Kitano Ijinkan street in Kobe, Fuso.

It’s like standing next to Ye Yi!

Very good experience!

After Ye Yi’s camera turn was over, many viewers said that the experience was very good.

[Thank you anchor! I feel like I just walked through this Kitano Ijinkan street! 】

【what! I just gave the first gift in my life! Thank you so much to the anchor! I have always wanted to go to Fusang for a long time, but for various reasons I can’t travel abroad. Just now, I felt like I was really walking through the streets of Ijinkan. 】

[Fuck! What happened to me just now? Why did I just feel that I have sensed many stories from these buildings? Feel that this place has a lot of scenery worth exploring? 】

[Me too, me too! Obviously, the scenes of the anchor just now have taken this street to the end, but I still want to go to Fusang myself and take a look there! 】

[Really! I looked like I really wanted to buy a ticket to travel to Fuso Kobe! If it weren’t for no money, I would really buy a ticket! 】

【day! I just watched the scenery, but I forgot to take a screenshot… Damn it! 】

[Forget to take a screenshot and add one! Now I regret ing…][Really forgot to take a screenshot, I feel like I missed a hundred million! 】

【and many more! Anchor anchor! What do you think is the problem? Obviously, the senses of this Kitano Irenkan street are very good! 】

[Same as the host, I’m really curious about what is unsatisfactory for the host. 】

[I am so stupid, the requirements of the anchor are too high! 】

When the camera was turned out, Ye Yi also glanced over the barrage of the live broadcast room at the right time, and then gently raised his finger to point to the Baroque art-style building, and also opened his mouth along the way.

“In this street, the unique Western culture rooted in the Kitano area, such as the baroque art-style building, 200, and whenever night falls, the gas lamps used to decorate and illuminate the sidewalk at dusk, and those who can feel The ancient Western buildings that lived in the Meiji era in Fuso. These are indeed good! It is so good that there is a kind of chaos, like being in a long river of time, and even at first glance, it will feel like experiencing the back of time!”

【exactly! That’s what the anchor said! 】

[But the feeling that the anchor said is positive and good, why would the anchor dislike it? 】

[Same question, why would the anchor dislike it? 】

At the right moment in the live broadcast room, there were bullet screens that quickly drifted by, but Ye Yi himself did not watch these drifting bullet screens, but continued his previous words.

“The meaning of travel is here~ Everyone has different experiences after seeing different scenic spots. Just now, many audience friends read and said that this Beiye Irenkan street left a deep impression on him. It’s like traveling here, and it’s also like being able to find some historical charm on this street. This…is the meaning. Everyone has a sapling in his heart, who has come, walked, and experienced this. A sapling will take root, sprout, and grow!”

Ye Yi paused when he said that, and then suddenly pulled out the corners of his mouth, smiled lightly, and then turned straight around, as if he was about to leave the streets of Beiye Yirenkan.

And when Ye Yi turned around, he said again: “Everything is good here, with historical charm, and all kinds of entanglements. I have always liked Baroque art style. But everyone can see it on the street of Beiye Irenkan. The most outstanding and eye-catching is the Baroque building, which can also be said to be the best-looking.”

“But I have been to Venice, where I experienced the most traditional and authentic Baroque art style. When I see here, no matter how precipitated the history or the outstanding architecture, there is no way to make me feel amazing. But…”

[But what? The anchor begged, please don’t sell it anymore! 】

[How do you really feel? Don’t lose your appetite! 】

[Anchor, please be your own person! 】

[Don’t be tricky! Say it! 】

Ye Yi stopped in time and looked back at the streets of Beiye Irenkan behind him. With a breeze blowing by, the camera happened to give Ye Yi a close-up of his head and the streets of Beiye Irenkan behind him. , It is a perfect background!

“But… did everyone feel amazing just now? The feeling of being in a long river of time? It’s like a sapling eager to sprout… Is it time or beauty that can stop visitors? Or? It was an amazing moment just like that…”

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