Chapter 178

“A whole tajima cow?! Ah this… this… Mr. Ye Yi… this may not be right, this…”

When the ranch staff here heard that Ye Yi wanted to buy a5 level, bmsno.12 beef, but still wanted a whole head, the whole person was stunned, even the voice of his speech was a little bit nervous. , As if very uncertain about what Ye Yi just said.

But Ye Yi was very determined. Looking at the staff member in light gray ranch work clothes, he nodded, and then added a word.

“Yes! I want to buy a whole Tajima cow, but if the output is required, it is best to have a5, bmsno.12 meat quality.”

When Ye Yi said this sentence, his tone was not very deep, and his voice was still very soft.

I thought it was my ear problem, and I didn’t hear Ye Yi’s meaning too clearly, but this time after Ye Yi responded again, the staff member heard it very real.

This Chinese customer with superb equestrian skills really wanted to buy a whole tajima cow, and he didn’t want to be joking when he looked at it.

In addition, from the previous chats, I heard it very real. This Chinese customer does not seem to know Kobe beef. He should know how much it costs for a pound of beef.

After realizing that Ye Yi was not joking, the ranch staff stayed in place, and then said sorry to Ye Yi, and then contacted the ranch manager again.

From what Ye Yi has seen so far this time, the ranch staff and ranch manager seemed to have said a lot of things and also reported some details.

Approximately five minutes later, the ranch staff hung up the phone, and then he nodded and bowed to Ye Yi, and said respectfully: “Mr. Ye Yi, after I just talked to the ranch manager Apply, the manager here agrees to buy a coded Tajima cow from this ranch.”

Ye Yi smiled after hearing the final result, and then replied with a thank you.

The audience here in the live broadcast room saw that Ye Yi and the ranch party had reached a purchase confirmation so quickly, and some viewers who were slightly “savvy” could no longer stretch themselves.

[No way! It feels like it’s becoming fake to see more and more thoughts. Can this be purchased directly on the ranch? 】

[Can the anchor buy original a5 beef directly at the ranch? Isn’t it with any big hotel or some force, or just come to the door to buy? And the ranch party really agreed? ! 】

[If you don’t understand, just ask, what is the situation? Why do the anchors buy locally at the ranch, so everyone reacts so strongly? 】

[Very simple, because the anchor is a privately purchased Kobe beef! The previous anchor also said that Kobe cows are coded on their bodies, so every Kobe cow that is slaughtered looks very precious. Therefore, these Kobe cattle with codes are all targeted buyers. 】

[It can be said that every Kobe cow has a destination from the moment it is born. The ordinary Kobe beef is already like this, not to mention the bmsno.12-level beef that the anchor just ordered! In other words, if the ranch party gave it to the anchor, then the original purchaser of the ranch party would lose one Kobe cow! 】(Read more @

[Therefore, it is generally not a particularly powerful individual. It is almost impossible to buy a whole cow from the source of the pasture under the premise that it is private and there is no introducer. So the anchor is awesome! 】

The audience in the original live broadcast room was puzzled, but after some knowledgeable audiences in the live broadcast room explained, these audiences realized how difficult it is to buy good beef from the original Kobe beef factory. .

So far, the audience in the live broadcast room was once again admired!

I admire Ye Yi’s personality charm and Ye Yi’s own ability to talk.

After all, to some extent, the ranch has already abandoned which supplier it originally had, and transferred the original supply channel to Ye Yi.

And it’s still the case of buying on a personal visit!

“Mr. Ye Yi, please come over here!”

When it was indeed almost stable, the ranch staff’s attitude towards Ye Yi changed a bit.

When Ye Yi did not mention the purchase before, and only came here as an “invite”, although the ranch staff also held a lot of respect, they did not do so “respectfully”.

But when Ye Yi’s identity changed, from an “invite” to a “beef buyer”, the ranch staff became more respectful on the original basis.

After all, guests become users, which is essentially different.

And for a savvy person, being able to speak out about buying a whole Tajima Niu is not rich or expensive if you want to come.

············Find flowers 0 ····

After all, the price of Kobe beef itself is not low!

So the ranch staff took Ye Yi suddenly to a different direction and walked to a ranch circle that was almost entirely black but horse cows.

This pure black Tajima cow has an identity code all over its ears.

“Mr. Ye Yi! These are the second-generation pure Tajima cows. It is estimated that they will be released next year… These second-generation pure Tajima cows are estimated to produce beef from a5bmsno.9 to no.11 grades. , It’s about one kilogram of 120,000 hibiscus currency… the gross reformed cattle.”

When the ranch staff came here, he gave a general introduction to Ye Yi, and it was also the first time that he mentioned that money is linked to cattle.

… 0

When I heard this, the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t be stretched.

[Fuck! The gross weight of a cow, one kilogram of 120,000 hibiscus currency? Is it beef or gold? 】

【Oh my God! Poverty really limits imagination. One kilogram of 120,000 hibiscus currency means one catty of 60,000 hibiscus currency, and a little conversion is 3,300 China currency per catty! Damn it! This is awesome! 】

[Really, a cow is about 800 to 1,000 catties, so if you calculate it at 3,300 China coins per catty, the minimum is 10,000 China coins! Damn it… the anchor will go and buy a cow directly! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… we estimate that we can buy a cow at most 40,000. 】

[Really awesome! It is really incredible to spend 10,000 Chinese coins to buy a cow. This part-time job is really unbelievable. I am really poor and limit my imagination. I can accept at most 40,000 yuan to buy a cow. 】

[No…what does the anchor buy this cow? Can he eat it alone? Is this too much? 】

【correct! What are the anchors doing buying so much beef! 】

[I can’t finish it by myself! Why does the anchor buy so much beef…]

The audience in the live broadcast room at the right time also discovered a very important point, that is, what Ye Yi bought was not a piece of ordinary beef, but a whole one!

How to eat eight hundred catties of beef alone? !

At this time, Ye Yi glanced at the barrage at the right time, then smiled, and spoke to the audience in the live broadcast room.

(Please ask for flowers, comments, and rewards!) 4.

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