Chapter 197

The candlelight dinner started immediately in a romantic atmosphere, because it was already more than six o’clock at this time, and it was time for dinner in this land of Fusang.

More and more people came in one after another. Ye Yi noticed that several men and women in suits came in together. They were talking and laughing, each carrying a briefcase.

After just taking a look, Ye Yi lowered his head and carefully looked at the snack in front of him.

Yes, under Shi Yecun’s insistence, he decided to give Ye Yi and Kie Cheng Nanako some small snacks. In his words, these snacks will give the taste a special experience.

And this kind of experience will let them get a greater reward when they taste Matsuba crab!

Ye Yi knows that Mr. Shi Yecun cooks Matsuba crab dishes, but he has done it for a lifetime. In this regard, he has decisive authority, and he is generally not wrong.

And Ms. Nanako is very happy to form. It can be seen that she is more interested in these desserts than eating Matsuba crab.

After eating it in one bite, the sweet and greasy taste instantly melted in the mouth, and then turned into a burst of comfortable airflow, and then rose into the head cavity, and then the whole person seemed to have been sublimated.

This feeling made Nanako-san, and the whole person was completely quiet.

She kept tasting the dessert in front of her bit by bit, as if she was a cute elf, her cheeks were a little red.

What makes Ye Yi feel a little strange is that girls seem to like to eat desserts by nature, even girls from Fusang are no exception.

In China, he once met some girls who like to eat desserts. They don’t even eat three meals a day, but eat some cakes or ice cream.

If it were him, he said that his stomach could not bear such a shock.

And it seems that eating too much dessert is unhealthy for the body, right?

Ye Yi is about to remind you that even though the desserts are delicious, don’t be greedy…

At this moment, Shi Yecun personally walked out of it with a large white porcelain bowl.

Although he is old, he still walks very steadily.

Perhaps it was because the white porcelain bowl in his hand contained the extremely precious five-star Matsuba crab, so at this time, like a pilgrimage, he slowly came to Ye Yi’s table.

“Honorable Mr. Ye Yi, formed Miss Nanako. This is the first dish, and I am the best at it.”

Putting the white porcelain bowl in front of Ye Yi and Yucheng Nanako, Shi Yecun introduced it with a smile.(Read more @

“This is the original sashimi and the most popular way to eat Matsuba crab. Please taste it.”

With that, Shi Yecun bends down deeply, bowed, then smiled and walked out.

Ye Yi bowed his head to express his gratitude, and then observed the original plate of sashimi in front of him.

This Matsuba crab is not very big, only about one catty, and it is already very slim compared to the king crab, which is three or four catties without starting to move.

This Matsuba crab was made into a traditional sashimi by Shi Yecun. Each crab leg was evenly cut with scissors, and the crab meat inside was cut into sections with an average length of about three centimeters. , Evenly placed in the corner of the bowl.

The whole crab’s body is separated from it, and the crab gills, heart, stomach, etc., are removed very clean.

The crab roe did not move at all, and was completely preserved on the crab body. It can be seen that Mr. Shi Yecun’s handling of crabs is indeed extremely clever!

But for its implementation, Ye Village has a set of his own professional equipment, and he has studied how to eat crabs for a lifetime, but how can he not have his own unique weapon?

But Ye Yi took a closer look and found that the seasoning eaten with sashimi seems to have some ways of doing it.

He picked up a small piece of crab leg, lightly dipped it in the sauce and put it in his mouth, then slightly closed his eyes and tasted it carefully.

The first feeling is that the crab leg meat is so tender, and then it has a little elasticity.

Chewing lightly in the mouth, there is not only a warm feeling, but also a slight coolness. These two tastes appear at the same time, but they are not complicated or conflicting.

And what follows is the third flavor, which is the flavor of the seasoning itself.

Ye Yi was immersed in it, and just by taking one bite, he felt that the five-star Matsuba crab was indeed worthy of the reputation.

And what exactly is this seasoning?

It is like ordinary crab vinegar, but compared with ordinary crab vinegar, it has a touch of sweetness.

Just look at Yusei Nanako on the side. After she finished a bite of crab meat, her eyes suddenly narrowed like two crescent moons.

A nice bite of white teeth, with a little crab vinegar still on it, but it doesn’t look funny at all, it actually has a kind of innocence and cuteness.

Seeing Ye Yi started to taste the five-star pine leaf crab, the whole live broadcast room was quiet and uniform, with only a few small gifts floating by.

Every fan and water friend stared at Ye Yi’s mouth carefully, and even most of them have begun to silently swallow their saliva in reality…

“This is the top five-star Matsuba crab, it’s worth tens of thousands in one bite!”

“The anchor is not eating crabs at all, but living China coins!”

“The anchor anchor tell me quickly, what exactly is the taste of Wuhuixing Matsuba crab, is it the smell of fairy dragon meat?”

“Don’t throw away the anchor shell, save it for me and send it back for me to make soup!”

“I have booked the shell upstairs in advance. You have to line up!”

There is no doubt that the barrage in the live broadcast room continued to start to brush up, and everyone was crazy!

Seeing Ye Yi very elegantly tasting the five-glow star Matsuba crab, everyone can’t wait to taste it.

Even Li Changheng swallowed his saliva silently, and couldn’t help feeling that this is indeed the top taste in the world, but it is a pity that he has no luck to enjoy it!

After tasting three pieces of crab legs, Ye Yi turned his eyes to the rare crab roe in the crab body.

I saw that the crab yellow was golden in color, which was a little different from ordinary crab yellow.

The ordinary crab yellow will have a slightly faint dark yellow after processing, but the crab yellow of the Matsuba crab is like gold, shining with a unique light.

Ye Yi carefully scooped up a little crab roe with a spoon, and then dipped it with a little crab vinegar. After putting it in his mouth, he was suddenly surprised.

Because the crab yellow disappeared in the mouth in an instant! ?

Yes, it does disappear in an instant, and it melts in the mouth, like a dream…

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