Chapter 208

Uninvited guests suddenly arrived in the Nara Central Ecological Park, but Ye Yi didn’t know.

He and Nanako Keisei walked into the park at this time and began to look for the goal of this journey, which is the deer released in the Nara Ecological Park.

Ye Yi felt a little strange at the beginning, because these little deer didn’t know where they went, he and Nanako Yusei were looking for them for a long time and they didn’t find them.

And this park is also very large, with an area of ​​thousands of hectares, and there are more and more tourists in the park.

Ye Yi noticed that there were many tourists from the West, they were taking pictures with their cameras.

And just as they were about to press the shutter, suddenly a strange little deer rushed over and broke into this scene, leaving behind a very beautiful and memorable scene.

This little deer is only one meter tall and less than 1.5 meters long. It looks like it should not be half a year old. At this time, it is spreading its feet and running very happily.

Although those western tourists were taken aback, they didn’t seem to be very angry. On the contrary, they were very happy to be favored by this little deer.

There is no doubt that these young deer in Nara Ecological Park are also for people to order. If they don’t like it, you may not find it anyway.

Yes, these fawns seem to be spiritual. They will avoid people they don’t like, and tend to have a natural affection-humans.

At this moment Ye Yi couldn’t help sighing slightly, do these little deer have any opinion on me?

Otherwise, why hasn’t a deer been found until this time?

He and Nanako Keisei are walking around in the park. There are artificial lakes in the park, as well as low hills with very dense vegetation.

Ye Yi saw that there were pine trees, willow trees, and podocarpus. In short, there are many masterpieces of nature gathered here. It looks like a place of good fortune from the heavens and the earth, which makes people feel peaceful and peaceful.(Read more @

At this time, since it was almost noon, all these fawns were heading in one direction, and the place they went was exactly where the breeder was feeding.

Yes, although these fawns can eat weeds and leaves, local officials in Nara have sent a breeder to put food in the prescribed time.

These foods are more conducive to the growth of the fawn, and there are some ingredients such as probiotics, the fawn can strengthen the body’s resistance after eating.

I have to say that the city of Nara attaches great importance to these fawns. They treat these animals as human children. This is why Nara’s deer are so famous in the world.

At this moment, a group of fawns appeared in front of Ye Yi. These fawns were hiding in the forest. They were gathered together, eating some food on the ground.

After seeing this scene, Ye Yi and Nanako Keesi looked at each other, and there was joy on their faces.

Looking through the autumn water, it is not easy to get, Ye Yi really spent a lot of effort to see these young deer.

At this moment, Ye Yi walked forward lightly, afraid of disturbing these elves in nature.

However, these fawns are not uncommon for humans, and they are not very scared. All their attention is on the pile of food in front of them.

············Find flowers 0 ····

Maybe they felt the arrival of Ye Yi, or maybe they chose to ignore it. In short, they didn’t make any extreme reactions.

Until Ye Yi came to the back of a deer’s ass, the little guy still lowered his head and tried hard to eat.

Ye Yi watched the cute little guy pouting his big ass, couldn’t help but stretched out his hand and stroked it gently on its back.

The little deer was touched by the palm of a human hand, and suddenly seemed to be electrocuted, and his whole body trembled.

.. … …….

Immediately, it sprinted a few steps forward, with a hint of alertness, and looked back at Ye Yi carefully.

Ye Yi squeezed out a smile and tried to make herself look amiable. Ms. Nanako, who was next to her, also walked up and gestured to the deer as a human being.

When the little deer saw Yucheng Nanako, his eyes seemed to radiate a different light. At this moment, he relaxed his vigilance and took the initiative to walk up to the two of them.

In this scene, Ye Yi couldn’t help shaking his head and sighing. This is probably a male deer, but also a deer who likes beautiful girls.

Kisei Nanako stretched out his hands and stroked the little deer heartily. It didn’t resist at all, but narrowed his eyes comfortably, appearing to be very enjoyable.

At this time, Ye Yi also stretched out his hand and tried to stroke it. The little deer still had no response, and he was obviously already familiar with the feeling.

At this time, the other little deer had eaten all the food on the ground. When they looked up, they saw their companions enjoying the gentle touch of humans, so they all ran over together. four.

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