Chapter 222

I have to say that Ye Yi is the first time to taste Fuso’s famous authentic sake, so it is normal to not prepare.

The few Fusang girls teasing in such a scene laughed straight, and Ye Yi couldn’t help but blush.

But then he was very calm, because this is a local humanistic and custom problem, and it is normal not to understand.

If you go to China, I promise that you can also make a fresh pattern that is not repetitive every day, so that you absolutely can’t wait to find a seam on the ground to drill it…

Apart from other things, Ye Yi still has this confidence.

At this moment, the cold weather is still continuing, and getting colder and colder, quite a trend of climate regression.

At this time, many people felt that the clothes on their bodies were not enough to keep out the cold, so they got up and prepared to go back, and picked up the padded jackets in their closets again.

But only some experienced veterans were vaguely aware of something, and their eyes revealed unconcealed shock and ecstasy.

“Sakura Chuuxue, this must be Sakura Chuuxue!”

An old man from Fusang was very excited and muttered to himself.

Everyone who heard this word next to them was immediately stunned.

Sakurabuki, in fact, is Sakurabuki.

In the early spring, there is no heavy snow falling, but the weather in Fusang is so magical. When the cherry blossoms are particularly bright, there is a certain chance of falling snow.

And the snow will be particularly heavy, forming a shower of snow. At this time, the cold wind will blow down the cherry blossoms in advance, and the cherry blossoms and snowflakes will be mixed in the sky. It is very beautiful and spectacular. It can be described as a century-old wonder.(Read more @

In Fusang, the last large-scale sakura blowing snow can be traced back more than ninety years ago, and it is a veritable one-hundred-year-old spectacle.

After less than half an hour, the heavy snow began to fall, and the cold wind began to blow all the cherry blossoms, drifting away from the sky without any trajectory and regularity.

Such a scene of miraculous beauty made everyone forget the cold on their bodies. They stood up one by one, looking at everything in front of them, as if there was a dreamlike unreality.

Since Ye Yi had a few sips of sake on his body, there was a hint of temperature, so he was not afraid of the cold at the moment.

He has been walking forward, not knowing how far he has walked, along these cherry trees, as if to the end of time…

Sakura Chuuxue is so beautiful, among those pure white snowflakes, there is a hint of pink, and the two colors alternate with each other, which seems to have become the only theme between the world and the earth.

The cherry blossoms are left alone and independent, and should be in full bloom, embracing the mighty life that belongs to it.

But at the peak moment, I was willing to dedicate everything that belongs to me for the end of this winter snow, just to be able to combine into such an extremely spectacular and beautiful scene and present it to all those who love it.

At this time, Ye Yi may be able to understand why the Fusang people have a unique emotion for the cherry blossom festival.

Daiyu’s burial flower is a very weak feeling, which is widely praised by the literati in China, and literati and poosers often use this to express their inner elegance and tenderness.

However, the Fusang people think that the flower should be brilliant and short-lived. As long as it has been extremely brilliant, why bother about its curtain call?

The same is true in a person’s life. As long as you have truly possessed it, why bother? At the end of the final journey, that glorious process will slowly return to nothingness?

The so-called journey of life is actually like riding a train, it must have a terminal after all.

When the train arrives at the destination, the scenery along the way will go backwards, and everything is just a memory in your mind.

But what’s a pity about that, at least once had it, didn’t it?

The miraculous scene of Ying Chuuxue also made the audience in the live broadcast room shout that they have a blessing.

You must know that even the Fusang people have never seen this kind of scene once in decades, but Ye Yi let the tens of millions of viewers in his live studio witness this magical scene with his own eyes.

“It’s so beautiful, the anchor thank you for allowing us to see such a magnificent sight.”

“Sakura Chuuxue, it really is Sakura Chuuxue, hahahaha, I’m so excited, no, I want to record this scene!”

“Oh, it’s really a pity. It would be great if I could also participate in the cherry blossom festival at this time like the anchor. It would be a blessing to be able to witness the intertwining and dancing of cherry blossoms and snowflakes with my own eyes!”

“The anchor is simply a treasure anchor. Not only did he show us all kinds of delicious and fun Fusang, but also finally let us see Ying Fuxue. As a fan of the anchor, I said that I was so excited!”

Dongming Street was already crowded with people, and everyone came to the cherry blossom trees.

Everyone looked at this great and splendid scene, and couldn’t help themselves. Some people began to take out their cameras to record this beautiful scene.

Ye Yi also took a grand group photo with everyone…

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