Chapter 314

How can you not be excited?

This is Snow Mountain Ice Lotus. The annual output has fallen below 500 catties. You can get one catty at a time to make Snow Mountain Ice Lotus Soup. You can eat at least several meals.

You know that Ye Yi paid a lot for these ten catties of snow mountain ice lotus.

After all, they are very expensive, which is already a big prize!

The trip to Chamonix ended perfectly, and Ye Yi was very happy. The final draw has brought an end to the trip to the snow-capped mountains.

“Brother Ye, where shall we go next?”

An Xinyu asked curiously.

March 20   Ye Yi said with a smile: “Aren’t you asking me to eat the best foie gras meal in France? I can wait!”

An Xinyu thought for a while and replied: “Then go back to Paris, after all, you can eat the top foie gras meal there.”

Paris, France is the famous gastronomic capital of the world. Foie gras is one of the three major cuisines in the world, and it is also the proud work of Parisian chefs.

“Well, let’s spend one night here and go back tomorrow, right?”

This small town is very old-fashioned, where you can feel many representative humanities in French history.

There are fountains, sculptures, and ancient castles. It’s hard to imagine such a small town at the foot of such a big snow-capped mountain?

“Brother Ye, good night!”

The two rented two rooms in a hotel in the town, and they spent the night like this.

When the time arrived the next day, I was ready to leave for Paris. However, just after boarding the train, Ye Yi received the call from Bill Robert.(Read more @

“Mr. Ye, the Louvre Cultural Relics Promotion Office is really very sincere, and your contribution to French cultural relics is really great. This time we really want to invite you to attend the event!”

Bill Robert didn’t get tired of explaining their sincerity to Ye Yi again and again.

Ye Yi also knows that this is because he donated several boxes of ancient books and paintings of the castle owner Oligi to the National Library last time, so he became famous in France and the Louvre wanted to invite himself to attend the event.

“Brother Ye promise them, just in time we can go to the Louvre to play.”

The little girl An Xinyu blinked her big mischievous eyes, and suddenly thought that this would just save the ticket money…

Bill Robert released another big move:

“It is true that Mr. Ye, this time we have added a new collection to the Louvre. It is the proud work of Mr. Jackson, the master oil painter of the last century. We would like to invite you to speak for it, okay?”

Ye Yi suddenly felt a little moved!

Not everyone can get this kind of experience to write inscriptions for the proud works of oil painting masters, it must be unforgettable in a lifetime.

And he suddenly remembered that the mission requirement for this trip to France was for him to experience all kinds of wonderful experiences.

Ye Yi understands this way. Whenever encountering any special event, you must face it with an attitude of actively welcoming it, and you must not passively avoid it, otherwise the system is likely to be judged as a mission failure!

Ye Yi nodded, and then replied: “When is the event, I am on my way back to Paris.”

After getting the affirmative answer from Ye Yi, Bill Robert was suddenly excited!

“Mr. Ye, the event will be held on time at three o’clock this afternoon. You can just rush back. I will contact you when you arrive in Paris…”

“Okay, that’s it, see or leave!”

Ye Yi hung up the phone and looked out the window. At this moment, he was getting closer and closer to Paris.

The Louvre also began intensive preparations. Due to this celebration, the Louvre has added a very important collection.

This painting is called the Night Watchman in the Snow Mountain, and it depicts a lonely old man watching the night in the Snow Mountain of Chamonix, lighting a bonfire in the snow in the middle of the night.

This is also a very representative one among the oil paintings, so it has attracted a lot of attention from the outside world.

Many famous media were present on this day, and people from all walks of life are also paying attention to this scene.

But the Louvre suddenly announced:

“For this celebration, we are very fortunate to invite Mr. Ye Yi, who has made outstanding contributions to the preservation of art in our country, to attend in person. He will be there to write an inscription for the Snow Mountain Night Watcher…”

As soon as the words of the Louvre were released, all the media were shocked!

“This person again, is he the mysterious Mr. Ye who donated a few boxes of ancient books and paintings last time?”

“A Chinese person was asked to write an inscription for the famous oil painting Snow Mountain Night Watchman. I am afraid that this person is also a pioneer!”

“Don’t doubt, this Mr. Ye deserves such treatment. Do you know how valuable the things he donated last time?”

There was a lot of discussion for a while, and at this time Ye Yi had already arrived in Paris by train with An Xinyu…

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