Chapter 328

When the people of the fire safety agency saw Ye Yi’s face, they were also surprised!

You know that Ye Yi is now a real celebrity in Croatia. It is no exaggeration to say that he is the number one national male god.

Ye Yi once donated a few boxes of ancient books and paintings to the Paris Central Library, which can be said to have made a significant contribution to the cultural history of Europe.

However, the Croatians later discovered that Ye Yi was still very caring, and used his influence to help an ordinary little boy to get their family out of trouble.

So at this time, Ye Yi’s fame reached its peak in Croatia!

At this time, the person in charge of the security agency discovered that Ye Yi also helped their St. Mark’s Cathedral put out a fire and took the initiative to promote safety knowledge.

So he immediately had an idea in his mind, so he made a phone call.

“Hello, is it Mr. Connery? What can I do for you?”

The voice on the other end of the phone is very respectful.

Mr. Connery asked, “Is there a phone number from Mr. Ye Yi? If so, tell me immediately.”

Then Mr. Connery got Ye Yi’s call and called him immediately.

At this time, Ye Yi, who was still preaching fire-fighting knowledge for these monks in St. Mark’s Church, suddenly received a call.

“Hello, hello, are you Mr. Ye Yi? I am Connery, the head of the Croatian safety and fire protection agency. I am glad to meet you!”

Ye Yi nodded. It turned out to be from the safety fire department?

It’s just that his news came too soon, right?

“Is there anything wrong with Mr. Connery?”

Mr. Connelly thought for a while, and then said seriously: “Mr. Ye, we sincerely want to invite you to be Croatia’s security ambassador. Would you like it?”

After asking this sentence, there was no confidence in his heart.(Read more @

Because Ye Yi’s status and status are too high now, and his influence in Croatia can be said to be very big!

Connery has deep expectations. If Ye Yi is really willing to serve as a safety ambassador, it will definitely help the entire Croatia to spread firefighting knowledge.

Ye Yi nodded and agreed: “Yes, but I don’t usually have much time.”

Mr. Connery said with some excitement: “It doesn’t matter, Mr. Ye, we only need you to spread safety knowledge to the public occasionally.”

Just kidding, with Mr. Ye Yi’s influence, Connery knows deeply that if he does not serve as the security ambassador, it is estimated that no one is worthy of this qualification!

Ye Yi, who is in the church of St. Mark, taught these monks a good lesson.

Let everyone in this church deeply realize how important safety and fire protection are!

After all, this is a matter of life, how can it be a trifling matter?

After leaving the church, Ye Yi knew how influential he is now.

The entire Croatian fishing boat was completely exploded. People never thought that Mr. Shen Ye, a caring national male, would be the Croatian security ambassador at the same time?

At this moment, it is no exaggeration to say that as long as Ye Yi goes anywhere, he will receive a very grand courtesy!

“Brother Ye, where are we going now?”

············Find flowers 0 ····

I would like to look at the travel guide, which clearly shows that, with his current position, continue to the south suburbs for about 3 kilometers, which is the famous Museum of Broken Relationships.

So he thought for a while and said, “Let’s go to the Museum of Broken Relationships to take a look!”

Museum of Broken Relationships?

A sad look appeared in An Xinyu’s eyes…

She likes sweet love and sings of true love that lasts until death, but she has a natural sadness for words such as broken love and parting.

Perhaps every girl is like this. They like reunion and love each other, but they don’t like separation and broken love.

… … 0

After arriving at the Museum of Broken Relationships, I haven’t walked in yet, as if I could feel the sad atmosphere surrounding the whole museum.

The little girl An Xinyu was surprisingly quiet, and did not speak.

Two people walked into the museum and found that every corridor and every room here was full, or there were various items on display.

After a little look, I found that there are notebooks, old soup spoons, and withered roses…

On the wall, there is actually a rusty axe hanging!

At this time, the staff of the Museum of Broken Relationships came over and gave an explanation for Ye Yi and An Xinyu.

“This axe was a man who was in grief when he was broken in love, and then used it to chop up all the furniture in his girlfriend’s home, and later it was donated to the Museum of Broken Relationships!”

Ye Yi sighed, and then said with great emotion: “How sad and desperate it is for a person to do such an irrational thing!”

Suddenly, Ye Yi noticed something very weird! four.

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