Chapter 389

Ye Yi feels that it is incredible that he, as an outsider, can obtain the Medal of Honor for the Catalan Football Club, and he is also flattered!

But he didn’t know that after listening to Mr. Liao’s remarks, the Catalan club officials also felt that being able to award Ye Yi the Medal of Honor for Life is also an intangible glory for their club!

After all, the purpose of the Catalan Football Club is to spread the art of football throughout the world!

Like the unparalleled footwork of Mr. Ye in front of him, he can be tied with Mr. Liao. If he is not eligible for the Medal of Honor, who else in the world has such a qualification?

“Mr. Liao, I will definitely return to Camp Nou again to watch your performance if I have the opportunity in the future!”

Ye Yi smiled and waved with Liao, and then left the Catalan Football Club.

The football journey at this station was very complete for him. Not only did he have a simple match with his football idol, but he also won the Medal of Honor, which he considers the best club in the world.

What can I regret?

“Brother Ye, if you go to play football, I think at least you will not be inferior to the president!”

An Xinyu thought about it seriously, and then came up with this conclusion.

Ye Yi thought for a while and said: “The president’s style is due to his perennial self-discipline, so he has been able to stay at the peak. If I were to eat something uninteresting every day like him, I couldn’t do it!”

An Xinyu thoughtfully said: “So your style should be the same as Mr. Liao, focusing on technical football art, right?”

Ye Yi nodded and smiled: “Of course it is, and isn’t this also the essence of football?”

After the two left the football club, they went to the next destination.

After watching the travel guide, Ye Yi found that there is a small beach in Barcelona. Although the place is not large, it is quite distinctive.

So he and An Xinyu took a taxi to this small beach in Barcelona.

It was at sunset, and the beach was covered with a layer of golden gauze, and it seemed to have reached another paradise.

There are many tourists standing here on the beach watching the sunset, and some surfing in the distance, quietly enjoying the leisure moments brought to them by the small beach of Barcelona…(Read more @

In the small beach of Barcelona, ​​everything is so wonderful, Ye Yi and An Xinyu can’t help feeling a moment of relaxation in their hearts.

An Xinyu suddenly shouted, “Brother Ye, look over there!”

I followed my eyes and found that there are many huge reefs on the beach, probably because they were left on the coast after the low tide.

At this moment, there are some people carrying their baskets and turning the stones here. These are not tourists, but local residents near Barcelona Beach.

“They should be looking for some kind of seafood, right?”

Ye Yi said thoughtfully.

Then the two walked over and asked these residents.

“There is a crab called stone crab in these reefs, which can only be found for two days when the tide is low.”

A resident said to Ye Yi and An Xinyu.

It turns out that there is a kind of stone crab hidden under the reef on the beach. The stone crab looks gray in appearance. The hard shell on the surface is very hard, and the shape is rugged, like a stone.

And if the stone crab stays there motionless and does not look carefully, it is very likely that it is mistaken for a stone…

Ye Yi and An Xinyu also began to look for it. After all, from the mouths of these local residents, they learned that this stone crab is very delicious!

After searching for a long time, the two of them had nothing to gain, and they couldn’t help being a little discouraged.

At this time, the residents have found the stone crab one after another!

These stone crabs are as big as an adult’s face, but the small ones are only about the size of a fist. It makes me feel envied by An Xinyu!

“Brother Ye, we must find the stone crab!”

An Xinyu cheered up, and then the two continued to search again.

After more than ten minutes, Ye Yi opened a huge reef, and suddenly found that there was a stock here!

This is a dirty guy. At first he crawled a little bit. When the reef was completely opened, this guy was motionless and began to pretend to be dead…

“Hehe, funny little guy!”

Ye Yi directly held its crab cover with both hands, and lifted the stone crab as big as a human face.

“Wow, what a big stone crab!”

An Xinyu exclaimed.

The foot of this stone crab is the size of an adult’s face, and it has reached the upper limit that the stone crab can grow.

The stone crab is full of vitality and is very dishonest in Ye Yi’s hands. Several crab claws are constantly waving, looking majestic!

Ye Yi cleaned the stone crabs with sea water, and then prepared to have a barbecue stone crab!

An Xinyu is very active. She always behaves very hard when she has food to eat.

She immediately moved a few stones, set up an earthen stove, and then went to a small forest in the distance to pick up some dry wood sticks….

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