Chapter 395

At the beginning, everyone felt that what Ye Yi was talking about was nonsense. There was no reason at all. It was like a wild horse thinking and talking casually.

But gradually, everyone felt that there was a hint of charm!

Combined with some of the deeds of Master Raphael in history, it really felt like this should be the case.

Ye Yi’s voice continues to sound: “So the spring rain in the afternoon is actually the spring rain in the evening. The reason why it is depicted at night is also because the night represents a dark time in the past, and the spring rain represents hope.”

He glanced at the expressions of everyone and found that everyone was listening intently, smiled satisfied, and continued:

“Actually, all of this I am just scrutinizing, but I think this is the biggest possibility. Master Raphael is good at modern style and eclectic. This kind of unconstrained layout and creativity is also his. Good point!”

Speaking of this, Ye Yi seemed to have finished speaking, quietly waiting for the response of the 29 largest companies.

There are about seven or eight people in this group. When you look at me and when I look at you, you can find the surprise in each other’s eyes!

“Dare to ask this gentleman, where are you from?”

One of them humbly asked for advice.

He knows that he can have insights like Ye Yi and have such a deep analysis of art, this person is absolutely extraordinary!

Perhaps it is an artist from a certain area, or he is also a master painter himself?

Ye Yi smiled and said, “I’m just a tourist from China, I just have a little research on painting!”

“This is just a little research? Sir, you are too modest!”

The other person said with a smile.

There is no doubt that Ye Yi’s viewpoint is very novel, but it breaks the conventional inherent thinking, and both sides of the previous dialectics can’t help but admire it.

All of what Ye Yi said was his scrutiny. However, that period of history has passed, and no one in the world knows the truth at present, only this painting is left.

All you need to do is to speculate from this painting about the scene and motives of Raphael when he created this painting.(Read more @

There is no doubt that Ye Yi’s answer is the most artistic and the most reasonable.

If you really want to find the most appropriate answer, everyone can’t help but feel that it should be Ye Yi’s answer!

“I remember, you seem to be Mr. Ye, right?”

One of them suddenly realized it, and pointed to Ye Yi with a thoughtful look.

“Mr. Ye? Which Mr. Ye?”

The rest of the people did not react for a while.

The man was anxious and said immediately: “He is the Mr. Ye who donated a few boxes of ancient books and ancient books to the Paris Central Library, and he also wrote an inscription for the new collection of the Louvre. Have you forgotten all this?”

After hearing what he said, everyone suddenly woke up and immediately superimposed Ye Yi in front of him with the appearance on the TV…

“Oh, it turned out to be Mr. Ye, who was really disrespectful just now!”

The middle-aged man who told Ye Yi not to talk nonsense before, feels ashamed at this moment!

In front of such masters of art, he actually dared to speak wild words, he felt a little hot on his face, and he wished to find a crack in the ground to get in.

Ye Yi waved his hand and said, “There is nothing to apologize for. Everyone is equal in front of art, and everyone can express their own opinions.”

After hearing Ye Yi’s words, everyone suddenly felt that they were deeply taught again.

After all, everyone’s impression before is that people who play art seem to be superior!

The so-called artists are also so detached, left behind and independent, as if they are not in the dust, and appear so noble and mysterious.

But at this time everyone suddenly realized that artists are also human beings, and art works come from life.

Everyone who has a life is entitled to comment on any work of art, even if it is a masterpiece handed down like a picture of a spring rain in the afternoon, the same is true!

“Mr. Ye, listening to you today is better than reading ten years of books. I’m really taught!”

Everyone felt admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

Ye Yi nodded, and then said with a little regret: “It’s a pity that although I like to comment on these world-famous paintings, there is a man’s painting that I can’t see today…”

The regret in the words means that anyone can hear it.

Suddenly a middle-aged man asked: “What does Mr. Ye mean?”

Ye Yi said: “It is said that this art museum houses Mr. Picasso’s early works, but it has not been opened to the public, which is quite a pity.”

When the voice fell, the few people looked at each other, and finally all their eyes were on one of them.

“Mr. Rojo, should you say a few words?”

This Mr. Rojo coughed, his expression a little embarrassed.

“Hello, Mr. Ye, I am the curator of this art museum…”.

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