Chapter 76

Guardian knight? !

Originally Ye Yi was broadcasting live and was about to respond to the barrage, but suddenly heard that the meal he ordered had arrived, so he decided to look upright and enjoy today’s dinner.

But before Ye Yi was fully prepared, the exclamation was very direct and sudden.

Then Ye Yi heard an unfamiliar and familiar vocabulary.

After a while in his mind, Ye Yi remembered that this term was mentioned last time, it was in the airport, that Venetian girl-Serena!

So Ye Yi looked at the source of the sound.

What he saw was the beautiful girl with surprise and joy in his eyes!

After being parted at the Venice Airport, I asked him Serena who had time to come and sit in the sand tavern!

“Hello, Serena! I am not a guardian knight! You know my name!” Ye Yi smiled at Serena.

At this time Serena had stayed in place, and even the food and drinks on the tray seemed to be frozen, and was completely stopped at this moment.

Soon Serena’s eyes filled with water mist, and then the water mist filled the corners of her eyes, as if it would condense at any time-and then shedding tears.

When the eye sockets were moist, Serena’s figure trembled slightly, as if she was not standing still.

Ye Yi saw Serena trembling and immediately stood up, stabilized the tray in her hand, and then spoke.

“Be careful! The wine and oil are not easy to clean up! Although the crying tears of the beautiful girl will be as beautiful as the stars in the sky, but the stars should never fall to the ground! This is a tissue…”

Ye Yi didn’t know why Serena suddenly burst into tears, but she held the tray firmly, and when she saw that the other party’s state was a little delicate, she took the tray and put it away.

At the same time, he picked up the paper towels on the tray and handed them to Serena.(Read more @

Because in most foreign pubs, paper towels are not put on the table, Ye Yi had to use the paper towels from the nearest tray.

But as soon as Ye Yi handed the paper towel over, Serena quickly wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and changed into a very happy and faintly excited tone.

“It’s okay! I’m okay! Thank you so much, because my identity certificates and other documents are very important, and my visa in China has expired. If it wasn’t for you yesterday to help! I really can’t imagine What a dilemma I am going through now!”

Serena felt very excited. The reason why she just shed tears was not sadness or sadness, but surprise and excitement. She did not control and manage her own emotions for a while.

So when Ye Yi comforted her, she quickly recovered from that state, and then quickly thanked Ye Yi.

“Thank you again! I really hope that I can have a chance to return your help, so I let you come to the Musha Tavern yesterday! Because I haven’t seen you during the day today, I thought you wouldn’t come here anymore! I didn’t expect it at night But I met! Thank you very much!”

Ye Yi: “You really don’t need to be too polite. It’s nothing more than a simple effort. Helping others in China is one of the basic virtues.”

Serena: “I invite this meal! Please don’t refuse! And there are some signature dishes in Musha Tavern, I’ll go to the back kitchen to prepare!”

Serena looked at Ye Yi, and from the corner of her eye she caught a glimpse of the meal on the table. She quickly turned around and planned to run into the back kitchen as if she had thought of something.

But Ye Yi walked up to Serena in two steps and stopped her: “If it’s not enough, please order! Just eat these first! Are you the waiter here?”

············Find flowers 0 ····

Ye Yi looked at Serena’s posture. If she were to return to the back kitchen, she might serve a large table full of food.

The most important thing is that Ye Yi has noticed before that there are still some staple foods on the restaurant’s signature menu, and there is more than one serving.

If Serena brought it up, I guess Ye Yi would have to stay unable to walk, or just lie here to digest.

Although he was indeed hungry, he was definitely not so hungry.

Besides, he was planning to pay for the meal, but now it seems that the posture of the girl Serena makes it impossible to collect his money today.

. 0 …….

Then Ye Yi naturally does not need to be more.

Just barely eat enough!

Hearing Ye Yi’s inquiry, Serena immediately replied: “This is the tavern opened by my uncle’s house. I’m here to help! Ye, don’t worry, I can still afford a meal!”

After talking about Serena, she planned to go to the back kitchen, but was stopped by Ye Yi again: “Don’t bother! I actually came here by chance and met. I walked around at night and saw a tavern, thinking about what you said before. Musha Tavern, come and take a look. But… if you are so polite, I will just pay and leave!”

After hearing Ye Yi’s explanation and threats, Serena was stunned, then immediately signaled to Ye Yi not to do this, and finally spoke.

“Then wait for me, I’ll go to the back kitchen and change my clothes. Don’t mind if you have an extra seat next to you!”

“of course!”

After getting Ye Yi’s response, Serena quickly put the food and drinks on Ye Yi’s table, took the tray away, and finally walked quickly towards the back kitchen.

(Please ask for flowers, comments, and rewards!) 4.

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