System panel.

The [Reinvent New Students] task has been settled, but there is also a [Improve School Ranking] task.

It needs to be within six months.

Raise the ranking of Sunward University to the top 50.

Time remaining...

There are five months left.

He had to race against time to complete the first scientific research project of Sunward University as soon as possible.

And thus make a name for yourself.


Time flies.

In the experimental base.

Under the leadership of Qin Mu.

Members of the scientific research team are frantically studying technical barriers every day to promote the progress of the project.

Whenever a problem is encountered.

They will gather for a meeting and discussion.

If it couldn't be solved through a meeting, he would take the initiative to consult Qin Mu.

If Qin Mu couldn't solve it, he would use three major classrooms.


Fourteen tough teams have achieved certain results.

The project of controlled nuclear fusion is advancing at a slow "923" speed.

During this period.

Qi Limin and other researchers closed the whole process and cut off all social relationships.

Busy at the base until late at night.

I got up the next day and continued the meeting to discuss and advance the research results.

And the 100 students who participated in the research project...

It's outside of schoolwork.

Go to base.

Perform auxiliary tasks.

For example, help assemble the device, operate the ignition, record the meeting paper, etc.

Participate in the process.

Everyone deeply experienced the hard work of the researchers, and they sincerely admired Qi Limin and other teachers.

In everyone's heart.

They have also quietly planted the seeds of scientific research.


A month later.

Blue Dragon Campus.

Office of the Principal.

Qin Mu opened his mailbox and looked at the teaching progress reports submitted by various colleges.


It includes the teaching progress of teachers in each subject, as well as the research of academic papers.


Smooth progression.

After each professional class, students are required to write a research paper on the content of the class.

To a great extent, it promotes students' mastery and understanding of textbook knowledge.

And on academic papers.

Teachers from 197 majors in 27 colleges have successfully published 42 SCI papers.

"It's going well."

After reading the report, Qin Mu bowed his head slightly.

Quite satisfied.

The teaching materials he has developed are drawn from the best knowledge in various fields.

It is a concentrated essence version.


It's hard to learn at first.

Using essays to study textbooks is indeed a good method.

Although inhumane and cruel, the benefits to the students are obvious.

It's only been two months since school started.

Students of all majors...

It is equivalent to completing the sophomore year of ordinary university.


These courses are accompanied by many cutting-edge theoretical achievements.

According to his estimates.

At the end of the first semester, Rivers students can complete all their undergraduate knowledge from other universities.

The level of teachers and students in the whole school is improving wildly.

"It's time to prepare for midterms."

Qin Mu's eyes flickered and he muttered.


It's been two months since school started.

An exam is urgently needed to test students' knowledge and the real results of teaching.

In college.

In fact, there are also midterm exams, but many universities are more laissez-faire about this.

It is even allowed to bring a mobile phone to take the test.

"Let the teachers of each subject solve the problem."

After Qin Mu pondered, he finally decided to hand over the work of writing the volume to the teachers of various subjects.

Exam time.

Just a week later.

Now the scientific research plan in the experimental base has been advanced to a critical stage. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He couldn't do without him.


Half a day later.

The news of the midterm exams spread throughout the university.

After 8,000 students heard it.

They were all a little stunned.

"Groove?! Do you still have midterm exams in college? This is completely different from what my high school teacher said. "

"That's right, my high school teacher said that if you have a hard year in high school, college will be easy, and you can play casually."

"Can you believe the words of a high school teacher? He didn't tell you that the college homework was a thesis. "

"It's over, next week's midterm exam, I have to hurry up and review."



Students of various majors did not dare to slacken, and quickly began to review the textbook content of these two months.

In the bedroom.

In the study room.

They are everywhere.

It is also this review.

Let them find out.

The original esoteric and obscure knowledge in the textbook, they have already mastered!

And remember it very deeply!

To say that it is a review is actually to consolidate it.


Yenching University.

Office of the Principal.

"Who the hell sold him the paper?!"

Yu Tianzhou stared at Xu Yan, his face extremely gloomy.....

"In one month, Sunward University published forty-two SCI-level papers!"

"Counting the previous sixteen articles, a total of five were published, chemistry, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, sculpture, archaeology, geology..."

"Where the hell did he buy these top unpublished academic papers?!"

His face was full of doubt and puzzlement.

I didn't figure it out.

This month.

The academic research papers of Sunward University are like wholesale.

Almost one per day.

The article was included in SCI.

On the other hand, they Yenching University, only published two articles during this period!

That's a forty-fold gap!

It stands to reason.

Even if Sunward University has connections and resources, and can get unpublished top academic papers, it shouldn't get so many.

After all......

Top academic papers are not Chinese cabbage, you can wholesale it casually!

"The school... Principal, I've been with many titans in academia these days, and they have said that they have not heard of anyone buying academic papers. "

Xu Yan swallowed his saliva and said cautiously: "Is it possible that these are all papers researched by the teachers of Shanhe University themselves?" "

In his opinion.

If Sunward University really bought the paper, there must be someone in the academic community who knows about the wind.


He has visited many of the biggest names in academia.

No one has ever heard of buying academic papers.

"They studied 4.8 on their own?"

Yu Tianzhou frowned, his expression full of disdain.

He has learned about the faculty at Rivers University.

Among them, only Lu Jianhua has weight.

Although everyone else started with the title of professor, they were far inferior to them as a whole!

By what...

They published two articles by Yenching University, while Shanhe University could publish forty-two?!

"Forget it, don't care about it."

He waved his hand, simply throwing this annoyance aside.

The heritage of a university cannot be accumulated by publishing a few academic papers.

"By the way, isn't Sunward University engaged in controlled nuclear fusion? It's been a month, has their research progress been announced? "


He looked at Xu Yan and suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked.

There was a bit of sarcasm on his face.

"This... I didn't hear anything. "

Xu Yan thought about it and shook his head.

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