A few seconds later.

The huge device slammed in, and thirty pipes vibrated violently.

The central energy converter operates at full power.

It communicates with the "artificial sun" in the center of the base, generating high and low energy levels.

After the appearance of energy suction.

The energy generated by the "artificial sun" is instantly attracted.

Thirty pipes poured in.


The whole experimental base.

There was a deafening sound.

"Everyone quit the experimental area."

Qin Mu frowned and spoke in a deep voice.

With Qi Limin and other researchers, he stayed away from this storage device.

Retreated to a safe area.

The first five experiments...

are in the test, there is a phenomenon of energy runaway.

There was no small explosion.

"It's like... Didn't explode this time? "

Qi Limin stood in the distance, intently observing the device in front of him.


The extracted energy is consciously flowing into the pipe.

Nineteen conversion processes have been undertaken.

into electricity.

It is stored in the middle cavity of the ellipsoid.

"Could it be... This time it worked? "23

Seeing this scene, everyone was overjoyed.

Some people couldn't help but tremble.

It's hard to hide the excitement in my heart.

"Observe for another three hours."

Qin Mu waved his hand and did not jump to conclusions easily.

The crowd heard.

They all nodded.

None of them left the scene, all stood in place and waited patiently.


Three hours later.

The unit is operating normally.

Massive amounts of energy poured in from the "artificial sun" area.

It is converted into electricity.


"Great! It really worked! "

The scene suddenly erupted into exclamations and ecstasy.


The successful operation of this device means that the "artificial sun" does not have to be extinguished.

The energy it produces...

It can be collected.

The scientific program of controlled nuclear fusion can also continue.


Solve this world-class puzzle once and for all.


Suzaku Campus.

5 dormitory buildings.

Unit 2, bedroom 203.

"Sisters, I brought you something to eat."

Miao Xiaoxiao walked into the bedroom and put the food she had packed on the table.

Pull out the paper towel.

Wiped the sweat from his body.

She had only been out for ten minutes and her body was completely soaked with sweat.


Extremely uncomfortable.

"It's too hot, I don't have an appetite, and the cooling effect of this air conditioner is getting worse and worse."

The three roommates lay on the bed, not moving.

Despite the frantic operation of the air conditioner, the temperature in the bedroom soared to 30 degrees Celsius.


Everyone wore very little, almost naked.

It's still hot.


No appetite.

"I just came back from outside and it felt a little cooler outside, you guys said... Will there be a breakthrough in the research of our school's scientific research team? "

Miao Xiaoxiao was quite optimistic and couldn't help but guess.

"Your delusion, huh? It is estimated that it is almost 50 degrees outside, you call this cool ?? "

The three roommates shook their heads and continued to lie on the bed.

It's already hot up to dogs.

It can't be hooked with coolness.


When the evening comes.

School Forum. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

More and more people are noticing that the temperature in schools seems to have dropped.

"Brothers, has our school cooled down? I just went out and it's much cooler than before. "

"You feel the same way? I found out too, but my roommate said I was confused by the heat. "

"It's true, I have a thermometer, I took it outside, and the temperature has dropped to 47 degrees Celsius."

"Really fake? Does 47 degrees Celsius already make people feel cool? "


In the bedroom.

After each student sees the message in the forum.

All gritting their teeth.

Tried to get out of the air-conditioned room.

I felt it for myself outside.

Although I was still sweating, the temperature was much cooler than before.

"It must be that the principal's research has achieved results, and our school's scientific research team has made another breakthrough!"

"God, earth, you finally opened your eyes, I almost turned into a dry corpse!"

"The reason why I survived is that the air conditioner saved my life, it is simply my reborn parent!!"

"Ahem, warm reminder, everyone go and check the electricity consumption these days."


After perceiving a cooling.

8,000 students were excited.

I couldn't help but cry with joy.


After checking the electricity bill.

Everyone couldn't be happier.

The high temperature lasted for nine days.

Their air conditioner is always on 24 hours a day, running at high power, and the electricity bill in each bedroom has directly exceeded 1,000!

Although flat down.

That's two hundred and five per person.

But this is still a big expense for college students.

It's enough to make their flesh ache.


on the web.

As in the past, netizens continue to pay attention to the temperature situation of Sunward University.


After monitoring the temperature at Sunward University.

They were all stunned.

"Groove? What's going on? Not only did the temperature not break through 50 degrees Celsius, but it also dropped to 47? "

"Could it be cold air? Or maybe it's raining a little? "

"I haven't heard that there is cold air passing through the weather forecast, besides, with the high temperature near Shanhe University, the rain is estimated to evaporate in the sky."

"Could it be... Sunward University took the initiative to extinguish the artificial sun? "


783 was surprised.

Netizens expressed their opinions and guessed.

Various possibilities are presented.

In the end, it was most likely that Sunward University extinguished the "artificial sun" and voluntarily abandoned the research plan.


If the temperature reaches 50 degrees Celsius, there is a high probability of death!

The high temperature is also enough to kill!

Come to think of it.

Many netizens logged on the official website of Sunward University.

I plan to see if there is a statement on the official website to abandon the plan.


The statement did not see it, but saw a recent research progress announcement.

"After nearly nine days of hard work, our scientific research team successfully broke through 273 technical difficulties, failed five experiments, and successfully created a nuclear fusion net energy transmission device during the sixth experiment."

"After multiple rounds of testing, the device can harvest and store energy from nuclear fusion with an energy utilization efficiency of 50%, and is expected to normalize the surrounding temperature within three days."

"This scientific research plan has caused a lot of inconvenience to all the teachers and students of Sunward University, as well as the residents in the vicinity, and our university is deeply disturbed, and we solemnly apologize."

After reading the announcement.

Netizens suddenly fryered.

There was an uproar.

In the announcement, the project not only did not shut down, but went further!

New scientific research results have been achieved.

The so-called net energy transmission device was developed!

It is also said that the surrounding temperature will return to normal within three days!.

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