Not often.

An old man on crutches walked into the conference room.

Scanning the crowd.

Straight to the point:

"I believe everyone has heard some news, yes, the patent office just handed us a document, Sunward University... Give us controlled fusion technology free of charge! "

The voice just fell.

Everyone looked at each other, and they all looked surprised.

Although before the meeting, they all faintly heard the news.

But at this moment, I heard the old man announce it himself.

The mood is quite complicated.

Their science and technology department is in charge of the development of science and technology throughout China.

Naturally, I heard about the recent claim that Mountain River University had broken the controllable nuclear fusion technology.

Quite a few leaders ...

It is ready to negotiate with Sunward University to confirm whether it has actually developed controlled nuclear fusion technology and then make further technology purchases.

But before he "five eight zero" made a move...

Sunward University took the initiative to hand over this technology free of charge!

"I have asked relevant scholars in the field of nuclear energy to specifically evaluate the patent applications filed by Sunward University."

The old man took a deep breath and spoke again: "They have concluded that there is a 90% possibility that Sunward University has solved the world-class problem of controlled nuclear fusion." "

In the application for information.

It comes with many research results and paper materials of controlled nuclear fusion projects.

Although the core technology is not covered, a glimpse of the whole leopard can be seen.

Top academics...

It is still possible to use these data to determine whether Sunward University has really developed controlled nuclear fusion technology.

"Really... Cracked? "

When the crowd heard, God became more complicated.

In fact.

In their Ministry of Science and Technology.

The research has long been listed as one of the top ten core technologies, and has never given up the research.

But the results were slow.

It's not just them.

Countries around the world, as well as scientific institutions, have also not made much progress.

Right now......

It was cracked by an obscure university.

"I've also learned more about the university."

The old man nodded and said slowly: "It was first born with the wishes of thousands of students in the four provinces of mountains and rivers, and was crowdfunded under the leadership of its principal Qin Mu. "

"There are currently 8,000 students, 1,500 teachers."

"But it was such a university, not long after the opening of the school, with the great idea of the country, launched the world-class research of controlled nuclear fusion at its own expense!"

"The whole school worked together, endured magnetic fields and high temperatures, and completed this epic feat for 72 days!"

Speaking of which.

He paused slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "After breaking this world-class problem, Sunward University not only did not take pride in its achievements, but was willing to donate it for free, and so on..."

"Worthy of its name of mountains and rivers."

"Its heart is connected to mountains and rivers, and its mind is wider as mountains and rivers!"

The old man's face was full of admiration.

This move of Sunward University was not expected by everyone.

So did he.

With a huge treasure, he still does not forget his home country, and there are too few people who can do this.

If only it were another university...

I am afraid that I will not be able to negotiate terms with them immediately.

"Because of this, we can't let Sunward University chill!"

The old man raised his head, and the old voice echoed in the conference room: "I have decided to list Sunward University in the list of key cooperative institutions of the Ministry of Science and Technology!" "

"In addition, all the expenses, personnel costs, machinery and equipment costs, etc. of this scientific research project of Shanhe University are all reimbursed by the state!"

The crowd heard.

His eyes widened again, revealing a look of disbelief.

Reimbursement of research costs, they can all understand.


The key cooperative institutions of the Ministry of Science and Technology, without exception, are all top universities or research institutions at home and abroad.

Such as Yenching University, Qingbei University.

And Sunward University...


It's only been a few months old.

In the ranking of domestic universities, it is still in the second to last place. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

However, it is listed as one of the key cooperation institutions.

This treatment is simply groundbreaking!


Across the ocean.


SCI Institute.

"Director, this time it's really a big deal!!"

John hurried to James with a piece of information.

"What's wrong again? Young man, don't be so frizzy. "

James was reviewing SCI's latest submissions and couldn't help but reprimand.

John was a newly recruited researcher in their institute.

Massachusetts top student.

Everything else is good.

It's just a surprise at every turn.

"Director, didn't you ask me to pay attention to Mountain River University before?"

John smiled bitterly and continued, "It announced not long ago that it had breached controlled nuclear fusion technology..."


After James listened, his pupils shrank sharply.

"This is the information I have compiled, which is the scientific research progress of Sunward University in the past two months..."

John took out the information and handed it to James.

James pursed his lips.

Quickly took the information and examined it carefully.

Mountains and rivers.

800,000 times magnetic field device.

Artificial sun.

Net Energy Unit...

Every scientific research progress, watching his heart trembling.

As Director of the Audit Department of SCI.

He has seen many academic papers, many of which are the results of controlled nuclear fusion.

It can be said that...

This update on schedule is all world-class difficulties in controlled nuclear fusion.

"This... Can you be sure this is true?! "

He took a deep breath and looked at John.


John nodded solemnly and continued: "The discussion on the other side of Huaxia is crazy, and the artificial sun of Shanhe University before made the temperature of Shanhe University climb by 30 degrees Celsius within a ten-kilometer radius. "

This thing...

He went through repeated verification before he dared to report it.

If nuclear fusion is not officially started, it is impossible to create an artificial sun, let alone make the temperature climb by 30 degrees Celsius within a radius of ten kilometers!

"If it's true... Nashan River University 2.3 undoubtedly opened the history of global energy, no, it is a huge change in the history of global science and technology! "

James gasped and muttered.


I have fully realized the seriousness of this matter.

This world-class problem was actually solved by a third-rate university in Huaxia!

"This university ... It's really not ordinary. "

Remembering the dozens of research papers that Sunward University has submitted to them in the past few months, James's expression became more solemn.

It ranks last in China though.

But at this moment, in his heart, the threat was far greater than all the universities in Huaxia!


"This matter is very important, I must discuss it with the director!!"

A moment later.

He stood up abruptly and ran out of the office quickly.

There is no composure at all.


Even a few points faster than John.

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