For all this time.

They have been immersed in the learning material.

I didn't expect it at all...

There are people around me who secretly publish research papers and are also included in SCI!

"You guys... It's actually hidden so well! "

Everyone stared at the five people complainingly, their eyes full of envy.

People who are also academics.

They are all aware of the gold content of SCI's papers.

The publication by Lu Jianhua and other five people is definitely a cutting-edge theoretical achievement in the world!

"Ahem, low-key, low-key, it's just a research theory of the curvature of nuclear energy, far from becoming a dean... There are still 49 articles left. "

Qi Limin looked at everyone and said modestly.

Everyone rolled their eyes.

This is proper Versailles.


They also felt a lot of pressure.

There is a lot of competition among colleagues.

After all......

The promotion of Sunward University is directly related to academic ability.

To become a department chair, 10 SCI-level papers are required.

To become an associate dean, 20 SCI-level papers are required.

To become a dean, you need 50 SCI-level papers.

Each position is limited in number of places.

If they slow down, they will be robbed by others.

"Okay, now on to the second item 23 of this meeting."

Qin Mu coughed lightly and interrupted everyone's discussion.

Then he presided over the meeting: "Now that 8,000 new students have been enrolled, I have assigned corresponding class teachers according to each major, a total of 213. "

"I hope that the teachers who serve as class teachers can uphold the principle of teaching and educating people, impart good knowledge, pay close attention to the physical and mental development of students, improve teaching methods, and improve teaching quality."


He publicly announced the list of the 213 head teachers.


But everyone whose name was pronounced couldn't help but laugh bitterly.

It also means...

They have less time to study textbooks and conduct research.

And those whose names are not pronounced ...

and gloated on the sidelines.

"Next, there are 198 counselors, who need to take responsibility for the students' lives, emotions, etc..."

Followed by.

Qin Mu also announced the appointment of 198 counselors in public.

People who gloated before ...

His face couldn't help but collapse, and he couldn't laugh anymore.

"Finally, the focus of this meeting."

Qin Mu swept his eyes at everyone below and smiled slightly: "In order to improve the quality of teaching and enhance teaching ability, the teaching indicators for the first semester of Shanhe University have been formulated and distributed to your mailboxes." "


The 1,500 teachers bowed their heads and took out their mobile phones.

Clicked on the mailbox.

Look at the latest teaching indicator mail.

I couldn't help but gasp for air.

"Three SCI-level papers in one semester, cultivate a student pass rate of 80%, and each major student has won at least 3 domestic and international awards?"

Read the email.

Everyone only felt that their scalps were numb, as if three mountains were pressing on their bodies.


In addition to the requirements for them, there are also requirements for students.

The pass rate is 80%, which means that each student's mastery of the knowledge in the textbook needs to reach 80%.

The domestic and international awards won must be the first prize, and the second prize will not be counted.

Each one is ridiculously difficult.


The higher the current position, the higher the indicator.

For example, Hu Zhengchu, as the vice dean, the number of papers in the index became 5, the pass rate became 90%, and the awards became 5.

Hu Jianhua's indicators...

The number of papers became 10, the pass rate became 100%, and the awards became 10.

"Okay, adjournment!"

On the podium.

After Qin Mu finished explaining the matter, he left the hall directly.

Only 1,500 people were left to look at each other.

You look at me.

I'll look at you.

Wide eyes and small eyes.


When the evening comes.

Faculty and staff dormitories.

"Hard, too hard."

The 1,500 teachers returned to their dormitories, all of them frowning.

It's only been a short time since school started.

Before the students felt the pressure, they felt it first.

After the adjournment of the meeting.

Even the meals in the cafeteria are not so fragrant. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"The headmaster's metrics ... It is estimated that it is impossible to take it back. "

Everyone sighed.

They got together again and started to discuss how to achieve the targets.

The email makes it clear.

If you fail to complete the target at the end of the semester, you will be dismissed by Sunward University!

The consequences are extremely serious!

"There are six months in a semester, with classes around April."

Qi Limin took a deep breath and analyzed in a deep voice: "In other words, we must study a new theoretical result in an average of two months and publish it in SCI." "

"This doesn't seem to be very difficult."

When everyone heard this, they rolled their eyes again.

"In terms of pass rate, we can only start with teaching methods, and strive to let students understand the knowledge in the teaching materials as soon as possible."

And they are different.

The students' knowledge level is limited, and the teaching materials of Sanhe University are extremely profound.

Although the content of the teaching materials is step-by-step.

But just the basic content in front of it requires students to spend a lot of time learning.

"In addition, the three classrooms can be used frequently to help students understand the knowledge of the textbook."

Everyone nodded.

[Holographic virtual reality classroom] and [all-digital intelligent classroom] can help students learn quickly and understand the teaching materials.

"And... It is a matter of domestic and international academic awards. "

Last 987.

Qi Limin raised his head, the corners of his mouth slightly upturned: "Soon it will be the National College Student Competition, there are more than a hundred projects in it, and we will all participate in it at that time!" "

Everyone: "..."

Listen to this analysis.

They also gradually gained confidence in their hearts and began to discuss teaching methods and other issues.

The hardest part of completing the indicator...

It seems that it is not with them, but with the students!


The next day.

Blue Dragon Campus.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

The 8,000 new students who had just entered the school gathered in the big playground.

Everyone looked at the high platform expectantly.


The school informed them that they would be given study materials today.

"Principal, look it's the principal!"


Someone exclaimed and recognized Qin Mu on the high platform.

On the playground.

Suddenly there was a commotion, and the new students were excited.

"Hello everyone."

Qin Mu smiled slightly and said hello.

"I believe everyone knows me, I will not introduce myself, first of all, welcome everyone to join Sunward University."

The voice just fell.

At the scene, there was thunderous applause.


The students applauded consciously.

They are all well aware.

It was Qin Mu who single-handedly responded to thousands of students and crowdfunded the establishment of this non-existent university! .

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