The frequency of finger shaking is too great, it may be that the survivors inside as long as they are about to be rescued, so they excitedly increase the number of shaking.

However, what made Jiang Chen wonder was that the faster Zhou Zhiyao dug on the mud wall, the more vicious his fingers became!

Why is it only hideous, because the fingers are caught in the mud wall, and the blood between the fingers of the buckle is flowing everywhere!

No matter how excited a person is, he can’t be excited at this level, right?

However, Jiang Chen found that every shake of his fingers would retract into the mud very regularly and then stretch out!

All this is more like what message the person behind the mud wall wants to express!

Jiang Chen squinted his eyes slightly, and then his eyes lit up and he understood!

“The finger is hideous to attract the attention of the rescuer, the finger retracts and stretches out, perhaps pointing in a certain direction, to remind the rescuer to pay more attention!”

“And the cave is the old den of wild people, wild people have extremely high intelligence, in the place where food is stored, there will generally be wild people guarding, easy will not leave!”

Jiang Chen stared at his fingers and said word by word.

Zhou Zhiyao looked puzzled and asked, “What are you talking about?” ”

Jiang Chen didn’t answer, but a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Because, he was sure, his guess was completely correct!

Because after he analyzed it, the strength of his finger struggle was obviously much less, and he was just trembling!

This shows that the people behind the mud wall have confirmed Jiang Chen’s guess!

A cold glint flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes, and he turned around and punched!

Bang –

A muffled sound!

At this time, whether it was Zhou Zhiyao or the audience in the live broadcast room, they found that there was a wild man who didn’t know when, and secretly came behind Jiang Chen!

However, before the wild man could laugh, he was knocked out by Jiang Chen’s punch that suddenly turned around!

At the same time, Zhou Zhiyao and the audience in the live broadcast room understood what Jiang Chen meant just now, and they were shocked!

[Groove! ] The anchor is also too good! 】

[I didn’t even react to what’s going on, the anchor killed another wild man?] 】

[It turns out that the inexplicable words that the anchor just said are to judge whether there are still wild people in the cave! ] 】

[I was really guessed by the anchor! ] 】

[In fact, the anchor is not guessing, the anchor is carefully observed, through the fingers stretched out by the survivors after the mud strength, judge everything! ] 】

[The anchor’s mind is so meticulous, you can judge from one finger that there is a wild man behind him, admire ah! ] 】

[If it were me, it would probably have been a dog leash! ] 】

[Worship the anchor! ] 】



Zhou Zhiyao was also shocked, and he spit out two words obsessively.

Jiang Chen smiled disapprovingly and said, “Let’s hurry up and save people!” ”

Zhou Zhiyao nodded, and the two dug up the ni wall together!

After a while, a small hole appeared in front of the two of them!

I saw that in the small hole, there was a middle-aged man in his forties and fifties.

The man’s clothes were covered with dirt, his hair was oily, and his eyes were full of horror!

The point is, his hands, feet, and mouth are tied!

That’s why, he can only stretch out one finger, and can’t speak yet!

Jiang Chen loosened the man’s bindings.

Apparently, the man was frightened, and after being loosened, he exclaimed: “Savage! There are wild people in there! ”

“Don’t worry, it’s okay, and it’s been killed!” Jiang Chen said lightly, pointing to the wild man lying on the ground!

The man was startled, and only after seeing the wild man motionless did he breathe a sigh of relief.

However, the panic in the man’s eyes did not completely dissipate, and he still kept muttering: “Dead!” All dead! It’s just me! I reckon we’ll eat me next! They’ll eat me raw! ”

Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao looked at each other and both sighed.

From the man’s words, it could not be heard that the three groups of expeditions, all the rest died, and only the man survived!

And for men, watching the people around them decrease one by one, listening to the screams of their companions when they were eaten raw, is definitely the greatest torture!

It’s no wonder that men are scared like this!

If you change to anyone else, you will probably be directly scared crazy!

It was not easy for the man to be able to maintain his sanity and remind Jiang Chen and the others through his fingers.

He’s a poor man too!

Jiang Chen patted the man’s shoulder and began to comfort him.

It took an hour for the man’s mood to gradually calm down.

At the same time, Jiang Chen also knew his identity, called Wang Hao, a botanist.

And even the experience of the missing expedition scientific research team, everyone has a general understanding.

It’s just surprising that Wang Hao is actually the first batch of expedition research teams.

According to him, as they were walking, they fell into a fog and could not get out.

So, the team prepared to wait for the fog to clear the next day before leaving.

But who knows, on the same night, inexplicable laughter appeared, and then a large number of wild men appeared, abducted them, and two expedition members were eaten on the spot.

They were then locked up in caves, and every once in a while, one of them was caught and eaten.

Originally, they were all desperate.

Who knows, a second and third group were arrested.

They thought they would be rescued, and who knows if the result will still be the same!

After so many days, the people who grabbed it were all eaten!

Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao looked at each other, and they both saw the happiness in each other’s eyes!

Originally, everyone felt that Jiang Chen was too reckless to make a forced landing in dense fog in order to hurry, and he should wait for the fog to clear.

But now it seems that Jiang Chen has made a very wise decision!

Otherwise, if Jiang Chen and the others come ten days late, Wang Hao will definitely be eaten!

“By the way, what about the big army?”

Wang Hao asked while nibbling on dry food.

“Large troops? What large troops? It was just the two of us. Jiang Chen said truthfully.

Hearing this, the corners of Wang Hao’s mouth twitched, his face became strange, and the dry food in his hand instantly became not fragrant, and said anxiously: “Only the two of you?” Just dare to come in? Come on! This is the old den of the wild man! When the wild man comes, he will die! ”

“Afraid of what? We are looking for the old nest of the wild man, and we will leave when the tour is over. Jiang Chenyun said with a light smile.

“Oh, little brother, you don’t know how powerful the wild people are, they are very terrifying, and they are a hand in one mouthful!” Wang Hao described in horror.

However, Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao were very calm.

“Don’t worry, the wild people have been beaten away by us, and it’s too late to see us hiding, how dare they come and arrest us?” Jiang Chen said with a smile.

“Impossible! Savages are so fierce! Dozens of us are not opponents, how can you two drive the wild man away? Wang Hao looked incredulous.

Jiang Chen was also not in a hurry, and said with a faint smile: “If you don’t run away, why is there not a single wild man in the wild man’s cave now?” ”

Wang Hao looked around, and indeed felt strange, except for the wild people who guarded the food, there was actually no wild man, according to his judgment here for many days, it shouldn’t be!

“Is it true?” Wang Haohu doubted.

“It’s true, we also found you on the way to pursue the wildlings.” Zhou Zhiyao explained.

Hearing this, the corner of Wang Hao’s mouth twitched, and he looked at Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao’s eyes, as if he was looking at a monster!

He couldn’t believe what the two of them were capable of, they could even drive away the wildlings, and they chased after them and came to the lair of the wildlings!

“Let’s go, let’s go to another cave and see what’s inside!” Jiang Chen said, and lifted the little savage up by the way.

Wang Hao’s eyes were sharp, and after seeing the little wild man, he couldn’t help but exclaim, “That’s… That was…”

“Oh, when I hit the wild man, I grabbed a small one by the way and took it back for research.” Jiang Chen said disapprovingly, as if he was talking about something trivial.

Zhou Zhiyao has long been accustomed to it, and in her opinion, it is indeed very relaxed, and said lightly: “Savage is really not powerful, similar to people, when Jiang Chen catches savage, a shovel is a savage, very easy!” ”

Hearing this, Wang Hao’s three views have been completely subverted!

This style of painting is completely wrong!

In his eyes, the wild man who existed like a demon was actually so vulnerable in the eyes of Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao!

Even more in front of Jiang Chen, one shovel at a time!

All three groups of their expeditions were killed by the wildlings, Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao were only two people, not only killed the wildlings, but also robbed a small one, and rushed to the wildlings’ lair!

That’s illogical, isn’t it? Can humans do it? Why is there such a big gap between people?

For a while, in Wang Hao’s mind, three question marks appeared!

But immediately after, he shivered and hurriedly followed Jiang Chen!

He had already made up his mind that he would definitely not leave Jiang Chen for half a step!

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room laughed one by one.

[Look, you know the ferocity of the protagonist! ] 】

[A shovel and a wild man, say it, no one really believes it! ] 】

[Savages are fierce beasts in the eyes of others, and in the eyes of anchors, they are all prey! ] 】

[Not only hit the big ones, but also catch the small ones! ] 】

[Only more ferocious than the wildlings can defeat the wildlings! ] 】


At this time, Jiang Chen and the others had already walked into another passage.

A question resurfaced in Jiang Chen’s mind.

A huge number of wild men ran into the cave, and then what? It’s like disappearing out of thin air!

Therefore, Jiang Chen concluded that there should be another exit from the cave!

Sure enough, after a while, Jiang Chen and the others came to a huge cave!

The cave is a natural formation, similar to a stalactite cave, surrounded by many strange stones, which looks very beautiful.

However, what caught Jiang Chen and everyone’s attention was that there were actually many murals painted on the rock walls around the cave!

These murals managed to attract everyone’s attention!

According to reason, no matter how high the wisdom of the wild man is, after all, he is still an animal that drinks blood, how can he paint a mural?

The point is that these murals are very fine, and very beautiful, connected, and have content to interpret, which is not something that a wild man can draw at a glance!

ps: Three thousand words chapter, I hope you can continue to support, please customize!

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