“Jiang, why do you say that such a magical creature exists underground? It’s incredible! ”

Debbie looked at the sky full of stars and couldn’t help but sigh.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and said, “This is the power of nature, we humans think we know the earth very well, but in fact, we are still too small in front of the earth, and I am afraid that there are more mysterious and unknown things in the underground, waiting for us to explore.” ”

“Really? The earth is at our feet? We don’t know enough yet? Debbie asked curiously.

“Of course, we don’t know more than five percent about the ocean, and only five percent about the universe, do you know how much we know about the underground?” Jiang Chen asked jokingly.

“I don’t know, how much?” Debbie shook her head and asked curiously.

“What we know about the underground is only 0.2 percent!”

Jiang Chen’s answer not only made Debbie, but also made the audience in the entire live broadcast room stunned!

[The ground under our feet is actually the place we least understand?] 】

[We actually know more about the universe than we know about the underground! It’s incredible! 】

[If the anchor doesn’t say it, I don’t know, it turns out that we humans are so small! ] 】


Jiang Chen then said with a smile: “So, no matter what kind of discovery there is underground, don’t be surprised, because the unknown is possible, science is used to break, only in continuous breaking can it be constantly improved, human cognition is the same, the earth is far more mysterious than we think!” ”

Debbie nodded seriously.

The audience in the live broadcast room also began to knock on the key points and start taking notes!

And this paragraph will also be written into Jiang Chen’s autobiography, written into textbooks, and spread throughout the world in the future!

However, Debbie was still curious and asked, “Why do these bugs glow?” This is more than 4,000 meters underground, they have never seen light, right? But it will shine? It’s amazing! ”

“It’s normal, what creatures need, the creator gives, precisely because there is no light deep underground, so the creator gives them light, so that they can shine underground to tempt prey, or defend against natural enemies, so as to reproduce!”

“Such creatures are not uncommon, there are many in the deep sea, because there is no sunlight in the deep sea, all many creatures have evolved their own luminous systems, used to lure enemies and defense, and are still colorful light, according to statistics, there are at least 300 kinds of glowing fish in the deep sea, not including some crustaceans, mollusks and so on!”

“So luminescent creatures are not rare on Earth, but most of the creatures we know are on the surface, and surface organisms do not need to emit light themselves because of sunlight, that is, the unique ecological environment has created a variety of biological evolution.”

Jiang Chen explained.

The audience in the live broadcast room, as well as Debbie, are like students in class!

It’s just that this class, everyone listened to it with relish, and the meaning is still unfinished!


It wasn’t until a strange cry sounded from Debbie’s stomach that everyone was awakened!

Debbie covered her stomach in embarrassment, and her pretty face flushed slightly.

“Hungry? Also, we have been walking for so long, and we have just died nine times in our lives from the waterfall, and we should really rest and rest, eat something, and replenish our physical strength. Jiang Chen suggested, “Let’s set up camp here and enjoy the starry sky.” ”

Saying that, Jiang Chen let Debi rest on the side, and he set up a camp again like a perpetual motion machine that will never get tired!

After a while, a simple tent camp was successfully set up by Jiang Chen.

At the same time, in order to rest well, he also made a simple fence around the camp using everything he could around him!

This fence can be used to block some unknown creatures from approaching, which is safer!

When it was all over, Debbie had already taken out all the food.

“Our food was arranged according to a 20-day round trip, and now our itinerary has changed, and the food can’t keep up, according to calculations, we can only eat half of the compressed biscuits with a little canned sauce.” Debbie sighed and said, “If only there was a big meal under such a beautiful scenery!” ”

“Dinner?” Jiang Chen raised his eyebrows and walked into the tent, while letting the Almighty Eye stop following him.

Then, Jiang Chen’s mind moved, and he took out various vacuum bags from the mobile space, as well as a large cauldron, before walking out of the tent again!

“Jiang, these are…”

Debbie looked at everything in front of her, stunned.

“You want a big meal!”

“I’ve been carrying it in my backpack, and as soon as you said it, I remembered, aren’t you going to have a big meal? Now the big meal is here! Jiang Chen casually found a reason to perfunctory past, then set up the fuel and began to burn the pot.

Debbie didn’t think about it, her excited eyes lit up, and she hugged Jiang Chen and kissed her fiercely, “Jiang!” I love you so much! I have been vomiting compressed biscuits for a long time, and today I can finally change the taste! ”

The audience in the live broadcast room looked curious, wondering what Jiang Chen had come up with that could make Debbie so excited!

It wasn’t until half an hour later that the truth was revealed!

It turns out that the vacuum bag contains hot pot base, as well as various ingredients!

The live room fryer is up!

[Groove! ] The anchor actually brought a hot pot! 】

[Explorers with hot pot, I’ve really lived for a long time! ] 】

[The anchor unknowingly set a new record, the first man to eat hot pot in a place more than 4,000 meters underground…].

[This is too romantic, right?] More than 4,000 meters underground, enjoying the night sky and shabu fat cattle! The only person who can eat hot pot with such a romantic sense is the anchor! 】

[In my life, I can find a man who takes me to the starry sky and eats hot pot more than 4,000 meters underground, and I will be content! ] 】


ps: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips, the author kneels and thanks!

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