Jiang Chen frowned, observed for a long time, and said, “Do you know about the baby fish?” ”

“Doll fish? What is it? Debbie looked confused.

Jiang Chen explained: “The baby fish is an amphibian creature special to Z country, the scientific name is Z country salamander, the earliest fossil in the world is from Z country, about 165 million years ago, is one of the national treasures, also known as living fossils, is the world’s largest and most precious amphibian, is a transitional group from aquatic to terrestrial, is a living material for studying animal evolution!” ”

“And they are generally only more than a meter long, and can grow up to two meters long!”

After listening to Jiang Chen’s explanation, Debbie was even more unsure, “But… This guy looks at least six meters long, how can you be sure he’s a baby fish? ”

The audience in the live broadcast room has the same problem!

Jiang Chen hesitated slightly, and then said, “I judge based on the commonality between the two!” ”

So, Jiang Chen began to explain and said, ”

“The cry of the baby fish is very similar to the cry of this giant beast, it is like the cry of a baby!”

“Moreover, the living environment and habits between the two, as well as their appearance, are also very similar!”

“First judge from the appearance of the doll fish and the giant beast, the body of the doll fish is mostly flat, the head length is slightly larger than the width of the head, the snout is wide and round, the outer nostrils are small, the proximal snout, the eyes are small, the mouth is large, and the upper jaw and lower jaw have dense fangs!”

“In this way, the giant beast just now is indeed very similar to the doll fish, but the giant beast just now looks more hideous!”

After listening to Jiang Chen’s explanation, Debbie nodded thoughtfully.

Then, Jiang Chen said: “Next, it is their living environment and habits. ”

“Doll fish like to live in the wet and dark river, generally their own caves, close to the water, and they like cold gutters, but also have particularly high requirements for water quality, in general in addition to hunting, almost will not leave their caves, very lazy, sometimes even hunting is not willing to go out of the hole, only in the hole to wait for prey to pass by, and then swallow it!”

“Even, they are hungry, they can go months without eating, but they can still be very cruel when they are too hungry!”

“Don’t you think that these habits are very similar to the giant beasts in front of us?”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Debi, as well as many viewers in the live broadcast room, nodded involuntarily.

If you compare according to Jiang Chen’s analysis, the giant beast in front of you is really likely to be a baby fish!

For the audience of country Z, doll fish is no stranger, so they still have doubts in their hearts!

After all, the difference between this giant beast and the baby fish is too big to accept!

Debbie did the same, “You have a point, but there should still be many differences between them, right?” For example, body shape, temperament, etc., how to explain this? ”

Jiang Chen also thought of this and said, “There is only one explanation that can explain everything, they are most likely the ancestors of the baby fish!” ”

“The ancestor of the doll fish?”

Debbie and the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned!

Jiang Chen’s brain hole is also too big!

Jiang Chen continued to explain: “The giant salamander, that is, the baby fish, dates back to 350 million years ago! ”

“So long?” Debbie exclaimed.

“That’s why salamanders are called living fossils.” Jiang Chen smiled slightly and continued to explain: “Long before the Devonian period before the Combined Continent formed a drifting continent, the giant salamander had already become the overlord of the continent together with the dinosaurs! ”

“At that time, the giant salamander can be described as very fierce, the body length can be three to six meters, and it is an amphibian, and it is a murderous temperament, it is completely invincible, even if it is a dinosaur on land, it can only become their mouth, so that dinosaurs dare not approach easily!”

“And in the late Triassic, due to the global drought era, dinosaurs with simple body structures ushered in explosive evolution and ruled the entire Mesozoic era, at which time the ancestors of the giant salamander were suppressed, the number began to decrease, and it began to degenerate!”

“And in the late Cretaceous, mass extinction occurred, a large number of dinosaurs died, the environment changed greatly, but the more primitive giant salamander ancestors, any environment can adapt to it, and thanks to it is an amphibian creature, so it survived, and survived the next wave of mass extinction!”

“I suspect that the giant beast in front of me is likely to be in the Triassic period, a group of giant salamander ancestors hid, avoided dinosaur suppression, and due to millions of years of crustal movement, was moved underground, only to avoid several mass extinctions, and maintain self-survival and not degenerate, continuing to this day!”

After listening to Jiang Chen’s speculation, Debbie and the audience in the live broadcast room were all frozen!

No one would have thought that Jiang Chen’s knowledge was so extensive and his brain was so big!

And now, there are many experts and scholars who watch Jiang Chen’s live broadcast, and if they are invited out, they will definitely be able to form the world’s top scientific research team.

Among them, many scholars have spoken!

[I am an expert in biology, I think what the anchor said is very reasonable, this creature looks at appearance, as well as living habits, and body shape, very similar to the ancestor of the giant salamander! ] 】

[The survival ability of the giant salamander is so strong, and there are creatures under the waterhole, it is indeed possible to survive for countless years in the underground of four kilometers underground! ] 】

[Whether it is the ancestor of the giant salamander or not, this giant beast is an unknown and living prehistoric creature! ] 】

[This is undoubtedly another epic discovery of great significance and breakthrough! ] 】

ps: A new day has begun, daily ask for flowers, ask for evaluation tickets, ask for monthly passes, ask for tips (a point is also love!) ), author, kneel thanks to everyone!

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