At the same time, in Jinling City, a huge courtyard courtyard is in the middle of the city, but it is quiet in the middle of the noise, which is a complete treasure land!

And this treasure land is called “Jiang House”!

The appearance of the Jiang House looks full of ancient charm, but the interior decoration is a combination of modern and ancient, highlighting the sense of modernity while not losing the charm of antiquity!

At this moment, in the restaurant of the house, a middle-aged couple was having dinner together, they were Jiang Chen’s parents, Jiang Zhizhong and Wang Nianchu!

Wang Nianchu is very well maintained, it seems that he is only in his thirties, and his temperament is excellent!

Jiang Zhizhong gives people a feeling of not smiling, and he is a strong man in the mall at a glance!

At this time, just after dinner, Wang Nianchu looked at the mobile phone boredly, and suddenly frowned, “Husband, I seem to have seen our son!” This is our son! Come and see! ”

“Hmph! What to see? What’s there to see? Isn’t it a runaway from home? I don’t believe what else he can make a name for himself! Wang Zhizhong said without hesitation.

“How do you know if you don’t look? I just said, my son is an absolute talent wherever he goes! Wang Nianchu said with a gentle smile.

Wang Zhizhong raised his eyebrows, couldn’t resist the curiosity in his heart, and after Wang Nianchu left, he secretly took his mobile phone and fixed his eyes!

At this look, Wang Zhizhong couldn’t help but tremble his big hands and said, “This kid, so powerful? ”

“Yo, some people, didn’t they say they didn’t look at it?”

Who knows, Wang Nianchu suddenly killed a horse gun, and said with a smile.

“Hmph! You think I want to see it? Wang Zhizhong said stiffly, “Isn’t it just that there are some discoveries?” Good luck! I think he will definitely not be able to make a name for himself, and sooner or later he will come back to inherit the family business! ”


At the same time, in the downtown bar, on the largest VIP booth, a group of sons and brothers, hugging the beauties in their arms, drinking continuously!

There are many beautiful women around, constantly throwing flattering eyes into the booth, everyone knows that the identity of the son brother in the booth is not simple!

Three of them are even known as the three young masters of Jinling, respectively Zhou Kai, Wang Shaojun and He Sixian, as for the rest of them are not generalists, the most famous is the newly promoted fourth youngster, Zhao Ziwen!

Among them, no matter which brother can be caught, he can be called flying on the branch as a phoenix!

At this time, the three young people on the deck gathered together and looked at the mobile phone screen.

“I’ll go! This Jiang Shao is also too powerful, right? Now they are all great people! Zhou Kai exclaimed incredulously.

“When I went to school, although we often messed around together, I just saw that Jiang Shao was different, and he would definitely be better than us in the future, so let’s be accurate!” Ha ha! Wang Shaojun said with a smile.

“He is indeed a capable person, if he is still in the mall, he must be standing on the top of the golden tower, and there will be nothing for us.” He Sixian took a sip of wine and said.

Seeing the three chatting happily, Zhao Ziwen said with disdain: “Isn’t it just an explorer?” What’s so great? Give me a hundred million and I won’t go either. ”

“Hehe, you know a fart!” Wang Shaojun sneered, did not give face at all, and cursed: “Can you compare with Brother Jiang? Brother Jiang is a person who pursues, our realm is different, if he is willing to stay in Jinling, the Jinling shopping mall has long been turned upside down! ”

“That’s right, do you know what nickname Brother Jiang used to be in Jinling? People call him the Demon King! Zhou Kai continued.

Zhao Ziwen spread his hands and said, “So what? Now he is not a broken explorer, he runs around every day, he is not good at exploring, and it is estimated that he has lost his job. ”


As soon as these words came out, a burst of laughter suddenly sounded on the booth.

“Losing your job? You don’t know anything about Brother Jiang! Zhou Kai laughed.

“But what you said is also correct, if Brother Jiang does not explore well, the job of exploration will be lost, and he can only go home and inherit trillions of family property.” Wang Shaojun said with a smile.

“Trillions? Are you kidding! Zhao Ziwen said with a look of disbelief.

At this time, He Sixian, who had not spoken, finally spoke, and said: “It’s not an exaggeration at all, all of us here combined, are not half of Brother Jiang’s family lineage!” ”

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Ziwen’s complexion became strange.

He knows what kind of character He Sixian is, he has always been unsmiling, he will never lie, and even if he said so, it must be!

It’s just that he doesn’t dare to imagine what kind of concept trillion it is!

You need to know that all his family’s belongings add up, it is only one billion!

If this was compared, wouldn’t he even be able to compare with Jiang Chen’s finger?

No wonder, Zhou Kai and Wang Shaojun will say that Jiang Chen’s realm is different, and now it seems that this is indeed the case, so rich and risking his life to explore, very accessible!

“Don’t use your ignorance to question people higher than your realm, Brother Jiang can make your family disappear from Jinling with a word, don’t say Brother Jiang, even I can make you sad!”

He Sixian continued: “Do you think that when outsiders call you Four Youngsters, you really integrate into our circle and admit that you are Four Majors? You really don’t deserve it! Get lost! Don’t let me see you again! ”

Zhao Ziwen seemed to have eaten a large mouthful of flies, and on the surface he promised to leave, but he was not convinced in his heart.

When he returned home, he told his father about the matter, who knew that his father was angry and wanted to break off the father-son relationship with him!

At this time, Zhao Ziwen knew the seriousness of the matter and felt Jiang Chen’s horror!


The next day, Jiang Chen was just about to go out, when he was attracted by a silhouette outside the door!

I saw that Jiang Yan didn’t know when to kneel outside the door, and shivered.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, ask for monthly tickets, today’s data is another extremely poor day, please brothers and sisters to support ah, soon the next adventure will begin, everyone guess where! (Added today, one more chapter update!) )

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