“You… Just kidding, right? ”

Zhou Zhiyao plucked up the courage to ask.

“Just kidding? I did skydive for the first time and I have to say, we were lucky to land safely. Jiang Chen said jokingly.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhiyao was completely autistic!

The barrage in the live broadcast room was also jubilant.

[This young lady is autistic and laughs at me! ] 】

[Come to a big god, ask for the psychological shadow area of the young lady! ] 】


In fact, Jiang Chen didn’t mean to scare anyone, he just told the truth, he was really the first time to skydive.

It’s just that before he skydived, he knew the dangers and directly used skill points to improve his skydiving skills to LV10!

Although in this way, all of Jiang Chen’s skill points were spent!

However, being able to land successfully, in Jiang Chen’s opinion, everything is worth it!


At the same time, the system sound reappears!

“Tip: Congratulations to the host, complete the task, and arrive in the Shennongjia area!”

“Tip: Congratulations to the host for obtaining 5 one-time [Gene Ability Cards], [Complete Book of Plant Knowledge]!”

“Genetic ability card?” Jiang Chen’s brows furrowed slightly, and he guessed, “Could it be that after I use it, I can replicate a certain gene?” Have some ability? For example, cheetah, if I copy the cheetah gene, I can have the ultimate sprint speed? ”

“If that’s the case, this gene stuck in the primeval jungle will help me a lot!” Jiang Chen said happily.

However, the only pity is that it is a one-time time, not permanent.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen would immediately copy the spider’s genes, wouldn’t he be able to become Spider-Man!

Then, it’s the [Complete Book of Plant Knowledge]!

“There are thousands of plants in Shennongjia, and having this thing can also help explorers.” Jiang Chen nodded in satisfaction.


“Tip: Ask the host to explore the original no-man’s land of Shennongjia, discover its secrets, and broadcast it live!”

In the next second, the system sound appeared again, releasing the main mission of this expedition!

At the same time, Zhou Zhiyao had already taken off his seat belt, converged with Jiang Chen, and looked around!

I saw that there was a thick fog all around, shrouding everything!

Even, there was a layer of thick fog flowing from the feet of Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao, as if forming a lake of smoke clouds!

This scene is like coming to a fairyland, full of smoke and beautiful!

“Shennongjia, it’s so beautiful, it’s like the legendary fairyland!” Zhou Zhiyao couldn’t help but sigh.

“Shennongjia’s unique geographical location, as well as geomorphological features, has created a variety of magical landscapes, which are indeed very beautiful, but often the more beautiful the place, the more dangerous it is!” Jiang Chen reminded.

“Oh? How to say? Zhou Zhiyao asked curiously.

Jiang Chen looked around, picked up a stone from the bottom of his feet, and threw it not far ahead, in a dense fog that did not move on the ground!

In an instant, the stone was engulfed in thick fog!

The sound of stones colliding with the ground did not appear!

Surrounding, surprisingly quiet!

Jiang Chen broke a branch from the giant tree next to him, stretched out into the dense fog, and stirred!

After a while, the fog cleared!

And what introduces everyone’s eyes is the abyss!

“Nature is very good at camouflage, behind the beauty, there are often deadly traps hidden!” Jiang Chen added.

Zhou Zhiyao and the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but gasp!

They never expected that under the mist ahead, there was actually an abyss!

You need to know that under the cover of clouds and mist, the abyss and the land under their feet look no different on the surface!

And the abyss in front of him was less than two meters away from where Jiang Chen and the others were!

If Jiang Chen hadn’t noticed it, everyone would not have thought that if he was so close to the abyss, if he just rushed forward, he would definitely fall into it and fall to pieces!

“When nature is gentle, it can give us beautiful scenery and everything, but when nature is angry, it can also become a man-eating beast and destroy everything, so we must have a heart of awe for nature.” Jiang Chen said.

Zhou Zhiyao and the audience in the live broadcast room felt that they had been taught a lesson, and nodded involuntarily.

Next, led by Jiang Chen, Zhou Zhiyao followed closely and began to grope forward.

However, the air is becoming more and more oppressive, and no one can enjoy the surrounding scenery anymore!

Just like the movie “Fog”, a sense of potential and fear of the unknown involuntarily exploded from the bottom of the heart.

Even, even Jiang Chen couldn’t help but be cautious and slowly walked into the fog!

The visibility in the fog, less than three meters, is more terrifying than a pitch-black cave!

Moreover, the terrain in the depths of Shennongjia was extremely treacherous, and Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao, knowing nothing about their location and the road ahead, every step they took was extremely dangerous!

Even the audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but clench their fists and sweat for Jiang Chen and Zhou Zhiyao!

Jiang Chen and the others finally stopped after walking for four hours according to the intensity of the sunlight.

The two looked at the remains of the parachute on the ground and frowned!

For four hours, the two have been walking non-stop!

However, in the thick fog, the visibility was extremely low, and they were like entering the Wizard of the Mist, and they had been circling for four hours, and they couldn’t get out!

Now, they’re back where they were!

The audience in the live broadcast room also began to analyze.

[It’s useless, even in an ordinary forest, it’s very easy to get lost, let alone in a foggy primeval forest, and you basically can’t get out if you get lost. ] 】

[Doesn’t that mean that the anchor is going to be trapped here?] 】

[Not necessarily, but only after the fog clears, can you continue to try to go out!] 】


“I wish we hadn’t met Gu Wu!” Jiang Chen said with a solemn face.

“What is Gu Mist?” Zhou Zhiyao asked suspiciously.

“Valley fog usually occurs in winter valleys, and when heavier cold air moves into the valley and warm air also passes through the top of the mountain, the resulting temperature inversion phenomenon, resulting in a thick fog!” Jiang Chen explained: “The point is that this kind of fog can generally last for several days! ”

“In that case, we can only choose to set up camp now!” Zhou Zhiyao suggested.

At the same time, the audience in the live broadcast room, after listening to Jiang Chen’s analysis, also expressed their views.

[At present, for anchors, setting up camp and waiting until the fog clears is the most knowledgeable choice! ] 】

[That’s right, otherwise moving forward in the fog will only consume physical strength in vain! ] 】

[The young lady looks very calm, and the suggestions are also very good, worthy of praise, powder! ] 】


Of course, after the audience analyzed Jiang Chen’s situation, they were also extremely frightened!

They never imagined that they had just started their expedition, and they encountered such huge difficulties, which could be described as difficult step by step, and it was difficult to move an inch!

They really didn’t know what kind of danger was waiting for Jiang Chen in the follow-up expedition!

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