At the same time, the outside scientific community was shocked!

No one could have imagined that in the depths of Shennongjia, in the caves where wild people lived, there were actually murals!

This is an unprecedented shocking discovery, and it is a milestone for the study of Chinese history!

What age is the mural painting? Who painted it?

And these two questions are everyone’s questions!

With doubts, Jiang Chen and the others approached the mural and studied it.

The murals can be roughly divided into four pairs!

The first picture is a group of villains walking!

And it can be clearly seen that this group of villains are all humans, they do not have rich long hair, but they wear simple clothes.

Moreover, it looks like they are farming, apparently having entered the farming civilization!

“We have always been saying that our farming civilization originated in the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, but there has been no evidence, we can only judge from the legend, and it has not been internationally recognized, and now it seems that this should be the most direct evidence!” Jiang Chen said.

Zhou Zhiyao tried hard to record the mural, and then asked, “How can you be sure that this mural originated in the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors?” ”

“First of all, the people who have come to Shennongjia, according to records, are only Shennong and others, so only Shennong and others can make murals here, so I think this must be the mural made by Shennong’s wave of people!” Jiang Chen explained.

“Isn’t that an explanation a bit far-fetched?” Wang Hao questioned.

Even some viewers and scientists in the live broadcast room expressed their doubts.

Especially foreign scientists, they do not want to see the Chinese civilization extended for a long time!

However, Jiang Chen had his own basis, he pointed to an inconspicuous corner on the mural and said, “See?” What is it? ”

Zhou Zhiyao and Wang Hao looked together and found that it was a bull’s head!

“Legend has it that Shennong is the leader of a bull’s head, of course, it is not that he is really a bull’s head in history, it is likely to be a belief of people at that time, because it is an agricultural era, the cow represents diligence and pillars, so everyone compares Shennong to a cow!” Jiang Chen explained: “However, no matter what, this shows that the mural is inseparable from the Shennong clan!” ”

Hearing this, everyone felt that what Jiang Chen said was very reasonable!

Although it is not yet possible to measure the age of the mural, it can be analyzed from the mural, and the mural should be left by the Shennong period!

If it is finally confirmed that Jiang Chen’s analysis is correct, then the legendary Five Emperors will no longer be a myth, but a history!

This undoubtedly made the sons and daughters of Huaxia feel their blood boiling!

At this time, Jiang Chen continued to look at the next mural!

In this mural, many villains are painted!

However, these villains are different and become black villains with often hair!

“This is a wild man!” Wang Hao exclaimed.

It may be the psychological shadow area caused by the wild man, and Wang Hao was excited when he saw the wild man.

Jiang Chen nodded and said, “The people in the mural really look like wild people!” ”

However, the actions of these wild men look very similar to humans!

Some wild people are sitting in trees playing, some wild people are eating something, some wild people are actually gathering with humans, and some wild people are even more exaggerated, actually ploughing the land!

All this is a little incomprehensible!

And above this mural, the bull’s head symbol appears again, and there is a villain next to it, which should represent the Shennong clan!

And what does this mural represent?

If the first mural represents the scene where Shennong and others just came to Shennongjia, then the second mural represents the scene of Shennong and others living in Shennongjia?

But why is the scene span so large? How did the wild man suddenly appear?

It’s puzzling!

“Let’s take a look at the next mural!” Jiang Chen suggested, look at the next mural with everyone!

This mural looks very understandable, the main body is a big tree!

The tree is so big, compared with the tree, the little person is like sesame, and the big tree seems to be able to go straight to the heavenly realm!

Around the big tree, there are many rare and exotic beasts, which cannot be seen in specific shapes, but they cannot be connected with any kind of animal in reality!

At the same time, you can also see that in the lower part of the big tree, there are many small caves that have been opened, like small rooms!

“What does that mean?” Wang Hao asked suspiciously.

“Don’t you feel familiar when you look at this tree?” Jiang Chen asked.

Everyone looked puzzled.

Jiang Chen explained: “There is a record in the “Classic of Mountains and Seas, Sea Classic, and Hainenan Sutra” that there is an ancient divine tree, with wood, its shape is like an ox, and it has skin, such as a ying and a yellow snake. Its leaves are like Luo, in fact, it is like a cane, and its wood is like a cat, and its name is Jianmu. ”

“Translated into the vernacular, it describes the size of the tree, with branches and leaves, stamens, fruits, birds, walking beasts, dragons and gods, and so on!” Jiang Chen continued to explain: “And the tree described in the Mountain and Sea Scripture is very similar to the giant tree described in the mural? ”

Wang Hao, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, couldn’t help but nod!

It’s just that what makes everyone think about it is extremely frightening, how is it the Mountain and Sea Classic?

Before the ancient bear mountain, it was confirmed by the mountain and sea scriptures!

Now, I don’t know how many years ago, the mural is actually consistent with the description of the divine tree in the Mountain and Sea Scripture!

If there are more coincidences, it will definitely not be a coincidence!

Could it be that this kind of tree really existed in ancient times?

Jiang Chen continued to analyze: “This kind of tree is actually our legendary building wood, legend has it that building wood stands between heaven and earth, and the Nine Heavens Kunpeng was born on the top of the tree, and the legend is also a bridge between heaven and earth, man and god, Fuxi, and the Yellow Emperor Yandi, etc., are all through ladders such as building wood to go up to the three realms!” ”

Hearing this, the audience in the live broadcast room was simply eye-opening!

Who would have thought that the same thing would be expressed in different forms at different times!

If the divine tree did not really exist, how did the ancients imagine it?

Still imagining so consistently?

It’s terrifying to think about!

Then, there’s the last mural!

The content on the mural is still a big tree!

However, the tree is divided into layers, and there are obvious fault marks in the middle!

The point is that under the big tree, countless people kneel on the ground, as if worshiping!

And at the top of the tree, a small man is drawn, and the bull’s head symbol appears again above the villain!

At the same time, around the villain, there are many animals that have been painted white, boiling back and forth!

This scene is reminiscent of many legends, such as Shennong’s ascension, and albino animals becoming immortals, and so on!

However, everyone can’t connect it together, and there are contradictions everywhere!

However, at this moment, Jiang Chen had a bold idea in his mind!

If the idea holds, everything, the mystery of the ages, will be solved!

At the same time, an even bigger brain hole hit Jiang Chen’s mind!

He may be able to solve the mystery of the wild man in the second picture as well!

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