The little calf was already dying, and under Jiang Chen’s break, it soon lost its breath!

However, Jiang Chen’s face was extremely solemn, and said, “The smell of blood here has already dissipated, I don’t know what animals will be attracted over, let’s get out of here quickly!” ”

Saying that, Jiang Chen used branches and rattan to simply sit on a pallet, put the calf on it, and prepared to drag it away directly!


However, at this moment, in the bushes on the side, there was a sudden noise.

Jiang Chen and Debbie glanced at each other and immediately became vigilant.

Woohoohoo –

Immediately afterwards, an extremely rough breathing sound became clearer.

After a while, a huge black shadow dangled behind the trees!

Finally, when the vegetation was trampled down, the behemoth came out and revealed its true face!

One, giant brown bear!

However, it is much larger than the average brown bear, at least 4 meters tall and at least 2 meters wide!

Numbers may not feel empathetic, but if they are compared, they are a wall!

A wall that is taller than a normal floor and two meters wide!

And its appearance is indeed like a wall, blocking Jiang Chen and Debi’s way, just standing in front of it, it is full of oppression!

“This… What is it…… Bear? Such a big bear? Are you sure? Debbie said incoherently in fright.

As a fighting nation, she has never seen bears, whether domestic or wild!

This is the first time she has been scared by a bear!

Because, it is also the first time she has met such a huge bear, just like a prehistoric giant in the movie!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also stunned!

[You tell me, this is a bear?] 】

[This bear, when the fighting nation sees it, it must be scared to pee! ] 】

【It’s too big! It’s a giant Mac! 】

[This claw is shot, it is estimated that even the bones are gone! ] 】

[Still need a paw?] One bite can swallow life! 】

[The anchor and Miss Debbie, it seems dangerous…]


Jiang Chen was also in his mind, quickly looking for information about the giant bear, and soon his eyes lit up and whispered: “If my guess is correct, this should be a cave bear!” ”

“The cave bear is a bear that lived in northern Eurasia during the Pleistocene and became extinct during the Ice Age about 20,000 years ago.”

Because its fossils are mostly found in caves, it is named “cave bear”, and the giant short-faced bear is the two giant bears of the Pleistocene. ”

“Cave bears are huge, and male cave bears can weigh up to 2,500 pounds, with an average elevation of more than 3 meters and an average body width of more than 1.7 meters!”

“Cave bears spread throughout Eurasia, and at the end of the Pleistocene, the last cave bears lived in central and southern Europe.”

“It wasn’t until the end of the last ice age that they really began to disappear and go extinct, and scientists speculate that it should have been 27,800 years ago, when the ice age came, and the cave bear was unable to adapt due to environmental changes, so it gradually perished.”

“The point is that cave bears do not live alone, but exist in small family groups, with considerable coordination and connection with each other, and the paw prints of cave bears are often clearly identified on the walls of some caves, which is a conscious and regular move to expand their living space.”

“So, there may be more cave bears around!”

After Jiang Chen finished speaking, Debbie’s face was already like white paper!

The audience in the live broadcast room even raised their hearts to their throats!

A cave bear is scary enough, if you are in a group, isn’t it a completely cool rhythm?

However, Jiang Chen seemed more relaxed and said, “Of course, there is another important point, cave bears are herbivores, and their main food is plants and honey!” ”

As soon as these words came out, Debbie and the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly breathed a sigh of relief!

However, Jiang Chen pulled Debbie back a little and said, “These are the speculations of scientists, whether they eat meat or not, who knows?” A small number of scientists speculate that they also eat meat occasionally! ”

Hearing this, Debi’s hands trembled, and she was almost vomited blood by Jiang Chenqi.

Many of the audience in the live broadcast room also covered their hearts and couldn’t stand it!

【What about my quick relief pill?】 Bring it to me! 】

[Here, focus on it, watch the anchor live broadcast in the future, remember to always prepare a quick-acting heart-saving pill! ] 】

[Anyway, it’s better to run subtle first, the anchor runs! ] 】


Jiang Chen naturally knew this, and he signaled Debbie to go first.

After waiting for Debbie to reach a certain distance, Jiang Chen slowly dragged the calf and began to retreat.

However, Jiang Chen had just moved a step, and the cave bear gasped and walked towards Jiang Chen!


The audience in the live broadcast room, as well as Debbie’s heart, instantly mentioned the throat eye!

And the goal of the cave bear is also very clear, it is the calf that Jiang Chen wants to drag away!

The audience watching the live broadcast room couldn’t help but shout anxiously.

[Anchor, the cow gives it, you run! ] 】

[The cave bear’s target is calfs! ] 】

[Great, anchor, you almost ran away!] Come on! 】


However, Jiang Chen frowned, and he was a little reluctant in his heart!

I tracked the sawtooth tiger myself, waited for more than an hour, finally waited for the calf, the cave bear still wants to take the sheep by the hand?

Jiang Chen’s violent temper!

Can’t help it!

Therefore, Jiang Chen’s actions in the next moment stunned everyone!

I saw that instead of running, Jiang Chen strode up and punched towards the cave bear!

When Debbie saw this scene, she screamed in fright, her breathing was short, and she almost rolled her eyes and fainted.

The audience in the live broadcast room opened their mouths even more and were stunned!

Even, many viewers have covered their eyes and dare not continue watching!

However, what happened in the next moment once again shocked everyone’s jaws!

I saw that Jiang Chen punched Dongxiong in the face!

Bang –

With a loud bang, the cave bear actually flew out directly!

That’s right!

It flew out!

It took two or three meters to fly before he fell to the ground, wailing continuously!

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be suspended!

In the case of Debbie, everyone rubbed their eyes and slapped their cheeks, thinking that they were looking wrong, or thinking that they were dreaming!

They couldn’t believe what they saw!

Jiang Chen, alone, in a circle, knocked a cave bear away?

If you don’t know to say it, I’m afraid you will die of jokes!

After all, this is manpower?

But that’s the truth!

In fact, what they didn’t know was that Jiang Chen secretly used the disposable [Gene Ability Card] left over from the last trip to Shennongjia in just a moment, and used the moment of contact with the cave bear to copy the strength and physical strength of the cave bear!

At this time, he is a cave bear!

Or a cave bear full of wisdom!

However, the audience in the live broadcast room did not know that seeing the scene of Jiang Chen punching the hole bear was simply shocking!

[Groove! ] The anchor is too awesome! 】

[If this is to fight the UFC, isn’t it an invincible existence?] 】

[Now you know, grabbing food, how serious the consequences are! ] 】

[Prehistoric animals, remember, don’t grab food with the anchor, the anchor is the man standing at the top of the food chain! ] 】


PS: Please customize, please support! (Attached is a picture of the cave bear!) )

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