I saw that behind the small wooden boat, a huge wave at least ten meters high, with the momentum of overwhelming mountains, swept the heavens and the earth, rushing towards it!

It seems that the underground giant sea knows that Jiang Chen and Debbie want to escape, so he is angry and wants to exert all his strength in the end to leave the two behind!

The wooden boat, which has been drifting at sea for several days, and after being beaten and washed by endless waves, is already broken and crumbling!

If you are hit by a ten-meter-high wave, then the result can be imagined, and the wooden boat will definitely fall apart on the spot!

“It’s over! River! This huge wave, I am afraid that we will not be able to avoid it! Debbie said desperately.

The audience in the live broadcast room also clenched the head of the group and paid close attention to the live broadcast room nervously!

Jiang Chen’s face was also unprecedentedly solemn, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind!


Debbie suggested.

Jiang Chen shook his head and said, “How can a small wooden boat like ours run through huge waves without an engine!” ”

“So what to do? Wait for the Great Waves to shoot over, we are not all dead! Debbie said anxiously.

A fierce color flashed in Jiang Chen’s eyes, “If you can’t run away, you can only fight head-on!” ”

As soon as these words came out, Debbie and the audience in the live broadcast room widened their eyes one after another, revealing an incredible face!

After all, no one expected that Jiang Chen would actually make such a crazy decision!

Let the already crumbling wooden boat fight against the 10-meter-high wave!

The two are not in the same class at all!

Even, even if you change to a speedboat to face the huge waves ten meters high, it is estimated that it is a little difficult, let alone a small wooden boat!

For a time, the live broadcast room was noisy!

[The anchor is crazy! ] This decision is crazy! 】

[Isn’t doing this equivalent to looking for death?] 】

[Small wooden boat, facing a ten-meter-high wave, the two are simply two orders of magnitude existence! ] 】

[Sure enough, the anchor always makes the craziest moves when it is the most crisis! ] 】

[I live by the sea, and I have encountered this situation before when I go to sea, but we are driving a large fishing boat, even when facing huge waves of more than ten meters, we have a feeling of turning over, let alone a small wooden boat, it is too dangerous! ] 】

[That’s right, in this case, to face the Great Wave, it is simply a decision that only a madman can make! ] 】


Even Debbie exclaimed with a look of horror: “Jiang, are you serious? This wave is much bigger than the previous one! ”

“Do we have any other choice?” Jiang Chen smiled, the madness in his eyes had already been revealed!

However, after this remark, the audience and Debbie were silent!

Because Jiang Chen’s words got to the point!

Is there another option? Without!

Whether they face the Great Waves or not, they will eventually be swallowed up by the Great Waves!

Therefore, it is better to fight once and see if you can get a glimmer of life!

“I see, what do you need me to do?” Debbie asked with a firm look.

Jiang Chen did not hesitate, immediately turned the bow of the boat, and then threw a few ropes to Debi, saying, “Fix the hull again and reduce the fixed range!” ”

After speaking, the bow of the ship had been turned, but Jiang Chen still did not stop, and immediately took out his military shovel and slammed it on both ends of the hull.

And at this moment, the huge wave was only five meters away from the wooden boat, and it was about to swallow the small wooden boat!

At the same time, Jiang Chen and Debbie returned to the center of the hull together, tied the safety ropes together, and then grabbed the handrail of the wooden boat to prepare for the impact!

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at the scene in front of them and were surprised.

Such a move, in their opinion, is really crazy!

If it were them, even if they waited for death, they would not think of doing such a crazy thing!

Ugh —

And at this moment, in the underground giant sea, the small wooden boat was instantly swallowed by the huge wave!

Jiang Chen and Debbie were on the hull and received a huge impact, and if their bodies were not bound by ropes, they would have been washed away long ago!

Similarly, small wooden boats are suffering unprecedented shocks!

The bow used to break the waves in front of the small wooden boat, facing the small wave, facing the ten-meter-high wave, it is fragile like a biscuit, instantly broken, and washed away by the huge wave!


At the same time, the two ends of the small wooden boat also shattered!

Bang –

The next moment, the giant wood at the front and end of the small wooden boat also broke apart!

However, at the moment after the giant wood broke, the corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth showed a smile!

The effect he wanted, achieved!

Break the wave, it worked!

Ugh —

Sure enough, the next moment, the small wooden boat miraculously rushed out from the huge waves!

Although the small wooden boat has become dilapidated, the ends are even more broken, and it looks like it no longer has the shape of a boat, more like a broken plank!

However, it was actually able to resist the ten-meter-high wave, and the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned!

At this moment, those spectators who do not even have the courage to try to survive in the face of the Great Waves finally know what is the difference between themselves and explorers!

The biggest difference between the two is courage and madness in the face of desperate situations!

Of course, there are many knowledgeable people, but they also see Jiang Chen’s doorway in addition to guts and madness!

[The anchor is really powerful, so it is! ] So that’s it! 】

[The god upstairs, can you analyze how the small wooden boat did it?] 】

[Haha, this has to say that the anchor is awesome and made a very wise decision! ] 】

[It stands to reason that after the huge wave strikes, the wooden boat will bear all the pressure, and the entire wooden boat will be smashed in an instant! ] 】

[However, the anchor responded, he asked Miss Debbie at the beginning to reinforce a small piece of the hull inside with ropes to ensure the safety of the area, and then specially thinned the front and rear of the wooden boat! ] 】

[In this way, when the giant wave slaps over, all the pressure is tilted to the front end and end of the small wooden boat, and the front end and end are done in advance, so it will break after reaching a certain pressure to achieve the effect of unloading, and everyone should have heard of it, right? ] One meaning! 】

[And the hull has been specially reinforced, coupled with the smaller area, the force area becomes smaller, but it is more solid, which greatly increases the chance of breaking waves! ] 】


After listening to the analysis of the great god, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly realized, one by one, they marveled at the analysis of the great god, but they were even more amazed that Jiang Chen was able to make such a decision in a short period of time, and his courage was amazing!

And at this time, after Jiang Chen and Debbie successfully broke the wave, with the power of the storm, they finally saw a little bit of the outside silhouette!

At a glance, they looked as if they were in the mouth of a behemoth, and there was a huge arc top in front of them!

At this moment, they are slowly escaping from the mouth of the monster with the ocean current and storm!

It wasn’t until a few hours later that they looked up and finally saw the brilliant Northern Lights and the stars again!

At the same time, the biting cold air swept in again!

They have finally arrived in the Arctic Ocean!

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