“However, fortunately, megalodons mainly prey on whales.” Jiang Chen said.

Hearing this, Debbie and the audience in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, Jiang Chen and Debbie are now on top of the ice floe, in the Arctic Ocean.

If the ancient overlord megalodon treats them as prey and occupies the geography of heaven and time, there is no life at all!

However, Jiang Chen added: “However, it is not worthy that the megalodon has been frozen in the Arctic Circle for too long, too hungry, come out and eat everything, you see it doesn’t even let go of a polar bear!” ”

“And polar bears for it, at best, can only be regarded as stuffed teeth, to know that the main object of their hunting is whales, a humpback whale is more than ten meters long, in order to fill its belly, how can a North Star could, so I estimate, it should not let go of the food in front of it.”

Hearing this, Debbie had just regained a little rosy complexion, and instantly turned dead gray again!

The audience in the live broadcast room was also anxious.

[Anchor, run with Debbie! ] 】

[This is terrifying! ] I swear, I’ll never go fishing again, who knows what kind of monster I’ll catch! 】

[Hehe, for me, who already has a deep-sea phobia, I am already trembling with fear! ] 】

[This Nima is much more exciting than the movie, the anchor runs! ] 】

[Run? So easy? Didn’t you see ice floes everywhere? Where to run? Run to smaller ice floes, isn’t it like the polar bear just now? 】

[That’s right, the anchor has no way back now, it’s already very good that he can stay calm, in exchange for any of us, it is estimated that he will be scared on the spot! ] 】

[So what can we do now?] 】

[I don’t know, I can’t think of any perfect way anyway, there is no land nearby, and it is in the ocean, people are already in a weak position, and the guns and weapons are used up, I can only silently pray that the megalodon is not interested in the anchor and Debbie, otherwise… Death is certain! 】


Just as the audience in the barrage analyzed, Jiang Chen and Debbie now have no way back!

They could only pray that the megalodon was just passing by and couldn’t see their two little pieces of meat.

At this time, the megalodon had approached the ice floe, Jiang Chen and Debbie retreated one after another, came to the center of the ice floe, which is also the thickest position, hoping that the megalodon will not hit the ice floe!

At the moment of the attack, I saw that the dorsal fin of the megalodon sank to the bottom of the sea when it was about 20 meters away from the ice floe!

The world, at this moment, fell into a dead silence!

Above the vast sea, under the dark night sky, Jiang Chen and Debbie stood on a piece of ice floe, looking extremely lonely!

In an instant, it was as if the whole world was left with only them!


Debbie was the first to ask.

Jiang Chen frowned, did not answer, just stared at the ice floe under his feet!

The corner of Debbie’s mouth twitched, and she also looked at the ice floe under her feet!

I saw that under the ice floe, a huge black shadow was slowly swimming!

From the silhouette of the black shadow, it is not difficult to see that it is not much different from the form of a shark!

This confirmed what Jiang Chen said, the behemoth in the sea is the megalodon that has been extinct for millions of years!

Even, Jiang Chen’s guess that the megalodon was unsealed from the Arctic glacier and only came back to the world, and it also gained a firm foothold!

Otherwise, there is no scientific explanation for why megalodons, which have been extinct for millions of years, suddenly appeared in the Arctic!

For a time, the marine biologists who watched the live broadcast were so excited that they couldn’t help themselves, and immediately pulled funds and went to the Arctic to see the megalodon!

After all, the discovery of a fossil of a megalodon has high scientific research value!

Not to mention, such an ancient ocean overlord is alive in front of you!

It is of immeasurable value to scientific research, to marine research and so on!

And the discoverer Jiang Chen, the first human to contact with megalodon, is even more significant, leaving an extremely important mark in the history of human research on the ocean!

However, Jiang Chen and Debbie did not have time to care about how great their discovery was, and they now only thought that the megalodon could leave quietly from under the ice floe.

And when the megalodon was moving under the ice floe, Jiang Chen and Debbie didn’t even dare to breathe!

After all, just imagine how much psychological pressure you have to bear when you see such a terrifying and unknown behemoth passing under your feet, and endless fear instantly erupts from the bottom of your heart!

Some crew members, in the process of fishing in the ocean, encounter whales that are not hostile to humans, and will have great fear!

After all, human beings are larger than themselves, and unknown creatures are born with fear and suppressed emotions.

This kind of fear, innate, has nothing to do with guts!

Therefore, let alone facing an ancient ocean overlord who is 20 meters long and extremely ferocious!

Therefore, for Jiang Chen and Debbie, the calm reaction on the ice floe, the audience in the live broadcast room was impressed!

And the megalodon seemed to feel what Debbie and Jiang Chen were thinking, and after swimming through the ice floes, it actually magically disappeared!

“Now… Should be gone, right? Debbie asked tentatively.

Jiang Chen nodded and looked around, indeed not noticing the figure of the megalodon.

However, there was a faint feeling of unease in his heart!

Woohoohoo –

And at this moment, the surrounding sea, which was originally quite calm, suddenly shook violently for unknown reasons.

Jiang Chen’s brows frowned slightly, and the bad feeling in his heart became even stronger.

The so-called, no wind and no waves!

When there is no wind and no rain, how can the waves suddenly increase?

“Could it be… Something moving underwater? Jiang Chen muttered, his face suddenly changed, and he exclaimed, “Run!” ”

After that, Jiang Chen ran towards a piece.

Debbie reacted extremely quickly, and the moment Jiang Chen shouted, he also instantly pounced on the other side!

And at this moment, under the ice floe where the two were originally standing, a black shadow became clearer and clearer!

If there is a camera from the sky, everyone can clearly see that an indescribably large shark rushed up in the face of ice floes!

Megalodon, attack!

And at the moment when the megalodon approached the ice floe, it opened its terrifying blood basin mouth!

Its mouth is big enough to swallow a car, like an abyss!

The point is that after it opens its mouth, its dense and sharp teeth, like a large knife with a sharp handle, exude a cold glow, which makes people shudder!

It is not difficult to imagine that if someone is swallowed in one bite, the megalodon does not have to chew at all, as long as it closes its mouth, it will turn into a lump of mud!

Boom –

And the next moment, the megalodon has rushed out of the sea and slammed into the ice floe!

Huge power, ice floes are simply difficult to resist!

At the same time, Xue Peng took a big gulp of the water, opened and closed the giant mouth, and instantly crushed the ice floe!

If it weren’t for Jiang Chen and Debbie’s fast running, they would have now been involved in it and become a delicacy in the belly of megalodon!

And all this happened, in fact, only for a moment, including many viewers in the live broadcast room, did not react!

It’s so scary!

However, even if Debbie and Jiang Chen saved a life, the huge ice floes, which were originally enough to ensure safety, shattered in an instant and turned into countless small and medium-sized ice floes!

Debbie’s condition is okay, the ice floe she is on is quite intact, and it is not a problem to stand on a dozen people, and it is finally medium in size.

At the same time, the little polar bear was actually on it, held by Debbie in his arms, shivering!

However, Jiang Chen’s situation is not optimistic!

After the megalodon fell into the air, it actually smashed Jiang Chen’s half of the ice floe, causing the ice floe to break most of it again!

The ice floe has been damaged twice, and it is broken even more thoroughly!

For a time, under Jiang Chen’s feet, there was only a floor tile-sized ice floe, barely floating on the sea, allowing Jiang Chen to stand proudly.

However, with the loss of time, the ice floe shattered and melted, the buoyancy became smaller and smaller, and the ice floe could not withstand Jiang Chen’s weight and began to sink!

At the same time, Jiang Chen could only follow the ice floe and slowly submerge into the dark deep sea!

For Jiang Chen, it is not terrifying to go into the deep sea!

The terrifying thing is that in this endless abyss, there is also an ancient overlord who can wander in it at will and is extremely ferocious!

At this moment, after Jiang Chen stabilized his body, he immediately looked in the direction where the megalodon had just fallen!

He had to determine the location of the megalodon so that he could tell if he was safe!

However, when he looked, the figure of the megalodon was already on the surface of the sea, disappeared without a trace, and dived into the dark deep sea again!

This moment is the most terrifying and helpless moment!

After all, human beings in the ocean, whether it is speed, reaction, vision, and explosive power, etc., are different from land!

In the sea, fish are the hegemon, human beings are the real weak, it seems extremely small, any wave, can kill human beings!

This is why people instinctively fear the ocean and deep water, because human beings are in it, unable to control everything, unable to judge everything, let alone calculate everything!

This also led to Jiang Chen’s situation being even more dangerous!

And all this, from the megalodon attack on the ice floe to the process of Jiang Chen falling into the sea.

In fact, it was only a short minute later, and in the eyes of the audience from Debbie’s point of view, it was less than a minute!

And in this minute, the two have already passed a life and death crisis!

Of course, Jiang Chen’s real crisis has just begun!

The sea water around him, boiling again!

Through millions of years of murderous gaze, he locked half of his body submerged in the sea!

The giant in the deep sea, like the Grim Reaper, quietly attacked!

PS: Please customize, please support!

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