[Forced… Mortar? 】

[The anchor explores, and carries a mortar with him? ] 】

[Do you want to be so tough?] Why are there mortars? 】

[Did we hear you wrong?] What the hell is a mortar? 】


At this time, Debbie was beautiful, hurriedly opened the backpack, took out the grenade canister, fixed it on the ice floe, and then took out another warhead!

This series of operations directly stunned the audience in the live broadcast room!

No one expected that Debbie and Jiang Chen would actually carry such a heaven-defying thermal weapon!

In fact, even Debbie was surprised that Jiang Chen was actually in his backpack and hid a grenade canister!

The reason why she was able to reflect it was because when they met those soldiers who were killed in the canyon before, after Jiang Chen opened the last munitions box, he mysteriously loaded a lot of things into his backpack.

Now it seems that what Jiang Chen is loading should be these grenade canisters and warheads!

This grenade canister, also known as ultra-light mortar, is mainly equipped in the German army in World War II, and is famous for its high power, single soldier carrying, and does not occupy the establishment!

Of course, the grenade canister is also very powerful, the caliber of the grenade canister reaches 50 mm, the weight of the warhead is 1000 grams, the firing range is about 250-300, the rate of fire is 25 rounds per second, and the radius of destruction is about 5 meters!

In the later battlefield, other countries have also imitated a large number of people, characterized by light weight, easy to carry, and strong fire support, and have achieved good results on the battlefield!

Jiang Chen had brought these mortars with him just in case he had to use them again!

Originally, when he was a snow monster, he was like using a mortar.

However, the situation at that time was clearly no longer needed, so the mortar was left until now!

At this moment, after Jiang Chen saw Debbie install the mortar, a smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, “This will depend on whether you die or not!” ”

Saying that, Jiang Chen no longer cared about the megalodon, jumped directly into the sea, and swam towards the ice floe at a very fast speed!

The megalodon hadn’t reflected yet, still spinning in place, and when it noticed that Jiang Chen on its back was gone, it began to look around!

Jiang Chen was also in no hurry, floating on the edge of the ice floe, constantly patting the splash, attracting megalodon!

If they don’t solve this megalodon, they are afraid that it will be difficult to get to the glacier!

Sure enough, under the attraction of Jiang Chen, the megalodon soon noticed it and swam quickly towards the ice floe!

“The distance should be about the same!” The smile at the corner of Jiang Chen’s mouth grew stronger, and after climbing on the ice floe, he took out a mortar and set it up at his feet, and adjusted the angle!

“Will you use it?” Jiang Chen asked.

“Of course, I’m a military fan, to use the old saying of your country Z, it’s called haven’t you ever eaten pork, haven’t you seen a pig run?” Debbie smiled confidently.

“This sentence is a good thing, it seems that after so many years, staying with me, Chinese has indeed grown.” Jiang Chen said with a smile.

“I’m curious, why do you use mortars?” Debbie asked curiously.

“Similarly, haven’t you ever eaten pork, haven’t you seen a pig run?” Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Debbie rolled her eyes.

Jiang Chen, on the other hand, stared at the sea and said, “Here, there is still 100 meters away from us, we set the bombing point on the ice floe 50 meters away, do you see it?” As soon as the fins are within 5 meters of the pack ice, we will bomb together! ”

“Good!” Debbie nodded seriously.




Jiang Chen began to count down, and when he counted three, he immediately covered his ears.

Debbie is the same, synchronized with Jiang Chenshen!

Boom –

Then, there was a loud bang!

I saw that the fire of the grenade canister appeared, and the warhead had already flown out!

The next moment, the warhead fell from the sky and landed steadily on the ice floe!


Immediately afterwards, the loud noise shook the earth, and a fire burst into the sky, splashing water and sprinkling the sky!

It worked!

It can be seen that the megalodon has also been concentrated, and the fins have been completely broken!

Losing the fins means that sharks lose their ability to balance in the water!

The megalodon is no exception, and after it has no fins, the severe pain makes it constantly struggle, floating on the surface of the water and lapping the waves!

And Jiang Chen and Debbie, how could they miss this great opportunity!

The two reload again, launch!

Bang –

With a loud bang, the warhead flew out.

However, this time the warhead did not explode!

Come to think of it, these mortars have been preserved for too long, and it is inevitable that some are damaged.

So, Jiang Chen took out the last two warheads in his backpack.

“Enough, the last two warheads, send it back to the west!” Jiang Chen said fiercely.

“Send it to God!” Debbie also shouted.

Two people, at the same time, put the warhead, into the grenade canister!

Bang –

The fire flashed, and the warhead flew out!

And the next moment, two warheads fell on the body of the megalodon!


Accompanied by a loud bang, the blood and flesh of the megalodon splashed everywhere, the air was filled with a disgusting smell of blood, and the already dark sea surface, after adding a large amount of blood and flesh of the megalodon, became even darker!

And such a scene also indicates that megalodon cannot die in death!

Jiang Chen and Debbie’s faces showed joy, and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

The audience in the live broadcast room also watched the sweaty palms and were terrified!

They really didn’t expect that the mortal situation that Jiang Chen and Debi faced would actually be forced to crack by mortars, which was too unexpected!

At the same time, the look in Jiang Chen’s eyes also became strange.

After all, no one expected that Jiang Chen would keep such a hand in the end!

[Is the anchor so raw?] Mortars are used! 】

[Fierce! ] It’s so ferocious! 】

[I just want to ask, who else?] 】


The audience in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but sigh at Jiang Chen’s fierceness!

Of course, Jiang Chen and Debbie could live safely and unharmed in the end, which was naturally the best, which made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Only the marine experts who watched the live broadcast lamented one by one.

After all, it was a pity that it was a pity to finally find a living ancient ocean overlord, but it turned out to be dead like this!

Even, many older experts covered their chests, almost couldn’t get back in one mouthful, and fainted.

However, they couldn’t blame Jiang Chen.

After all, Jiang Chen was also here to save his life!

However, when it came to Jiang Chen, he didn’t completely relax!

Because he knows that in this sea, there may still be megalodons!

“I guess that megalodon should be trapped in a certain sea area by the glaciers of the Arctic, and because the weather warms, the glacier melts, and it is only released that it is released, so it is very likely, I don’t know that there is a megalodon, we must leave here quickly, otherwise the smell of blood will attract them!” Jiang Chen said seriously.

Hearing this, Debbie didn’t have time to celebrate, and immediately began to install the sails!

Because the ice floe has become smaller, the movement speed has also increased a lot.

Within an hour, they were far away from the sea that had just flesh, and they were getting closer and closer to the glacier on the other side!

At the same time, at this time, Jiang Chen and Debbie, as well as the audience in the live broadcast room, saw that in the position where they had just stayed, a behemoth jumped out of the water and was eating the flesh and blood floating on the sea!

Everyone’s faces changed drastically!

This doesn’t just confirm what Jiang Chen said!

From now on, in the sea, I am afraid that it will be re-dominated by another group of overlords from millions of years ago!

And Jiang Chen, after a battle in the ocean, and killed the megalodon in public, the identity of the sea king was also stonehammered, which caused a huge sensation in the outside world!

PS: Please customize, please support!

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