Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 205: The Truth Comes Out! [1 Update, Please Order In Full! 】

I saw that the house number that was originally chaotic, unexpectedly returned to its original state before I knew it!

201, 202, 203, 204, as if they have never changed!

Jiang Chen was resting in the room and hadn't slept all the time, always paying attention to the movement in the corridor!

If someone came to change the house number, he would definitely notice it with his sense of hearing!

However, he didn't hear anyone walking in the corridor at all!

Could it be that I read it wrong?

Jiang Chen rubbed his eyes, thinking it was impossible, he had double-checked before, how could he be wrong?

The number plate changed by itself? It is even more impossible!

At this time, Jiang Chen suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked, "Has this house number changed?"

If anyone sees Jiang Chen, he will definitely be shocked, obviously he is the only one, who is he asking?

In fact, Jiang Fengxi's audience in the He live broadcast room!

He remembered that when he opened the door, the angle of view of the live broadcast was the same as his own, and the audience in the live broadcast room should have seen the house number too!

Whether the house number has changed, just ask the audience!

After a while, the barrage in the live broadcast room exploded!

【House number? It hasn’t changed!】

【House numbers have always been 201, 202, 203 and 204!】

[Did the anchor lose his memory? Or did he notice something?] 25

Jiang Chen glanced at the bullet screen, frowned slightly, and thought to himself, could it be that the house number really hasn't changed, is it because he misread it?


And at this moment, the harsh sound of friction between several successive logs reverberated in the air.

I saw that Achill, John, and Debi all came out timidly.

After they saw Jiang Chen, they hurriedly gathered around Jiang Chen.

"What are you doing out here?" Jiang Chen asked.

I saw that the faces of the three of them were relatively pale, and their eyes were full of exhaustion. It was obvious that they had not rested well in the room!

With a mournful face, Achill said: "The menu, the menu in the room, there are big bloody characters on it, how can I sleep!"

"I also came out because of the menu, and told us not to come out at night. It's fine if he didn't write it like that. When he wrote it like that, I felt terrified in my heart. I always felt that something was going to happen, so I came out." John said tremblingly.

"Is there something wrong with this hotel? Jiang? What are you doing out again?" Debbie asked curiously.

Jiang Chen nodded and said: "This hotel does seem to have some problems. I couldn't sleep, so I came out to have a look. Have you noticed that there is something wrong with these house numbers? It seems that they have changed

"Has it changed? No!" Achill frowned and said, "From the beginning to my room, it has always been 211, 212, 213 and 214!"

Hearing this, Jiang Feng frowned.

However, before Jiang Chen could speak, John retorted: "Are you fainted by fright? Big guy! They are clearly 205, 206, 207 and 208!"

"Wrong!" Debi retorted again: "The room numbers are obviously 222, 223, 224, 225!"

"Damn! Are you blind? Can you read these numbers wrong?"

"You are the one who is blind, obviously you are talking nonsense!"

"What am I talking about?"

"Are you too tired and have problems with your eyesight?"

For a while, Debbie, Achill and John were in a mess because of the house number!

Jiang Chen fell into deep thought, and soon he came up with an idea, saying: "Okay, stop arguing, let me ask you another question, what kind of ghosts do you see in the old castle?" ?”

"Let me start by saying that what I saw was a man in medieval costume with a long sword in his hand!" Ejima said.

"What I saw was a woman with disheveled hair and blood on her face!" Debbie said.

"What I saw... what I saw was a butcher with an ax!" John said with a look of horror, completely unwilling to recall the horrible time in the castle!

"I... what I saw was a birdman, and that's why I was frightened when I saw the birdman suit!" Archer said.

Jiang Chen nodded, he already had an idea in his heart!

"So, there are four different ghosts? It's scary!" Dai shouted with horror on his face.

Hearing this, Achill and John nearly passed out, one of them was terrified, and four of them came at once, who would suffer!

However, Jiang Chen laughed and said, "I guess, there is actually none!"

Hearing this, Debi and the others were taken aback, showing a look of confusion.

"Then what did we see?" Debbie asked curiously.

"Yes, we all saw it with our own eyes!" Archer said.

"I have seen it with my own eyes, it can't be fake!" John said firmly.

Jiang Chen smiled slightly and explained: "Eyes can also deceive people sometimes!"

"What our eyes see is not what we see at the first time, it will be presented through our nerves, so in the process of transmission, if there are some problems, it will lead to hallucinations !” Jiang Chen explained.

Hearing this, Debi and the others were shocked!

According to what Jiang Chen said, everyone has hallucinations?

Jiang Chen looked at everyone's puzzled eyes, smiled slightly, and said: "Actually, I wasn't sure at first, but it wasn't until just now that I was sure that we were indeed hallucinating!

"Because, before this, because we were too nervous, we didn't check the caliber. For example, in the old castle, we only knew that there were ghosts and unclean things chasing us. We were so panicked that we didn't describe each other at all. What we see looks like, so we think that what we see is the same as what the other sees, but in fact, what we see is completely different!"

"Also, when we entered the room, we didn't check each other's house numbers, we went in directly, and each of us thought that the house number we saw was the normal house number. It was not right until we checked the caliber, only to find that the house numbers the four of us saw were completely different!"

"This phenomenon, there is only one situation that can explain it clearly, that is, all of us have hallucinations!"

"Actually, there are no ghosts at all, and there are no scary things at all. We are just playing ourselves!"

"Besides, if you use this explanation to explain everything, you can also explain why there are so many strange things in the ancient castles, and why the house numbers change!"

"The important thing is that it is not particularly difficult to have hallucinations. Some special drugs, special plants, special wave bands, and special environments, or emotions, 827 will affect the transmission of our vision, making our brains show some Abnormal fragments and pictures, so that people appear!"

"For example, in a scary environment, if you think of scary things and pictures, etc., there may be hallucinations related to horror!"

"We may have hallucinations due to some reason. After entering the castle, due to the gradual rise of horror emotions, many horror pictures appeared in the subconscious mind, and because of some kind of medium, these horror pictures were presented in the Before our eyes!"

"This is why the ghosts we see are different, because what we think in our hearts and the pictures that emerge from our subconscious minds are different, so naturally what we see is also different!"

"We often watch the news. Some people always say that they are being hunted down, but no one is chasing them down. This kind of persecution paranoia is actually related to hallucinations. It is the nerve that conveys information in the brain. , was affected, and a symptom similar to hysteria appeared!"

"And this kind of hallucination is fatal. Under constant hallucinations, people's nerves will be affected, and they will do all kinds of extreme and impulsive things, which completely affect instinctive thinking and judgment. If people stay in this environment for a long time, even if they don't If you collapse, you will also kill yourself!"

After listening to Jiang Chen's explanation, Debi and the others gradually felt relieved, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

So it turns out that everything is finally revealed!

However, the old doubts are solved, and new problems have surfaced again!

Everyone obviously didn't do anything, didn't eat anything, why did they have hallucinations at the same time?

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