Live: Exploring The World

Chapter 340: Only 20Cm Away From Death! [Please Subscribe! 】

For a moment, all eyes were focused on Jiang Chen.

Only Jiang Chen seemed extremely calm, he didn't care about everyone's exclamations and exclamations, let alone their adoring eyes, looking at the tables, chairs and bar counters fixed on the ceiling, he sketched a picture for himself in his mind. nearest route!

After the route was determined, Jiang Chen did not act in a hurry. He took the lead in using a safety rope on his body to fasten it to the welcome desk he was holding, and then tied a single dead buckle to act as a safety rope!

After all this was done, Jiang Chen reserved enough space for the rope, looked at a table not far ahead, and began to shake his body back and forth, making himself rippling in the air!


The next moment, after Jiang Chen's body swayed to a certain height, without any hesitation, he directly sent his hands and flew towards the table in front of him!

The table is at most only one meter away from the bar where Jiang Chen is.

However, the distance of one meter does not seem very far, but it is extremely difficult for the person hanging in the air to get out and catch 26!

In many communities in China, there will be free fitness equipment, among which there is a kind of horizontal bar in the air. The distance between the horizontal bars is actually only a dozen centimeters, but for ordinary people, if you want to rely on your own shaking power It is very difficult to fly over and catch the next bar more than ten centimeters away, let alone a distance of one meter, not to mention it is impossible for ordinary people, even for professional athletes!

This requires a lot of physical coordination, strength of the arms, physical fitness and endurance of the body!

It is no exaggeration to say that among the people present, except Jiang Chen, a physical monster, no one can do it!

Of course, more importantly, strong psychological pressure!

You need to know that in ordinary sports, even if you can't catch it, it's fine if you fail.

However, for Jiang Chen, failure is absolutely impossible, failure means death!

It is conceivable that Jiang Chen is facing such a strong psychological pressure!

At the moment when Jiang Chen took the leap, everyone present, including Captain Jack and Zhou Zhiyao, as well as all the audience in the live broadcast room raised their hearts to their throats, couldn't help clenching their fists, and became nervous.


And the next moment, a crisp sound echoed in the air.

I saw that Jiang Chen was like a trapeze man, firmly grasping the table that was hanging upside down in the air one meter away!

However, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, the table shook violently.

After all, the table is simply fixed on the floor with four screws. The purpose is to prevent the table from shaking and moving. The original intention of the design is not to support the weight of an adult at all!

Therefore, under Jiang Chen's sudden attack, the table will inevitably be overwhelmed!

Click - click -

Of course, in addition to the violent shaking of the table, there was also a strong clicking sound!

At this moment, everyone's hearts couldn't help but lift up, fearing that the table would not be able to withstand Jiang Chen's strength and would crash down!

For Jiang Chen, it would be too bad!

However, Jiang Chen remained calm and forced his body to stabilize, so that the table followed him to win the championship and no longer swayed along with him!

Sure enough, within a short while, the table stabilized, and the screws at the four corners showed no signs of loosening.

At this time, everyone present, including the audience in the live broadcast room, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

clap clap clap

Like, there was a shocking applause at the scene!

Jiang Chen let everyone see hope again!

"Come on! Jiang!"

"Jiang! You are a superhero! Come on!"

"You brought us hope, you brought us miracles!"

"I don't believe in God anymore, I only believe in Jiang!"

To this, Jiang Chen did not make any response, he locked his eyes on a single chair not far away!

This stool is very similar to the single chairs in many barbershops, with a pillar underneath and a disc-like cushion on top!

Jiang Chen has calculated that as long as he passes the stool in front of him and jumps six or seven times, he can pass through the lobby of the bar and enter the corridor area!

Hence, Jiang Chen took a deep breath, stretched and stretched, and removed the safety rope that had been tied to the welcome desk.

The buckle of this safety rope is similar to the tow rope of a car. If Jiang Chen falls, the rope will be tightened instantly, and it will become tighter and tighter!

However, if you want to take it back, you only need to pull the auxiliary rope lightly to untie it, which is very convenient!

So, after Jiang Chen took back the safety rope, he didn't rush on his way. He immediately fastened the rope to the table above his head in the same way, and after making safety preparations, he started to let himself dangle again.

This time, Jiang Chen let himself sway to a certain extent just like the previous leap, and then loosened his hands and threw himself out!

The hearts of all the people present and the audience in the live broadcast room jumped up again when Jiang Chen leaped.


The next moment, a muffled sound appeared.

Jiang Chen firmly grasped the seat cushion of the stool with both hands!

However, this kind of stool is supported by a steel pipe, and the lower end is connected to a disc, which is far inferior to the table's large force bearing area, and it is not as firm as the table.

Therefore, the moment Jiang Chen flew over, he couldn't control the swing of his body well, causing his body to violently move.

At the same time, the stool supported by a steel pipe also swayed wildly, like a swing.


And at this moment, the most horrifying scene happened! 857 saw that a screw that fixed the ground and the stool was broken and fell to the ground, making a crisp sound!

All of a sudden, everyone's complexion changed drastically!

Jiang Chen's pupils didn't even shrink!

However, it was too late for Jiang Chen to react at this time, and one side of the stool base had completely broken off the ground, unable to swing it.


And the next moment, an even more desperate scene appeared!

I saw that after one screw collapsed, the stool completely lost all balance, causing the other three screws to fall off due to uneven force!

The stool that was originally fixed on the ground fell from the ground in an instant, making a loud bang!

At the same time, Jiang Chen also fell down!

Fortunately, however, Jiang Chen was tied with a safety rope, and when he was about to fall to the ground, the rope forcibly grabbed him!

At this moment, the distance between him and the ground is only twenty or thirty centimeters at most!

For a moment, the faces of everyone present and the audience in the live broadcast room turned pale with fright, their bodies trembled, and their breathing became short of breath, but they didn't dare to say a word, for fear that if they said one more word, it would affect Jiang. Chen!

Because, now, Jiang Chen is only twenty centimeters away from death!

Fortunately, there is a safety rope. If Jiang Chen hadn't made safety preparations, he would have been electrocuted and turned into a barbecue by now!.

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