Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 784: Indigenous tanning of bear skin (2)

"Before tanning the leather, the first step is to wash the leather and remove the blood on the hair as much as possible! If it becomes hardened after a long time, it will affect the quality of the fur!"

The huge piece of skin was thrown directly into the water. After a few seconds of pause, it was rinsed back and forth to clean the blood and cement.

"After the leather is initially cleaned, the next second step is to cut the inside, that is, use a knife to scrape off the grease and residual meat on the inner side of the leather! Make the entire surface as smooth as possible!

This step has relatively high technical requirements. If the operation is wrong, it will also affect the quality of the leather! Too much oil and fascia will deteriorate after a long time, not only smells bad, but also reduces the storage time.

However, the processing of the peeling part in front of us is relatively perfect, the residual impurities are relatively small, and the difficulty is reduced a lot! "

At the time of speaking, Yue Feng put a small piece of log under the leather and started to scrape it carefully with a hunting knife. After a while, a large piece of white grease was scraped off!

The texture of the repaired leather surface has become smoother, except for the few holes that still exist, the appearance has been greatly improved compared to before.

"Let me take it? It's okay? I've seen Brother Feng peeling the skin, and I feel amazing. This skinning operation is a bit slippery!"

"As far as I know, this thing seems to use professional tools? Our village used to have a mink farm. The masters over there used a special knife with a round blade and a fixed-use knife for the mink. Equipment! But here is Brother Feng, the knife is still a straight-edged saber over there, with a log underneath, that's the solution?"

"Look at this leather surface. After cleaning and trimming, it looks good! It's a pity that the holes are a bit, otherwise this bear skin is definitely perfect!"

"What's the next step? How do you operate the tanned leather with grass and wood? So curious!"

Yue Feng read the comments of the public channels and the water friends, and he was very refreshed, and replied: "Actually, tanning leather is pretty simple! The skinning step is almost done, let's go back and show it to everyone!"

I saw Yue Feng rinse the bear skin on the water for the last time, grasping both ends firmly, shaking in the air, most of the water droplets were shaken off, and the super high hydrophobicity of the black bear's oil-rich fur was undoubtedly revealed at this moment.

It took about five minutes to walk from the lake to the place where the bacon at the campsite. Most of the moisture on the side of the bear's fur has dried up.

Yue Feng casually placed the fur on a piece of chopped pine wood and started the final preparations before tanning.

"Tanning fur with plant ash is actually a very primitive process! Brothers with a little chemical knowledge know that the main component of fully burned plant ash is potassium carbonate, and the growth environment of plants is different, and it also contains silicon, calcium, sulfur, manganese, Trace nutrients such as iron, magnesium, boron, zinc, copper and molybdenum!

In addition to being good inorganic fertilizers, these ingredients can also react with some organic molecules in the cortex to make the leather soft and stable, and can be stored for a long time!

Before starting the tanning process, let’s simply dispose of the ashes obtained from burning pine wood and pine leaves, and select the impurities that are not fully burned. This will make the fur tanning more perfect! "

As Yue Feng said, he picked out the impurities that were not fully burned out of the ashes, and he piled up the fully burned ashes.

Working on this, the bear skin on the trunk was almost dry. Gong Zheng didn't care and spread it on the ground next to it, with the fur side down and the trimmed lining up.

"Tanning is actually very simple. If possible, you can use plant ash to make an aqueous solution to soak the leather! And if we don't have good tools, we can also use dry tanning! Simply put, it's like this!"

In the next second, Gong Zheng was holding the grass and wood ash from the preliminary selection, and sprinkled it casually on the side of the leather.

While sprinkling, apply back and forth with your hands as evenly as possible.

Most of the moisture in the fur on the front evaporates and disappears, but the inner side, because it was originally a biological tissue, still has a certain amount of moisture, and it is soon covered with plant ash! As the painting progressed, the color became darker and darker. In just a few minutes, his hands were pitch black, as if he was digging out a boiler.

"Next, it will be more boring! After the initial combination and application, there is a very important process, beating! We need a small wooden stick that is not thick or thin, and constantly beating the tanned part evenly, so that the biological tissue can follow The contact of plant ash is more even and the reaction is more thorough! Now, I think this one is enough!"

I saw Gong Zheng picking up a stick about the thickness of a thumb, and after a simple trimming, he sat on the rock and knocked it up.

Puff puff! A series of rhythmic percussions sounded in the live broadcast room. With the percussions, the state of the leather reverse side of UU Reading gradually changed slightly.

The firm and rigid part gradually softened due to the dual effects of the percussion and the ash reaction, and the sound of the stick falling on the leather became more and more dull.

This knock took more than an hour, and a group of people watched the boring process of Yue Feng's processing of bear skins.

Under Yue Feng's meticulous greeting, the state of the bear skin changed significantly. Most of the plant ash reacted with the tissue fluid, and the entire skin became soft.

"Huh! Alright! The first time you process here, it's basically ok. In the next few days, the subtle reaction will continue. Let's take the time and knock it evenly a few times, and the leather can be used!

Each hair of the bear skin is hollow, and the heat preservation effect is very good. Wearing a leather jacket made of bear skin, it can withstand the severe cold of minus 30-50 degrees! Whether it is used as clothes or as a cushion for sleeping at night, it is very good! "

Yue Feng once again carried the leather with both ends spread out in the air and shook, and sure enough, the movement was different!

"Fuck, fuck! Work for so long, it really works!"

"Yes, very strong! Hardcore wilderness anchor, online teaching! You can't see the value of this skill with clothes. If you don't have winter clothes, the value of this bear skin will be greatly improved!"

"Fortunately, there are many holes around the head and neck. Most of this leather can still be used. I learned another trick today. The strange knowledge has increased again. It's great!"

"The other challengers have been busy all day long with a bite to eat. If it weren't for the live broadcast all the time, I would have thought he cheated. Brother Feng has a too leisurely life!"

"What next? There are still several hours before dark!"

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