Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 791: Rabbit head starter

The hat is worn on the falcon’s head, and the mouth protrudes out of the hole. The arc-shaped part inside the two rounded corners sewn before is the part that covers the falcon’s eyes. You only need to find a way to tighten the position behind the hat. Even if the hat is steadily worn on the head.

After the hat was sewn, Yue Feng pinched the upper edge of the hat and gave it to the little guy to try it on. Thanks to the dim environment in the wooden house and the soft texture of the rabbit skin, it was a one-time success!

The covered spear falcon looked like a criminal who had made a mistake. He lowered his head unaccustomed to it, and his feathers changed from clinging to his body to a fluffy state. The effect of this hat is immediate!

"Haha, our craftsmanship is not bad. The opening angle of the mouth is more suitable. It does not leak light, and the stitched pattern is sufficient without grinds! The rest is to take some pine oil and apply it on the back to make the hat change. A little stiff should be enough!"

Yue Feng looked carefully for a long time, and laughed with satisfaction.

Finished the hat, next is the artificial bait for training. Yue Feng used the wings of the thunderbird that hung up earlier and sewed them on both sides of the folded triangle rabbit skin, adding a little weight underneath, a simple artificial The bait is ready,

Hang up the rope wheel, the artificial bait can swing very smoothly, it is enough for follow-up training!

When the follow-up training equipment was made, the sky darkened again without realizing it.

However, today Yue Feng was not in a hurry to broadcast. Instead, he was cooking in the wooden hut while holding the falcon with his arm, and continued to chat and interact with everyone.

When he reached the firelight, Falcon's nervousness increased significantly, staring at Yue Feng next to him from time to time.

However, Yue Feng knew enough about the habits of this bird of prey, and the range of movements was always within its acceptable range.

After a long time, the vigilance of the Spear Falcon gradually relaxed when he was not wearing his hat, allowing Yue Feng to touch the hair on his chest, back, tail and other parts with the back of his hand from time to time.

This falcon's weight is relatively large, and the physical reserve is relatively high, so Yue Feng deliberately spent half of the night, and did not put it down until after 11 o'clock. After a night of friendly contact, the falcon's vigilance towards people has been greatly reduced!

After checking the door of the wooden house, Yue Feng got into his sleeping bag and rested. He had been in the cellar for so many days and finally got results, and he was relieved a lot.

After only sleeping for less than five hours, Yue Feng got up early and set up the Falcon.

The eagle training can't sleep late. Every morning when the bird of prey has the highest vigilance, Yue Feng stood up and stayed in the house for more than half an hour. The sky lighted up outside, and the vigilant state of staring eyes and drooping wings gradually faded.

Yue Feng did not rush to feed, but added a lot of water.

After the little guy poked his **** and hit a "water strip" baba full of water, Yue Feng opened the door of the wooden house and brought the falcon to the outside.

After hard work in the morning, Falcon's performance was much better than yesterday, still standing squatting on his arms, but his eyes were still looking around. After one failed attempt to escape, he didn't frustrate obediently.

Yue Feng didn't rush to start the broadcast, but with the falcon, he went to check the trap with such a big swing.

This is also a key step in eagle training. Staying together with eagles for a long time can quickly make the Raptor less vigilant and get used to the presence of humans. When the weight is slightly reduced, and then food is used to increase the relationship, you can gradually cultivate Conditioned reflex.

Today’s luck was very ordinary. He carried the falcon around the hunting ground and only harvested a hare. Yue Feng didn’t care, so he walked back to the camp and fed a lot of water again.

For the next two days, Yue Feng almost kept repeating this action, feeding only water and no food. The Spear Falcon became more and more intimate with people, and his desire for food became more and more intense. He moved his claws in an attempt to grab a meal. After Yue Feng's cooked rabbit legs, Yue Feng felt that the heat was almost here!

So Yue Feng cut a raw rabbit head that had been peeled off the skin and started the second step of eagle training.

Start food!

In the lens, seeing Yue Feng carrying a red smooth rabbit head, the water friends are all confused.

"Brother Feng, why do you use this? The bunny's head is peeled off, so ugly!"

"This stuff is very popular here on our side, braised rabbit head is my favorite!"

Yue Feng smiled and said, "Don't you always ask me why I don't feed the falcon? Today's condition is almost down, so give him food officially!

It makes sense to use rabbit heads for food. There is meat in this stuff, but there is not much meat. It can lengthen the time of eating and create conditions for us to cultivate affinity! "

With that said, Yue Feng carefully pinched the head of the rabbit and took off his hat for Falcon.

Spearfalcon, who had only drunk water for two days and had no food, had already had an empty stomach, suddenly the red muscles of the rabbit head appeared in his vision, and he immediately struggled.

Yue Feng blew a whistle in time, and then carefully handed the rabbit's head to the distance within the reach of the falcon's claws.

Only heard a pop, the right claw of the spear falcon protruded like lightning, and the four dagger-like eagle claw nails firmly grasped the rabbit's head under the foot.

"Fuck! So fast!"

"Is this the Eagle Claw Skill? It's too exaggerated!"

"Brother Feng, are you okay? If you catch this thing, think about it..."

Yue Feng showed off his uninjured hand: "It's really dangerous. Falcon's claws are very dangerous and lethal weapons! I'm on guard!"

While speaking, Yue Feng continued to whistle. The spear falcon who caught the rabbit's head lowered his head and gnawed.

The mouth with its hooks and jagged teeth was very powerful, and the sound of clicks came from time to time.

There is not much meat on the rabbit's head, and it is more of small bones. The falcon's mouth can easily bite off these thin bone tissues, tear off the meat and swallow it.

In almost half an hour of work, a huge rabbit head has been chewed beyond recognition, leaving only the bones.

Until there was no more shreds of meat, Spear Falcon let go of its claws and let the bones fall to the ground.

Yue Feng glanced, the little guy's neck crop position was just slightly bulging, barely able to look three-point full.

"It's a bird of prey! It's so domineering to chew the rabbit's head, much cleaner than I chew!"

"As long as you eat meat, can you feed it? What should I do next?"

"The bare bones are so scary!"

Yue Feng: "At this point, the enlightened food part is complete! Xiaobai has a preliminary affinity with people, and can eat in front of people on the sleeve! The first time you start the food, you can't eat too much, let's wait until In the afternoon, feed some meat prepared in advance to consolidate the training results!"

In the afternoon, Yue Feng trimmed two pine branches into a simple chopstick shape, and prepared a little fresh rabbit meat in advance.

The meat that was three-point full had been digested in half a day. Yue Feng used his chopsticks to whistle the piece of meat, and Xiao Bai soon responded.

Whistling, giving meat, blowing whistle, giving meat, only repeated a few times, the little guy practiced the two completely non-stick movements together, and the preliminary forward conditioning of whistling and feeding was established!

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