Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 798: guillotine

With Xiaobai entangled, the speed of movement in the bushes was greatly reduced. As long as Yue Feng found a way to bypass the front area and drive from the side of the woodland, it could effectively cause interference.

Although eagle hunting is the main force, hunters are not watching. Creating better hunting conditions for falcons is also a way to increase the success rate of hunting!

Thinking of this, Yue Feng took off his backpack, put down the wooden stick, ran over at full speed with his bare hands, while running, blowing the whistle frantically.

When the prey was disturbed by this, Xiao Bai quickly found the opportunity.

Just as the rabbit was stunned, he swooped and kicked and hit the rabbit's ass. The rabbit fur was flying in the sky, and the rabbit was kicked.

The lethality of this foot is obviously not lethal, but it lays the foundation for subsequent attacks. The prey turned over and continued to flee.

Xiaobai, who swooped down again, took the same method, and kicked the rabbit's **** again with a bang.

But this time, it didn't take off again, but landed on the ground. A pair of sharp claws grabbed the rabbit's waist with its left paw, and the right paw caught the rabbit's head when the rabbit turned back from the pain. This shape is like a straight horse.

In the next second, the rabbit heard a crying cry like a child!

Yue Feng knew that it was done! Only when the rabbit is in despair can he make such a scream of despair.

Striding to Xiao Bai and the rabbit, the drone lens also gave a close-up.

With this close-up, Yue Feng was suddenly clever.

Good guy, the fierce Xiaobai didn't know when he had already hugged both claws on the rabbit's head. The sharp jagged olecranon pecked one of the rabbit's eyes directly.

Recommend an app, comparable to the old version of the book chasing artifact, can change the source of the book \Mi\MiRead\\!

The eyes were drooping on the eagle beak, and the scene was extremely bloody.

"What am I..."


"It's scary, my eyes are pecked out!"

"Damn, my daughter is watching the live broadcast with me, so she cried!"

"This is too fierce, scornful!"

Yue Feng looked at Xiao Bai who opened his wings slightly to act like a warning, did not dare to approach for the first time, but stopped at a position about three meters away, and slowly squatted down.

The bunny's **** eyes were swallowed by Xiao Bai's belly, and then Xiao Bai habitually plucked the hair behind the ears and prepared to eat.

The rabbit is not dead yet. He pecked his blind eyes and ate pain, struggling frantically, but being held by Xiaobai's claws, there was no room for resistance, and he could only leave it alone.

Yue Feng explained in a deep voice: "Xiaobai has given me too many surprises! In addition to the deadly attack method, Xiaobai also has the attack method of fighting on the ground!

This double-clawed head-holding posture has a nice name, which is called tiger-holding head. It is generally easier to see on falcons like goshawks! "

"Isn't this the difference between a boxer and judo? Fighting in an upright state does not take advantage, so enter the ground battle and directly surrender!"

"The analogy upstairs is very classic. The trick Xiaobai now uses is like ground combat in mixed martial arts, the guillotine!"

"Guillotine 6666!"

"Guillotine +1"



Watching eagle hunting, most people are in the blind zone of knowledge, but if it’s punching or something, the water friends in the live broadcast still know a little bit, especially this guillotine, which is used to describe Xiao Bai’s current state. Appropriate.

Yue Feng: "The name of the guillotine is very appropriate! But out of humanitarianism, we can't let this go on! Next I need to help Xiaobai to completely free the prey! High energy ahead! The scene is a bit bloody, everyone pay attention!"

I saw Yue Feng take off his saber from his waist and slowly squatted to Xiao Bai's side.

During this process, Yue Feng's movements were surprisingly soft, whistling as he approached. Although Xiao Bai was a little nervous, he still had some food reflexes against the whistle, and gradually relaxed his vigilance towards Yue Feng.

In the next second, Yue Feng grabbed the rabbit's hind leg with his left hand, and pierced the oblique ribs with a knife in his right hand into the heart, killing him with a single blow!

After the rabbit stopped struggling, Yue Feng slowly relaxed. Allowing Xiaobai to pluck his hairs on the spot, Yue Feng turned to retrieve his backpack and wooden stick.

When Yue Feng retrieved the backpack, Xiao Bai had almost plucked the rabbit's hair. Yue Feng squatted down again, made a knife to the position of the rabbit's abdomen, and stuffed the pure flesh he had with him when he came out.

Because the heart was stabbed, blood was already in the rabbit's abdomen. When the clean meat was stuffed in, it was slightly white, and when it was taken out, it was already covered with fresh rabbit blood.

"Today's first hunting can achieve such results, two rabbits, I feel very good! So today's hunting is here for the time being, the next step is to use fresh rabbit blood and clean meat to make blood food!" Yue Feng explained as he was busy.

"Blood food? What do you mean? What's the use?"

"It looks a bit bloody, but compared to the previous eyeballs, it's acceptable!"

"Brother Feng's hands are so steady, UU reading doesn't shake at all, but there is no toilet paper. Be careful of the blood on your hands, it's so difficult to clean!"

Yue Feng didn't care about this blood stain at all, and quickly took out the blood-soaked rabbit meat with his bare hands.

While working, he explained: "You may not understand blood food. This thing is explained in the traditional way. It is used to invigorate new eagles who have just started hunting!

In order to make the Falcon deceive, it is more serious to pinch food, that is to say, we are in a state of losing energy! At this moment, if there is a scale, Xiao Bai's weight must be much lighter than that of the net!

To explain scientifically, blood is the essence of animals. Feeding falcons with clean meat can restore physical energy and energy reserves faster!

And why use clean meat instead of fresh prey meat! There are also particulars.

The weight of the net meat is planned before we go out hunting, the extra part is only stained with blood! If Xiaobai is allowed to eat fresh meat until he is full, his food intake will be seriously exceeded, and a big crop will not be conducive to continued training tomorrow!

The eagle hunter is also called the eagle-handling style, and the eagle-handling style is the same as the food. Many times the state of the eagle is on this bite! Eat too little, the eagle does not have the physical strength to catch the prey, and can not fly for a few times.

Eat too much, the energy reserves in the body are too high, the desire for food is too low, not relatives, insensitive to the established reflexes, and it is easy to lose the eagle!

Just now I have been cautious when I approached. It is also reasonable to prevent the action from being too irritating to the eagle and causing startled flight! Now Xiao Bai has only two short openings on his claws. If he wants to fly, I can use it! "

It was another popular science, and the water friends were once again impressed by Yue Feng's professionalism.

As the old saying goes, insight into all things in the world is knowledge, and knowing what is happening is not a skill. Only by looking at the essence through phenomena and knowing why is the real master!

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