Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 810: Furious Kick Wolverine

Even if you are the overlord of the sky, they are not invincible in nature. The reason why they show all kinds of instincts to block food is not just to guard against humans. They have worked so hard to kill their prey, and they have been discovered by other predators. Robbery is also a frequent occurrence in the wild.

"Brothers, Wolverine! Not bad!" Yue Feng stopped rushing forward, holding the pine pole in his hand, hesitating.

This kind of wolverine has also been seen by Yue Feng around the camp before, but they are usually active at night. Yue Feng does not lack food and does not want to compete with it.

But now it’s different. This wolverine obviously wants to **** Xiaobai’s spoils as his own. It is only less than ten meters away from Yuefeng. Instead of turning around to escape, he jumped directly into the water quickly. Swim to the side of the swan and walk to the shore while holding it in its mouth.

Seeing this, it was like snatching Xiaobai's prey and preparing to take it away grandiosely!

When Yue Feng was watching the development of the situation, Xiao Bai stopped doing it, and saw that it re-adjusted its flying posture in the air after one wing swept about 30 meters, and dived toward the wolverine without hesitation.

With a height bonus of tens of meters, the speed of the dive is actually amazing.

I saw Xiaobai flying over the wolverine at an ultra-low altitude like silver lightning, and gave it a fierce kick!

The wolverine is a kind of animal, regardless of its combat effectiveness, but its reaction speed is not as agile as cats. Just now Xiaobai's first dive attack, its response was obviously slower, and his back was kicked. Didn't even fight back.

Seeing this scene, Yue Feng's taut heart relaxed a little: "Brothers! Xiaobai is planning to beat the wolverine together! I feel that the wolverine should not be agile enough to be dangerous to Xiaobai. Let Xiaobai Play for a while and see if you can take this guy down!"

Spear Falcon vs. Wolverine, this level of excitement is no worse than the little white plate hunting swan. After Yue Feng made his decision, countless 666s were used on the public frequency.

Looking at the battle by the lake at this time, Xiaobai's dive attacks time and time again, almost every foot can accurately kick the Wolverine's head, back, spine and other positions.

Under the continuous dive attack, the kick was puffed! The gluttonous wolverine was kicked only to parry, not to fight back!

A good falcon, in addition to having plenty of physical stamina, must also have a fierce hunting ability. It is an excellent quality that the hunters of classical falconry are very fond of.

Falcon hunting takes a dive to speed up kicking and kicking. It is a trick more than eagles and eagles to subdue their prey by brute force, but the wolverine in front of him is only 20 or 30 kilograms to death. The size and weight of an adult individual.

This gave Xiaobai a certain amount of room to play.

The wolverine, who had been on several feet in succession, could no longer take care of the swan meat at the moment. He barked his teeth and roared in terror, turning around in circles to avoid the attack, and could not touch the attacking opponent. It looks funny.

After being kicked so hard, the wolverine just landed on its hind legs and stood up, and his teeth became more and more fierce.

But obviously, this guy made the wrong calculation!

In the face of beast battles on the ground, people can stand up to a big advantage.

However, in the face of a dive attack by the Air Force, the only remaining mobility is lost.

In the next second, Xiao Bai looked at the opportunity and dived down from the air again. A fierce kick came towards the back of the wolverine's head!

Hearing only a bang, the wolverine was kicked and shook his head several times on the ground, trying to get up again. As a result, he didn't get up, but the dark red blood came out from his nose.

Seeing this scene, Yue Feng and all the water friends in the live broadcast room said a good hello, this kick is in a great position, awesome!

Seeing that the wolverine was lying motionless on the ground, Yue Feng was afraid that Xiaobai would suffer a loss after landing, so he rushed over with the stick.

When I got there, I didn't say anything, but first rounded a stick, and now the wolverine was completely out of breath!

Originally only wanted to hunt a swan, Yue Feng was satisfied, but he did not expect to have an unexpected gain today!

Yue Feng took out his saber and did not hesitate to bleed the wolverine's neck carotid artery. Then he took out the artificial bait and whistled, calling Xiao Bai who had been hovering in the air.

Look at the public frequency again, this visual feast completely impressed the water friends!

"Fuck! Xiaobai is awesome! Is this a wolverine? Can this be kicked to death?"

"Who joked before that Xiaobai can hunt elephants, now I believe it and I am convinced!"

"Damn it's so enjoyable, it's so awesome! I dared to **** food from the eagle's mouth, now it's good, I'll take my life!"

"How heavy is this wolverine? It doesn't seem to be that big at close range! It doesn't look like the wolverine in my mind!"

Yue Feng stood upside down on the hind legs of the wolverine to drain the blood, touched the limbs and back of the wolverine with his hand, then took a look and explained: "An adult wolverine can grow up to 40 or 50 catties. , Obviously, this is a juvenile little guy! I guess it looks like seventeen or eight pounds!

Wolverine will leave his mother to live independently after one year old. Obviously, this little guy is not lucky! I did a simple check just now, don’t look at his size, but he feels thin to the touch! "

The last chance to eat a lot before the cold winter, all wild creatures are busy storing enough fat for the winter. The reason why this awkward looking wolverine is not willing to give up when he sees it. The meat of the swan can already explain the problem. If UU reading does not accumulate enough fat reserves, such individuals are likely to be eliminated by the harsh winter weather.

"Um, juvenile wolverine? I said, I think this thing should be about the size of a small bear! We also have a kind of badger by the Yellow River beach here, and they caught up to 60 or 70 Heavy!"

"People die for money and birds die for food. In order to eat swan meat to catch up with their lives, it is bad luck to count it!"

"It's still Xiaobai Niubi, the kick that came from the back of the head just now when I found the right opportunity, it was so handsome! I kicked it several times in front and didn't hurt my muscles and bones, and the last kick was straightforward!"

"The screen recording has been saved, Brother Feng is waiting for the hot search!"

"Wait for me upstairs, let me post the video first! Follow Brother Feng for some fans!!"


With all kinds of noises on the public frequency, Yue Feng calmed down. Without hesitation, he opened a hole next to the wolverine's ear with a knife, and blew the whistle loudly. Hello Xiaobai, start eating!

Hearing the whistle of eating, Xiaobai was panting in a fierce battle, but without hesitation, his claws firmly grasped the wolverine's head, followed the opening of Yuefeng, and swallowed fresh flesh and blood. .

It was a swan and a wolverine again. Yue Feng's hunting mission today was successfully completed. Xiaobai was eating next to him. Yue Feng took the swan harvested today and showed it to the water friends.

This is an adult swan. No matter its feathers or body shape, it is slightly different from yesterday's one. It is heavier and hardly lighter than the half-sized wolverine in the hand. Its body is thick. Adult feathers.

A simple check on the neck, Yue Feng found the fatal wound of this swan, good guy, the thick neck, the neck bone was directly kicked and broken, only a small half of the muscle and the outer skin were connected. It's too ferocious.

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