Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 819: survivor

Yue Feng shook his head and said with certainty: "The fox is a very clever animal, it will not be so easily raised in captivity! I don't know if any brother in our live broadcast room has read a previous book called Wolf Totem , The story of a man raising a wolf cub! It seems to be made into a movie!"

"Ah? Can't it be tamed? Xiaobai is also very smart, and he is still obediently by your side now! I'm full of food and drink, even if I don't wear a hat, I'm pretty good!"

"It would be great if this white fox could be like the cat in the house!"

"I have seen the wolf totem, and I can understand what Brother Feng said. I am still curious how close the relationship between wild foxes and people can be through reasonable approach!"

Yue Feng smiled and said, "I can't say that, but it's okay to get along with each other and have a certain basic interaction! Now that the weather is so cold and food is so scarce, it is difficult for these little foxes to survive in nature!

Our existence means that it has raised its survivability to an extra level and added a source of food! However, in the long run, it is not very good for the continuation of their population! Do you guys know why I have to find opportunities to let Xiaobaipan fly every day as much as possible? "

"I know this, keep your physical strength and exercise volume!"

Yue Feng nodded: "Yes, keep Xiao Bai's exercise volume! We can't bring it back to China. When the shooting is over, it must be released into the wilderness!

I recommend that the reading app I am using recently, [\Mic\Mic\Reading\app\\] There are many sources of books, all books, and fast updates!

Xiao Bai is a falcon. In our hands, it has learned more hunting skills. This is positive for the long-term survival of the Spearfalcon race, but the fox cannot learn more. From this point of view, the Arctic Fox and Xiao Bai are completely different! "

"Okay, I see! The challenge is over in ten days, so it's kind of sad for Brother Feng to say this!"

"Yes, yeah, before you know it, Brother Feng has been living for the 50th day, so fast!"

Yue Feng stretched his arms and glanced at the sky outside through the igloo: "Humans are social creatures. Fortunately, everyone starts broadcasting to accompany me every day. I feel better! If there is no live broadcast, people with insufficient willpower say It may be crazy!"

Just as Yue Feng and the friends in the live broadcast room had feelings, the American bald guy in the live broadcast room No. 1 was experiencing hysteria.

The bald guy, whose real name is Ken, is 46 years old. He originally worked as a wilderness hunter coach. He worked in a training organization, where he taught the wealthy and leisurely wealthy people to learn archery, shooting, hunting and other wilderness skills.

Before accepting the invitation and challenge, Ken was confident. He chose the most trusted long-range weapon, bows and arrows, and also brought a close hunting knife and a fire stick. With these basic materials, Ken is confident that any wild animals will appear in the world. The place to survive, and will live well.

But from the first day when he landed at the challenge location, the harsh environment of a complete stranger taught him a lesson.

The animal resources and the external environment near the Arctic Circle are completely different from the jungle coniferous forests that Ken used to be good at. It took him nearly a week before he gradually adjusted back.

The wasteland lacks plants and animals. In the first two weeks, Ken has not caught any decent large prey. Most of the time, he relies on squirrels and hares to barely survive.

Yue Feng confirmed with actual performance that fishing is the god-level skill for survival, but Ken didn't even bring the simplest fish hook.

By the time it was learned through live communication that other challengers could harvest dozens of fatty fish a day, half a month had passed. The fish hooks were ground with the most primitive bones for fishing. Just this, more than a dozen smoked fish were stored. .

Before the food was scarce and there was no sufficient reserve, after the last ten days of heavy winds and snow began, Ken's life became even more difficult. On the fiftieth day of the challenge, Ken had eaten up his last little food reserve.

The long-term nutritional deficiencies caused his stamina to decline drastically, and he gasped for breath when he moved a little bit harder. His original sturdy and vigorous body had already lost a circle at this moment, and his face was thin.

Without food, the snowfall covered most of the traps and made him lose his food source. He used his old nose to smash an ice eye on the ice and tried to fish. As a result, the fish were pulled to the ice eye hole and the fishing line was broken. The fish carrying the most precious bone hook was also lost.

"Ah!!!" The depression accumulated in my heart for a long time broke out at this moment. Ken sat on the ice in despair and screamed, but to no avail.

He has been hungry for a day. If the fish can be pulled up just now, he can hold on for at least two more days. Even if the fish is lost, as long as there is a hook, Ken will continue to fish.

But now, nothing is gone!

After an hour and a half, a helicopter from the program team flew to pick up Ken who gave up the challenge. The final challenger was only three people left, Yue Feng, Miss Indian No. 6, UU Reading, and Black No. 8. Boy Claude.

Miss Indian No. 6 is a botanist, and the start was also not going well. The previous week almost all lived on various lichens and plant rhizomes. Under the reminder of the viewers in the live broadcast room, she tried to net fishing. The fishing nets have been well harvested for a while, and only then have they gradually stabilized.

However, when the challenge came to this point, the ice surface was more than 30 centimeters thick, and fishing with a simple fishing net was no longer feasible. At this moment, Miss 6 still has food reserves for three fish, and the condition is also not very good.

Let's talk about No. 8 Claude, this veteran is considered to be the happiest player living in the challenge except Yue Feng. He received a porcupine on the first day of the challenge, and directly received almost a week's worth of food.

After waiting for the very experienced hunting ground terrain, in addition to daily small traps to replenish food reserves, I want to hunt big prey.

The effort paid off, and he really hunted down an adult musk ox. At this moment, Claude's food "safe" made of logs contains at least a few hundred catties of top-quality musk beef. It will last another month. It's also very easy.

The weather is freezing and it is almost impossible to go hunting, but the daily live broadcast of the black guy is a bit low-level. At first, he wanted to have some fun to communicate with the audience, but there was Yuefeng Zhuyu in front, whether it was an ugly guitar made by him. It was still a crappy clay sculpture, and there were very few reactions. Many people went to his live broadcast room every day to find out more about the situation and then report to Yue Feng.

The days are still unhurried, Yue Feng's daily routine has become relatively fixed, returning to the shelter at night to rest, coming to the igloo during the day to broadcast live fishing, teasing the fox during the period, or watching the opportunity to give Xiaobai the next bait tray Flying training, life is very comfortable.

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