Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 835: Gangster

Unknowingly, the temperature gradually picked up, and the spring flowers bloomed, and the fishing gear spring exhibition in Tianjin Meijiang arrived as scheduled.

Last year, as the dark horse company in the forefront of the development momentum of the entire domestic fishing tackle circle, Yuefeng Fishing Tackle experienced a near-leap-forward development. No matter the company size, the staffing, or the richness of the product line, they are not the same as the last time they came to the exhibition. language.

With the help of Teacher Hua, the exhibition hall of Yuefeng Fishing Tackle was selected as Hall 003 in Hall N1.

It may be that many people in Hall 003 don’t know the concept. Let’s put it this way, Hall N is a first-line brand fishing gear hall. The entrance fee for the exhibition in three days is more than 8w. This is only the fee paid by the preparation team. Location Such a good exhibition hall, with double the price, can still sell without worry.

The entrance is Exhibition Hall 001, the old ghost fishing bait, No. 2 on the left, Fahrenheit, and two steps forward, it is 003 Yuefeng Fishing Tackle.

Being able to fight against big brands like the old ghost Fahrenheit has proved its own strength.

It stands to reason that with Yue Feng’s current status, there is no need to lead a team to organize the exhibition. In terms of the company’s business development, it is natural that the following middle-level leaders of the Investment Promotion Department will lead the team to participate in the exhibition.

However, in addition to participating in the exhibition, this time there will be an annual meeting about the fishing tackle industry league and the club league that will start soon, so Yue Feng also came to Tianjin with his doll.

The employees who set off for the fishing gear exhibition took four cars, plus two vans, and arrived at the scheduled three-star hotel one day in advance.

Yue Feng and Wawa did not go with the workers, but drove over in person one day late.

By the time Yue Feng and the team members met, the huge exhibition hall had already been set up.

Looking at the schematic diagram of the booth, I didn't feel much in my heart. After seeing the booth close to 80 square meters, Yue Feng felt the charm of money.

Damn, this booth is so beautifully arranged.

Different models of products are divided into categories, which not only show the advantages of the product, but also show the rigidity of the big brands, showing the effect of max.

Based on Yue Feng's growing popularity, he met a large number of fans and acquaintances at the exhibition, took photos and autographed various kinds of photos, and Yue Feng was always willing to come and chat with the water friends in the rest area, drinking tea and chatting happily.

After staying in the exhibition hall until more than two o'clock in the afternoon, Yue Feng couldn't hold it anymore. He didn't take a good rest during the long-distance driving, and the arrival and departure on the day of the exhibition made him a little tired.

Seeing Yue Feng's face a little haggard, the doll handed over a bottle of mineral water: "Fengfeng, do you want to go back to sleep in advance? Your face is a little ugly!"

Yue Feng just wanted to nod his head when he suddenly felt the phone in his pocket vibrate.

He made a gesture and hurriedly took a look.

It's Teacher Hua's phone number.

"Hello? Teacher Hua, hello!" Yue Feng greeted respectfully.

"Where? Are you busy?"

"Are you busy, it's in the exhibition hall! What instructions?"

"Don't be busy taking you to meet someone, now come out of the exhibition hall, go to the door and wait, I will arrange for someone to pick you up!"


Teacher Hua is a senior of Yue Feng, and the relationship between the two can be regarded as both a teacher and a friend. It is a bit of a yearning relationship. Hearing that the old man wanted to introduce a friend to himself, Yue Feng agreed without hesitation.

"Go, accompany me out, Teacher Hua will introduce me to friends!"

Yue Feng greeted the doll, and the two of them greeted the staff and left the exhibition hall in advance.

After standing at the door and waiting for about a few minutes, a Mercedes Benz drove directly to the door of the exhibition hall.

The security staff who had been extremely strict with vehicle management did not move forward at all after seeing the special pass under the car glass, as if this magnificent car did not exist.

Soon, a young guy in his twenties got out of the car.

"Hello, is it Teacher Yue Feng? Mr. Hua asked me to pick you up, let's go!"

"Yes, it's me! In trouble!"

Yue Feng took the doll hall and got into the back seat, then the car turned around skillfully and went straight to a small independent building in the northeast corner of the Convention and Exhibition Center.

Compared with the huge and magnificent style of the convention and exhibition center, this small building looks much more low-key. The three-story structure does not look like mountains and dews, but the luxury cars in the parking lot reveal the extraordinary here. Yuefeng is just casual After a glance, the worst of the cars parked here is a new BMW 5 Series.

"Brother driver, what unit is this?" Wawa asked curiously.

"Oh, this is not a work unit, this is a private residence, the old come to Mr. Chen as a guest!"

The young man responded, instead of making Wawa and Yue Feng more awake, they were even more confused.

Private residence? Mr. Chen in the driver's mouth does not know what is sacred!

After the car stopped, the guy took Yue Feng and the doll directly into the door. The inconspicuous decoration on the outside was luxurious at least a few big grades in the house.

After turning a few turns on the first floor, Yue Feng and Wawa were taken to the door of an office, and they were sent there. The younger brother said hello and turned away.

Yue Feng glanced around and knocked on the door calmly.

After three steady knocks, a hearty laugh came from the room. U U Reading

"Come in!"

Yue Feng and the doll opened the door and found that the room was a large space of at least 60 square meters.

The furnishings in the room have the charm of Chinese architecture. Bogu racks, screens, the position of the field of vision, and green plants such as orchids are placed as a finishing touch. After entering the door, it looks very comfortable at first glance.

Please help me, [Mimi Reading App] can steal book tickets like stealing food. Come steal the book tickets of your friends and vote for me.

Teacher Hua and two other middle-aged people in their fifties are sitting at the tea table in the southwest corner and drinking tea. The room is burning with agarwood, and you can smell a faint smell from opening the door, Yuefeng. At this moment, a small incense burner is working. The tea table is not far away from the scent of Ruoyouruowu.

"Teacher Hua, I'm here! I don't know how the elders are called!" Yue Feng greeted him decently, neither humble nor overbearing, just right.

"Good teacher Hua, good elders!" Wawa also cried out cleverly.

"Haha, the doll is here too, come and sit!" Teacher Hua greeted, and Yue Feng and the doll sat in the empty seats beside the tea table.

"Introduce you two. This is Lao Chen and Chen Jinnan! This is Lao Xu and Xu Huairui. They have been my friends for many years! The Tianjin Fishing Tackle Exhibition is the one that Lao Chen's company is responsible for following up and matching! This time I will help you. The booth in Hall N is also their greeting for help!"

"Thank you Uncle Chen and Uncle Xu for helping!" Yue Feng thanked again.

Chen Jinnan looked forty-seven or eighteen years old. He was sturdy in shape, sitting upright, and wearing a well-fitted formal suit meticulously. I don't know if the waist is straight, giving Yue Feng a feeling of military background.

In contrast, Xu Huairui's sense of existence would be worse. After Yue Feng entered the door, he had been drinking tea most of the time, only raising his head and glanced.

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