Live Fishing Studio

Chapter 839: Emotional Tutor·Yue Feng

Zhao Zheng, who used to kill countless game flowers in the past, suddenly turned into a shackled first-time brother. After hearing the doll's suggestion, his expression was very resisting.

Yue Feng glanced at him: "What? Are you shy? Or I will call for you?"

One sentence to help you spurred Zhao Zheng's nerves completely.

He gritted his teeth: "I'll do it myself!"

Soon, Zhao Zheng found out the phone number stored on the phone for a long time, and dialed it out.

Thousands of miles away in Sioux City, Ma Tingting is attending a fashion design secondary school.

Today is Friday, and there is a class in the afternoon. The little girl is very happy when she thinks that tomorrow will be a weekend vacation.

In addition to following the old horse's eyes and fond of fishing since childhood, Ma Tingting also has a dream to be an international fashion designer.

Because the affair with Zhao Zheng was a bit big before, the old man fishing couldn't let it go. Later, he asked a friend to find a relationship and went to this technical secondary school to learn fashion design.

It's just a little girl in her early twenties. It's better to find a school than to think about it at home and look at her door. It is also a good thing to change to a new environment.

It is said that time is the best medicine, and it is true. After experiencing the dark and difficult time before, Ma Tingting recovered and got along well with the classmates in the new environment.

Insert an app: Perfectly reproduce the old version of the book-chasing artifact, an interchangeable app-Mimi Reading.

At this moment, the teacher is giving a professional class on the podium. The best friend at the same table is looking down and chasing the drama with a mobile phone. Ma Tingting sits on the side and takes care of cover.

At this moment, Ma Tingting suddenly felt the vibration of the mobile phone in his pocket.

Ma Tingting didn't have many friends at first. After the old number was cancelled by her father, even fewer people knew about the new number.

I thought it was a call for insurance or credit card sales, and I would get it every other time. Ma Tingting didn't take it seriously either. Usually it hangs up after 20 seconds of ringing.

But after shaking for a while, Ma Tingting took out his phone and took a look.

Just seeing the caller ID number, the expression on Ma Tingting's face suddenly changed!

It's Zhao Zheng, the boyfriend who swears to each other with himself, but his dad provokes pornography!

It's the father who knocked out the child by himself! It is also the man Ma Tingting dared not mention from the bottom of her heart, and felt painful every time she thought of it.

Ma Tingting didn't answer the phone immediately, but raised her hand very decisively to report.

"Report teacher, I feel sick and want to go to the bathroom!"

The girl’s stomach is uncomfortable, a very common problem, and the substitute teacher didn’t take it seriously. He nodded, agreed, and continued to teach.

Ma Tingting grabbed the phone and walked out of the classroom with a shaking hand, and ran to the water room before stopping.

The phone has been hung up, and the red missed call notification looks a bit dazzling.

At the other end, Zhao Zheng's phone rang until no one answered him, and he felt helpless.

"No one answered! She shouldn't want to get involved with me again, after all, she had miscarried her before, so miserable!"

At this moment, Gong Zheng's phone rang, and Ma Tingting called back.

Yue Feng curled his mouth and motioned for him to answer, and Gong Zheng bit his scalp and picked it up.



Ma Tingting on the phone didn't speak, only a heavy gasp from the speaker.

"Are you listening? I'm Zhao Zheng!"

"Uuuuu..." Ma Tingting was out of control and burst into tears.

"Oh, don't you cry, don't cry, can't you!"

"I thought you wouldn't care about me in your whole life! Uuuuu..."

"Where are you now? Brother Feng and I, as well as the baby, are on the way to the fishing base of the Chinese school!"

"Aren't you banned by your family? Your dad allowed you to fish again?"

"No, I ran away from home! Now I am self-reliant, mixing with Brother Feng, and playing professionally in Brother Feng's club. The club league qualifiers are about to start in more than ten days. Let's go to the Chinese school for training in advance!"

"Wait for me, I will book a ticket to go back!" The little girl hung up the phone without hesitation after listening to Zhao Zheng's current situation.

Schoolbags, personal belongings, bedclothes and luggage in the dormitory, nothing more, no more books! At this moment, Zhao Zheng is everything to her!

The little girl is back home like an arrow!

As for the old horse? Ma Tingting made a decision when he heard the words Zhao Zheng ran away from home. If the old Ma still stopped him, then the big deal would be to run away from home and elope with Zhao Zheng!

After hanging up the phone for a long time, Zhao Zheng still didn't respond. He just said a few words and then hung up!

But he understands the meaning, people should be out of town and come back by car!

"This will be solved! What a big deal! You take the initiative, the problem has been solved!" Yue Feng grinned, full of accomplishment.

Is it possible that a straight man like steel himself has the potential to be an emotional mentor?

"What should I do over the old horse? What if I have to make trouble again?" Zhao Zheng said with some worry.

Lao Ma was famous for his stubborn temper, which Zhao Zheng and Yue Feng had already learned.

However, Yue Feng had his own experience of meeting the old man, and he was quite sure at the moment.

"Simple, when we get to the city, let's buy a gift for apologizing, and just give him a plea! Show your attitude, give him enough steps, and then make a guarantee! I will ask Teacher Hua to help you as a guarantee!

After all, isn’t it good to be a father for your daughters? We are not a heinous murderer, so what is there to worry about?

If you hit Datian, you just don't agree, and then you two elope! When the raw rice becomes cooked, you can take it back with your child. "

After hearing this, Zhao Zheng didn't respond, but the doll in the back seat couldn't help but vomit for the first time.

"I found a problem. There are bad guys among the people, Fengfeng, you have learned it badly! These are all theories you learned from! They are all shameless and rascal moves!"

Yue Feng curled his mouth and stepped on the accelerator under his feet one more point, and Lexus's surging power suddenly accelerated.

"Isn't this the reality? There are so many unsolvable knots between relatives. For example, before you took me to your house, was it different in my heart?

What's the result? Bring the gift, put the attitude, the girl is still with me in desperation!

No matter how good the old horse is, and if he wants to save face, just kneel down to him, right? My brother, at any rate, is also very talented. He is a talented person. As long as he treats his daughters sincerely, it is the old Ma family who has climbed high! "

"You, you are shameless!" The doll made a big red face when Yue Feng was a little rude but very real.

Yue Feng didn’t care about the contempt of the doll at all, and continued: “But let’s say it first, I can save my face and help you, but you can’t just behave like before! Let’s not start chaos and give up. This is the bottom line. Otherwise, my brother won't have to do it!"

Zhao Zheng nodded: "Okay, just do what you said!"

In the other cars, the team members were discussing various things about the training game. However, the captain Yue Feng was promoted to an emotional expert, and Zhao Zheng's emotional problem was solved abruptly.

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